Workgroup) was established under the CAIC - Comissão de Acompanhamento da Informatização Clínica (Monitoring Committee of the Clinical Information Technology) of the SPMS - Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde (Shared Services for Health Ministry) in order to meet the challenges of new models of management and governance centered on citizens. This workgroup is grounded on the national information campaign named as “Health Information. More Transparency, Better Decision”, a project of the Associação Fazedores da Mudança (The Change Makers Association) with financial support of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation).
Objectives: To promote discussion topics and present concrete proposals, centered on patients, primarily related with: access to certified, reliable and useful health information; communication strategies; services to be made available on the Patient’s Portal/website.
Methodology: A multidisciplinary and inter-institutional group has been constituted with physicians, nurses, sociologists, social workers, health librarians, human resource managers, lawyers and IT experts. The mission is to design and implement an action plan until December 2016.
To the design of the action plan, five main axes were identified: To Know, To Listen, To Improve, To Inform and To Evaluate. Based on a worksheet created for this purpose, the multidisciplinary group identified some actions/tasks to be undertaken. As a result of all the contributions made, a possible and feasible Action Plan was created, supported by some validation criteria: to be aggregator of the presented ideas, to be mobilizers, to enhance multiplier effects, to be impactful, to be structural for future work, to enhancing participation, making awareness and calling for change.
Results: Attempting on this action plan that integrates 5 major initiatives underway at a national level, we intend to achieve the following results based on multiple participatory processes, such as: i) the presentation of the resulting recommendations to the Parliament in order to change the legal framework that regulates access to health information; ii) the identification of useful information for patients; iii) the development of a program consistent of concrete action proposals centered on the patient, for more information, more transparency and better access.
This paper aims to present the project and the results already achieved with its implementation.
Informação de saúde Acesso à informação Utentes