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Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar um plano de negócios para uma webradio – Hip Hop Rádio – com sede em Lisboa. Esta rádio tem como principal intuito servir a cultura hip-hop incidindo no que se faz em Portugal relativamente às suas quatro vertentes: breakdance, rap, graffiti e DJing. Pretende fazê-lo apresentando um serviço de qualidade e autêntico que englobe rádio, publicidade e jornalismo. Os principais fatores de diferenciação da rádio serão os diversos serviços para público, artistas e empresas, todos estes prestados de forma descontraída, personalizada, acessível e adaptada a cada cliente. Tendo sempre em conta os desafios e particularidades do online, irá praticar uma atividade radiofónica, de publicidade e jornalística adequada a cada um dos seus tipos de cliente. Este projeto pretende também difundir todos os conteúdos relacionados com a cultura hip-hop, sejam estes de carácter mainstream ou underground, desde que possuam qualidade suficiente para merecer reconhecimento. Seguindo a metodologia para criação de planos de negócios presente no site do IAPMEI – Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação, foi possível apurar que o projeto é viável: com um investimento de 180.500 € e um volume de negócios de 210.970 € no primeiro ano e superior a 300.000 € nos anos seguintes, apresenta um valor atual líquido (VAL) de 121.819 € que resulta de uma taxa interna de rentabilidade (TIR) de 52,55%, e o retorno do investimento ocorre no terceiro ano. Este é, portanto, um projeto que tem uma grande margem de progressão e um elevado potencial de sucesso.
The main objective of this study is to present a Business Plan of a web radio – Hip Hop Radio – based in Lisbon. Focusing on Portugal, this radio has as main goal to show the Hip Hop culture and its four strands: breakdance, rap, graffiti and DJing. It aims to deliver a unique and good quality service that includes radio, advertisement, and journalism. What makes Hip Hop Radio difference is the range of services it provides to the community, artists, and companies, all are provided in a relaxed, personalized, friendly, and near to the costumer way. Considering the challenge and particularities of ‘online’, will practice a radio, advertising, and journalistic activity suitable to fill each client needs. Also, knowing that the Hip Hop culture has a wide range of content, whether mainstream or underground, this project aims to include all, if enough quality is shown to deserve that recognition. Following the methodology for creating business plans on the website of IAPMEI - Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, it was found that the project is viable: with an investment of € 180.500 and a volume business of € 210.970 in the first year and greater than € 300.000 in the following years, it has a net present value (NPV) of € 121.819 which results from an internal rate of return (IRR) of 52,55%, and the return on investment occurs in the third year. This is, therefore, a project that has a large margin for progression and a high potential for success.
The main objective of this study is to present a Business Plan of a web radio – Hip Hop Radio – based in Lisbon. Focusing on Portugal, this radio has as main goal to show the Hip Hop culture and its four strands: breakdance, rap, graffiti and DJing. It aims to deliver a unique and good quality service that includes radio, advertisement, and journalism. What makes Hip Hop Radio difference is the range of services it provides to the community, artists, and companies, all are provided in a relaxed, personalized, friendly, and near to the costumer way. Considering the challenge and particularities of ‘online’, will practice a radio, advertising, and journalistic activity suitable to fill each client needs. Also, knowing that the Hip Hop culture has a wide range of content, whether mainstream or underground, this project aims to include all, if enough quality is shown to deserve that recognition. Following the methodology for creating business plans on the website of IAPMEI - Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation, it was found that the project is viable: with an investment of € 180.500 and a volume business of € 210.970 in the first year and greater than € 300.000 in the following years, it has a net present value (NPV) of € 121.819 which results from an internal rate of return (IRR) of 52,55%, and the return on investment occurs in the third year. This is, therefore, a project that has a large margin for progression and a high potential for success.
Projeto aplicado apresentado à escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Empresariais.
Rádio Empreendedorismo Hip-Hop Investimento Plano de Negócios Música Órgão de Comunicação Social Entrepreneurship Investment Business Plan Music Media