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- Inteligência emocional dos grupos : propriedades psicométricas da PIEGT-16Publication . Costa, Sónia Brito; da Silva Antunes, Rui Jorgeo. Verificaram-se as caraterísticas psicométricas, e a validade de critério da versão portuguesa da PIEGT16 (Perfil de Inteligência Emocional do Grupo de Trabalho - 16 itens), pela comparação concorrente com um instrumento paralelo já validado para Portugal (Trait Meta-Mood Scale - TMMS24 numa amostra constituída por 430 participantes, todos com atividade profissional remunerada. O instrumento revelou uma consistência interna de α= 0,804 que não melhorou com a eliminação de qualquer item. Foi extraída uma solução tetra-fatorial com um agrupamento de itens igual à versão original e à versão portuguesa da escala. Verificaram-se ainda, embora relativamente baixas, correlações significativas entre a PIEGT-16 e a TMMS24, indicando a validade de critério da escala. Estes resultados indicam que a versão portuguesa da PIEGT16 revelam boas caraterísticas psicométricas com a utilização da escala em contextos organizacionais.
- Opinions and options about COVID-19: Personality correlates and sex differences in two European countriesPublication . Brito-Costa, Sónia; Jonason, Peter Karl; Tosi, Michele; Da Silva Antunes, Rui Jorge; Silva, Sofia; Castro, FlorêncioIn the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we collected data (N = 1,420) from Portugal and Spain in relation to personality (i.e., Dark Triad traits, Big Five traits, religiousness, and negative affect) and attitudes related to COVID-19 about its origins, opinions on how to deal with it, and fear of it. The most pervasive patterns we found were: (1) neurotic-type dispositions were associated with stronger opinions about the origins of the virus and leave people to have more fear of the virus but also more trust in tested establishments to provide help. (2): religious people were less trusting of science, thought prayer was answer, and attributed the existence of the virus to an act of God. We also found that sex differences and country differences in attitudes towards COVID-19 were mediate by sex/country differences in personality traits like emotional stability, religiousness, and negative affect. For instance, women reported more fear of COVID-19 than men did, and this was verified by women’s greater tendency to have negative affect and low emotional stability relative to men. Results point to the central role of neuroticism in accounting for variance in broad-spectrum attitudes towards COVID-19.
- An Initial Comparison of the Psychometric Properties of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen in Spanish and PortuguesePublication . Jonason, Peter K.; Tosi, Michele; Silva, Sofia; Da Silva Antunes, Rui Jorge; Brito-Costa, SóniaWe tested the psychometric properties of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen measure of psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism in Portugal (n = 1,034) and Spain (n = 386). Adult (M = 43.40, SD = 14.81, range = 18–88) participants (1,113 women) completed the Dirty Dozen measure of each trait along with ultrabrief measures of extraversion, openness, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and religiousness and a lengthier measure of individual differences in depression, anxiety, and stress. Using confirmatory factor analysis and multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, we found evidence for measurement invariance for a 3-factor model of the Dirty Dozen in the sexes and countries. The Dark Triad traits and disagreeableness were present across the traits and countries. Across depression, anxiety, and stress, correlations with the Dark Triad traits were stronger in men than women. Our results suggest that the scale translations – in each country – are trustworthy paving the way for inter-Iberian and international collaborations.