31 results
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- Comparing assessment tools as candidates for personalized nutritional evaluation of senior citizens in a nursing homePublication . Sousa-Catita, Diogo; Bernardo, Maria Alexandra; Santos, Carla Adriana; Silva, Maria Leonor; Mascarenhas, Paulo; Godinho, Catarina; Fonseca, JorgeNutrition is an important health issue for seniors. In nursing homes, simple, inexpensive, fast, and validated tools to assess nutritional risk/status are indispensable. A multisurvey cross-sectional study with a convenient sample was created, comparing five nutritional screening/assessment tools and the time required for each, in order to identify the most useful instrument for a nursing home setting. Nutrition risk/status was evaluated using the following tools: Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF), Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST), Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002), and calf girth (CG). The time spent completing each tool was recorded. Eighty-three subjects were included. MNA-SF and CG were the screening tools that ranked highest with regards to malnutrition identification. CG failed to identify nutritional risk/malnutrition in seniors with lower limb edema. CG was the fastest tool while SGA was the slowest. This was the first study comparing non-invasive nutritional tools with time expended as a consideration in the implementation. CG is responsive, fast, and reliable in elders without edema. MNA-SF was more efficient at detecting malnutrition cases in the elderly population. Both MNA-SF and CG are considered the most suitable for the nursing home setting.
- Relationship between blood and standard biochemistry levels with periodontitis in Parkinson’s disease patients: data from the NHANES 2011–2012Publication . Botelho, João; Lyra, Patrícia; Proença, Luis; Godinho, Catarina; Mendes, José João; Machado, VanessaPeople with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) are associated with the presence of periodontitis. We aimed to compare blood and standard biochemical surrogates of PD patients diagnosed with periodontitis with PD individuals without periodontitis. This retrospective cohort study used a sample from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011–2012 that underwent periodontal diagnosis (n = 3669). PD participants were identified through specific PD reported medications. Periodontitis was defined according to the 2012 case definition, using periodontal examination data provided. Then, we compared blood levels and standard chemical laboratory profiles of PD patients according to the presence of periodontitis. Multivariable regression was used to explore this dataset and identify relevant variables towards the presence of periodontitis. According to the medication report, 37 participants were eligible, 29 were secure and 8 were unsecure PD medications regimens. Overall, PD cases with periodontitis presented increased levels of White Blood Cells (WBC) (p = 0.002), Basophils (p = 0.045) and Segmented neutrophils (p = 0.009), and also, lower levels of Total Bilirubin (p = 0.018). In the PD secure medication group, a significant difference was found for WBC (p = 0.002) and Segmented neutrophils (p = 0.002) for the periodontitis group. Further, WBC might be a discriminating factor towards periodontitis in the global sample. In the secure PD medication, we found gender, segmented neutrophils and Vitamin D2 to be potential discriminative variables towards periodontitis. Thus, periodontitis showed association with leukocyte levels alterations in PD patients, and therefore with potential systemic changes and predictive value. Furthermore, Vitamin D2 and gender showed to be associated with periodontitis in with secure medication for PD. Future studies should assess in more detail the potential systemic repercussion of the presence of periodontitis in PD patients.
- The effects of different types of dual tasking on balance in healthy older adultsPublication . Barros, Graça Monteiro de; Melo, Filipe; Domingos, Josefa; Oliveira, Raul; Silva, Luís; Fernandes, Júlio Belo; Godinho, CatarinaNumerous of our daily activities are performed within multitask or dual task conditions. These conditions involve the interaction of perceptual and motor processes involved in postural control. Age-related changes may negatively impact cognition and balance control. Studies identifying changes related to dual-task actions in older people are need. This study aimed to determine the effects of different types of dual-tasking on the balance control of healthy older adults. The sample included 36 community-living older adults, performing two tests—a sway test and a timed up-and-go test—in three conditions: (a) single motor task; (b) dual motor task; and (c) dual motor task with cognitive demands. Cognitive processes (dual-task and cognition) affected static balance, increasing amplitude (p < 0.001) and frequency (p < 0.001) of the center of mass displacements. Dynamic balance revealed significant differences between the single motor condition and the other two conditions during gait phases (p < 0.001). The effect of dual-tasking in older adults suggests that cognitive processes are a main cause of increased variability in balance and gait when under an automatic control. During sit-to-stand, turning, and turn-to-sit movements under dual-tasking, the perceptive information becomes the most important focus of attention, while any cognitive task becomes secondary.
- A novel boot camp program to help guide personalized exercise in people with Parkinson diseasePublication . Domingos, Josefa; Dean, John; Cruickshank, Travis M.; Śmiłowska, Katarzyna; Fernandes, J. B.; Godinho, CatarinaGiven the variety of exercise programs available for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), such individuals may struggle to make decisions about what exercise to perform. The objective of this study was to assess the usefulness, satisfaction, and preferences regarding participation in a PD-personalized educational and exercise boot camp program. Attendees participated in a four-day program consisting of exercise sessions, workshops, and social activities. We collected demographic and clinical information. We assessed satisfaction and preferences immediately after. At one-month follow-up, participants assessed usefulness and changes in exercise habits. Eight individuals diagnosed with PD, with a mean age of 59.5 ± 6.8 years, participated. All participants felt “very satisfied” and likely to attend future events. The two favorite sessions were: cognitive stepping and dance-based movements. At one-month follow-up, participants considered the program “very useful” and reported changes in their exercise routine. Our results suggest that the boot camp program was considered useful and capable of influencing participants’ exercise habits.
- Professionals’ self-reported difficulties towards integrating dual task training in care for people with Parkinson’s DiseasePublication . Domingos, Josefa; Dean, John; Fernandes, Júlio Belo; Godinho, CatarinaBackground: Despite the growing use of dual task training (DTT) in clinical practice with people with Parkinson Disease (PD), there is still limited evidence on how to best implement it. Data regarding professionals’ difficulties when integrating such practices are critical as a first step to generate further guidance on how to apply it. The aim of this study was to identify the difficulties perceived by professionals to integrate dual task in their practice. Methods: A descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study was conducted using a web-based survey. Convenience sampling was used to recruit exercise and healthcare professionals working with people with PD through various social media channels. Data were collected and then analyzed thematically using the method of constant comparisons. The study report follows the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist. Results: Of the 205 eligible responses, 68.8% were Physiotherapist. The majority of the participants reported having Parkinson-specific training (91.7%) and 59.0% applied DTT in individual one-on-one sessions. We identified ten categories of difficulties faced by professionals. Conclusions: Professionals struggle to integrate DTT into PD clinical care. Challenges were identified and the most significant refer to difficulties in managing the chronicity of the disease and lack of patient compliance with home exercises. Understanding current challenges towards dual task exercise will help to reflect upon strategies to be applied effectively and safe.
- Is being physically active enough or do people with Parkinson’s disease need structured supervised exercise? Lessons learned from COVID-19Publication . Domingos, Josefa; Familia, Carlos; Fernandes, Júlio Belo; Dean, John; Godinho, CatarinaSocial isolation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted people’s lifestyles and daily activities. In this work we compared pre- and post-pandemic clinical outcomes in people with Parkinson’s disease, to assess differences according to the type of behaviour and exercise habits adopted by participants. After two months of COVID-19 lockdown, we assessed: changes in exercise behaviour; motor and non-motor aspects of daily life experiences (MDS-UPDRS I & II); activities of daily living (The Schwab & England scale); quality of life (Parkinson Disease Questionnaire); sleep (Parkinson Disease Sleep Scale); falls; and Clinical Global Impression Change. Twenty-seven individuals aged between 57 and 92 years old participated; from these, ten individuals (37%) completely interrupted physical activities, while seventeen (63%) maintained some level of active lifestyle. Regardless of whether they remained active or not, all participants perceived a significant worsening of their clinical condition, reporting an increase in difficulties completing daily activities or chores (37%) and worsening of their health condition (51.8%). The quantifiable influence of exercise habits was borderline for the group who kept active. The active group seem to have a better self-perception of their health condition, although it was not enough to show a clear benefit. People with Parkinson’s disease should be informed that being physically active may not be enough and more structured exercise could be needed.
- High frequency of psychosis in late-stage Parkinson’s diseasePublication . Chendo, Inês; Fabbri, Margherita; Godinho, Catarina; Simões, Rita Moiron; Sousa, Catarina Severiano; Coelho, Miguel; Voon, Valerie; Ferreira, Joaquim J.Background Psychosis is a frequent non-motor symptom in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Estimates of the frequency of Parkinsońs disease psychosis (PDP) vary widely. Knowledge about the frequency and phenomenology of psychosis in late-stage (LS) PD patients is limited. This study aimed to determine the frequency of psychosis in LSPD patients through clinical diagnostic interview (CDI) (gold standard), according to NINDS/NIMH diagnostic criteria for PDP. The secondary objectives were to characterize the phenomenology, to test selected instruments and assess their adequacy in comparison to CDI, and to assess the psychiatric comorbidities.
- Clinical diagnostic criteria have a high impact on the frequency of dementia in late-stage Parkinson's diseasePublication . Sousa, Catarina Severiano e; Fabbri, Margherita; Godinho, Catarina; Simões, Rita; Chendo, Inês; Coelho, Miguel; Martins, Isabel Pavão; Ferreira, Joaquim J.Background: Cognitive impairment is a potential late feature of Parkinson's disease (PD). However, studies in patients with late-stage PD are lacking due to the particular characteristics of this population.
- Implementation of a community-based exercise program for Parkinson patients: using boxing as an examplePublication . Domingos, Josefa; Radder, Danique; Riggare, Sara; Godinho, Catarina; Dean, John; Graziano, Mariella; Vries, Nienke M. de; Ferreira, Joaquim; Bloem, Bastiaan R.Background: Persons with Parkinson’s disease (PD) benefit from continuous exercise through participation in community-based exercise programs. However, community programs often lack PD-specific knowledge needed to provide safe and adequately dosed exercise.
- Effects of therapeutic and aerobic exercise programs on pain, neuromuscular activation, and bite force in patients with temporomandibular disordersPublication . Moleirinho-Alves, Paula; Cebola, Pedro Miguel Teixeira Cravas; Santos, Paulo Duarte Guia dos; Correia, José Pedro; Godinho, Catarina; Oliveira, Raul Alexandre Nunes da Silva; Pezarat-Correia, Pedro Luís CemacelhaPain in masticatory muscles is one of the most frequent symptoms in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and can lead to changes in the patterns of neuromuscular activity of masticatory muscles and decrease in bite force. This study assesses the effects of three eight-week exercise programs on pain intensity, neuromuscular activation, and bite force of masticatory muscles in patients with TMD. Forty-five patients were divided into three groups: a therapeutic exercise program (G1), a therapeutic and aerobic exercise program (G2), and an aerobic exercise program (G3). The masticatory muscles’ pain was evaluated using the numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity of the masseter was recorded during maximum voluntary contraction and at rest, and bite force was evaluated using a dynamometer. These parameters were evaluated twice at baseline (A01/A02), at the end of the eight-week intervention period (A1), and 8–12 weeks after the end of the intervention (A2). After intervention, G2 showed the best results, with a significantly decrease in masticatory muscles’ pain and increase in bite force. These results suggest that interventions to reduce pain in patients with TMD should be multimodal.