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  • Interventions to promote a healthy sexuality among school adolescents: a scoping Review
    Publication . Loureiro, Fernanda; Ferreira, Margarida; Oliveira, Paula Sarreira De; Antunes, Vanessa
    Schools are particularly suitable contexts for the implementation of interventions focused on adolescent sexual behavior. Sexual education and promotion have a multidisciplinary nature. Nurses’ role and the spectrum of the carried-out interventions is not clear. We aimed to identify interventions that promote a healthy sexuality among school adolescents. Our review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews and was registered in the Open Science Framework. Published articles on sexuality in adolescents in school contexts were considered. The research limitations included primary studies; access in full text in English, Spanish, or Portuguese; and no data publication limitation. Research was carried out on the EBSCOhost, PubMed, SciELO, and Web of Science platforms; gray literature and the bibliographies of selected articles were also searched. A total of 56 studies were included in the sample. The studies used a broad range of research methods, and 10 types of interventions were identified. Multi-interventional programs and socio-emotional interventions showed a greater impact on long-term behavioral changes, and continuity seemed to be a key factor. Long-term studies are needed to reach a consensus on the effectiveness of interventions. Nurses’ particular role on the multidisciplinary teams was found to be a gap in the research, and must be further explored
  • Use of digital educational technologies among nursing students and teachers: an exploratory study
    Publication . Loureiro, Fernanda; Sousa, Luís; Antunes, Vanessa
    The emergence of digital educational technologies (DET) raises questions regarding the personalization of both teaching and care. DET use implies profound changes with consequences in nursing care and in nursing teaching-learning process. With the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the teaching-learning process through the use of DET, an exploratory-descriptive, cross-sectional, and observational study, with a quantitative approach (descriptive and inferential statistics), was developed. Online questionnaires were applied (n = 140 students and n = 23 teachers) after ethics committee approval. Results point to low cost and access without time/space limits as the main benefits, and decreased interaction, less physical contact, and technical difficulties as constraints. Globally, there was no difference between students and teachers in the use of DET. Still, men report more constraints than women. In this sample, the use of DET is still at an early stage. Both students and teachers are still unfamiliar with the scope and possibilities of these tools, not taking full advantage of the potential they have to offer. The impact of DET used in personalized nursing care is still yet to be understood.
  • Literature review on shift work and nurse’s burnout
    Publication . Reisinho, João; Rodrigues, Rita; Fernandes, António; Sardinha, João; Santos, Pedro; Sousa, Daniel; Loureiro, Fernanda; Antunes, Vanessa
  • Instruments to evaluate hospitalised children parents’ satisfaction with nursing care : a scoping review
    Publication . Loureiro, Fernanda; Antunes, Vanessa
    Aim: To identify instruments that allow the evaluation of parent’s satisfaction regarding nursing care during their child hospitalisation.