Research Project
A wireless sensors suite for Smart Grid applications
Publication . Grilo, António; Sarmento, Helena; Nunes, Mário; Gonçalves, José; Pereira, Paulo; Casaca, Augusto; Fortunato, Carlos
This paper presents a demonstrator of a Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network (WSAN) for Smart Grid applications, developed in the context of project WSAN4CIP. This WSAN is formed by WSAN nodes equipped with sensors and a wireless radio interface, which monitor key parameters of power grid equipments belonging to the Medium Voltage (MV) and Low Voltage (LV) segments. The measurements are reported to the SCADA system and constitute the basis of both safety and security services to improve the power grid distribution dependability. This paper describes the hardware of the sensor nodes and presents the respective performance results, attesting the feasibility of the proposed solutions.
Fault location in an electrical energy distribution infrastructure with a wireless sensor network
Publication . Fortunato, Carlos; Casaca, Augusto; Grilo, António; Santos, Miguel
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the applicability of wireless systems in the localization of faults in the energy distribution network. The hardware and software architectures of the envisaged sensor solution will also be described and finally, the integration of this system into Smart Grids will be discussed in terms of automatic fault analysis. A pilot system has been tested in a subset of the Portuguese energy distribution infrastructure operated by EDP Energias de Portugal. It presents a new approach to a fault locator system for the power network. The purpose is to obtain faster and more reliable information about the disruptions in the power distribution network and their location. Furthermore, the wireless sensors allow remote detection of medium and low voltage (MV/LV)
power transformer hotspots in order to identify emerging malfunction as well as detection of intrusion in the MV/LV power transformers.
A wireless sensor and actuator network for improving the electrical power grid dependability
Publication . Grilo, António; Casaca, Augusto; Pereira, Paulo; Buttyan, Levente; Gonçalves, José; Fortunato, Carlos
This paper presents an overview of a Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network (WSAN) used to monitor an electrical power grid distribution infrastructure. The WSAN employs appropriate sensors to monitor key grid components, integrating both safety and security services, which improve the grid distribution dependability. The supported applications include, among others, video surveillance of remote secondary substations, which imposes special requirements from the point of view of quality of service and reliability. The paper
presents the hardware and software architecture of the system together with performance results.
Energy and quality of service management in wireless multimedia sensor networks
Publication . Pereira, Paulo; Gonçalves, José; Grilo, António; Fortunato, Carlos; Nunes, Mário; Casaca, Augusto
Sensor networks are composed of resource constrained nodes that capture data from the environment, preprocess it and then transmit it to a sink node. This paper presents a scenario for monitoring an electricity distribution network, an energy analysis of the used sensor nodes and an intelligent energy and quality of service (QoS) manager. This manager continuously adapts the provided QoS according to the energy level of the nodes.
Fault location in an electrical energy distribution infrastructure with a wireless sensor network
Publication . Fortunato, Carlos; Casaca, Augusto; Grilo, António; Santos, Miguel
This article presents a detailed analysis of the applicability of wireless systems in the localization of faults in the energy distribution network. The hwardware and software architectures of the envised sensor solution will also be described and finally, the integration of this system into Smart Grids will be discussed in terms of automatic fault analysis. A pilot system has been tested in a subset of the Portuguese energy distribution infrastructure operated by EDP Energias de Portugal. It presents a new approach to a fault locator system for the power network. The purpose is to obtain faster and more reliable information about the disruptions in the power distribution network and their location. Furthermore, the wireless sensors allow remote detection of medium and low voltage (MV/LV) power transformer hotspots in order to identify emerging malfunction as well as detection of intrusion in the MV/LV power transformers.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
European Commission
Funding programme
Funding Award Number