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Globalmente, o aumento da esperança média de vida e o envelhecimento populacional são resultado do aumento do número de pessoas com doenças crónicas e incuráveis, sendo o domicílio o local maioritariamente eleito para cuidados no fim de vida. Os Cuidados Paliativos visam aliviar o sofrimento e promover a qualidade de vida e a dignidade destas pessoas. A família, incluída na unidade de cuidados como recetora e parceira, enfrenta várias exigências, e as equipas de Cuidados Paliativos devem focar-se na sua capacitação para satisfação das necessidades de ambos. Surge assim a problemática: “Qual a intervenção do Enfermeiro Especialista na promoção da capacitação do Cuidador Familiar da Pessoa em Situação Paliativa em fim de vida, no domicílio?”, desenvolvendo-se um projeto formativo que visa identificar as necessidades e as intervenções de enfermagem para capacitar o cuidador familiar, e melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados prestados.
O projeto seguiu a Metodologia de Trabalho de Projeto e incluiu um protocolo de Scoping Review para mapear as necessidades de cuidados de enfermagem dos cuidadores familiares, resultando na criação de uma grelha de observação dos mesmos para aplicação na prática. A partir do mapeamento da literatura e observação da prática, foram identificadas as necessidades destes cuidadores e desenvolvidas intervenções específicas de enfermagem para a sua capacitação. Um Guia de Orientação da Prática foi elaborado para facilitar esta capacitação pelas equipas de cuidados, centrado na família e na satisfação das necessidades multidimensionais perante défice de autocuidado.
O presente relatório, inserido no 1º Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica na área de enfermagem à Pessoa em Situação Paliativa, espelha o percurso realizado nos estágios (Equipa Intra-hospitalar de Suporte em Cuidados Paliativos, e Equipa de Apoio Domiciliário) e no desenvolvimento do projeto formativo, bem como os seus resultados e contributos, através dos quais considero ter atingido a finalidade proposta e o desenvolvimento das competências específicas de Enfermeira Especialista em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica na área de enfermagem à Pessoa em Situação Paliativa e de Mestre.
Globally, the increase in life expectancy and population aging are due to the rising number of people with chronic and incurable diseases, with the home being predominantly chosen for end-of-life care. Palliative Care aims to alleviate suffering and promote the quality of life and dignity of these individuals. The family, included in the care unit as a recipient and partner, faces various demands, and Palliative Care teams should focus on their training to meet the needs of both. This raises the issue: "What is the role of the Specialist Nurse in promoting the training of the Family Caregiver of the Person in Palliative Care at home?" A training project was developed to identify nursing needs and interventions to train the family caregiver and improve the quality of care provided. The project followed the Project Work Methodology and included a Scoping Review protocol to map the nursing care needs of family caregivers, resulting in the creation of an observation grid for practical application. Based on the literature mapping and practice observation, the needs of these caregivers were identified, and specific nursing interventions were developed for their training. A Practice Guidance Guide was developed to facilitate caregiver training by the care teams, centered on the family and meeting their multidimensional needs in the face of self-care deficits. This report, part of the 1st Master's Degree Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing in the area of Palliative Care Nursing, reflects the journey undertaken during internships (Intra-Hospital Support Team in Palliative Care and Home Palliative Care Unit), the training project development, and its results and contributions, through which I consider having achieved the proposed objectives and developed the specific competencies of a Specialist Nurse in Medical-Surgical Nursing for Persons in Palliative Situation and of a Master.
Globally, the increase in life expectancy and population aging are due to the rising number of people with chronic and incurable diseases, with the home being predominantly chosen for end-of-life care. Palliative Care aims to alleviate suffering and promote the quality of life and dignity of these individuals. The family, included in the care unit as a recipient and partner, faces various demands, and Palliative Care teams should focus on their training to meet the needs of both. This raises the issue: "What is the role of the Specialist Nurse in promoting the training of the Family Caregiver of the Person in Palliative Care at home?" A training project was developed to identify nursing needs and interventions to train the family caregiver and improve the quality of care provided. The project followed the Project Work Methodology and included a Scoping Review protocol to map the nursing care needs of family caregivers, resulting in the creation of an observation grid for practical application. Based on the literature mapping and practice observation, the needs of these caregivers were identified, and specific nursing interventions were developed for their training. A Practice Guidance Guide was developed to facilitate caregiver training by the care teams, centered on the family and meeting their multidimensional needs in the face of self-care deficits. This report, part of the 1st Master's Degree Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing in the area of Palliative Care Nursing, reflects the journey undertaken during internships (Intra-Hospital Support Team in Palliative Care and Home Palliative Care Unit), the training project development, and its results and contributions, through which I consider having achieved the proposed objectives and developed the specific competencies of a Specialist Nurse in Medical-Surgical Nursing for Persons in Palliative Situation and of a Master.
Enfermagem de cuidados paliativos na terminalidade da vida Cuidados de enfermagem Características de Residência Tutoria Cuidadores