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A diminuição dos recursos da Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP), em especial
pessoas, para o exercício das inúmeras tarefas que crescentemente lhe são
cometidas, é uma constante. Para além disso, o aumento substancial de cidadãos
na cidade do Porto, com especial destaque para os turistas nacionais e sobretudo
estrangeiros, é uma realidade inquestionável e de grande interesse económicoestratégico
nacional, que urge ser devidamente acompanhada. Sendo o fator da
segurança pública determinante na escolha do destino, é fundamental que
mantenhamos a atual posição de 3.º país mais seguro do Mundo. Assim, o grande
desafio é saber até onde se deve ir ao nível da gestão de recursos, para racionalizar
ao máximo os existentes, nomeadamente na concentração ou não de Esquadras e
respetivo encerramento de algumas. Realizámos um estudo, relativo ao fecho da
17.ª Esquadra (Esq.ª) do Comando Metropolitano do Porto (COMETPOR),
utilizando um método de investigação quantitativo com um método de procedimento
comparativo, para avaliar o impacto do seu encerramento nos índices da
criminalidade aí ocorrida. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir, que tal facto, só
por si, não alterou a criminalidade geral aí verificada e que a mesma está alinhada
com a ocorrida na respetiva Divisão e Concelho. Não havendo razões de índole da
segurança objetiva a impedir o encerramento e sendo várias as vantagens no
capítulo tradicional da gestão, é oportuno e necessário avançarmos com um
modelo moderado de concentração.
The decrease in the resources of the Public Security Police (PSP), especially people, to carry out the numerous tasks that are increasingly committed to it, is a constant. In addition, the substantial increase in the number of citizens in Oporto, with a special emphasis on domestic and foreign tourists, is an unquestionable reality and of great national economic and strategic importance, which needs to be properly monitored. Being the decisive factor of public security in the choice of destination, it is fundamental that we maintain the current position of the 3rd safest country in the world. Thus, the great challenge is to know how far to go to the level of resource management, to rationalize to the maximum the existing, namely in the concentration or not of police squads and the respective closure of some. We carried out a study on the closure of the 17th police squad of the Metropolitan Command of Porto (COMETPOR), using a quantitative research method using a comparative procedure method, to evaluate the impact of its closure on crime rates. The results obtained allow us to conclude that this fact, in and of itself, did not change the overall crime verified there and that it is in line with the one occurring in the respective Division and County. Since there are no objective safety reasons to prevent closure and there are several advantages in the traditional management chapter, it is opportune and necessary to move forward with a moderate concentration model.
The decrease in the resources of the Public Security Police (PSP), especially people, to carry out the numerous tasks that are increasingly committed to it, is a constant. In addition, the substantial increase in the number of citizens in Oporto, with a special emphasis on domestic and foreign tourists, is an unquestionable reality and of great national economic and strategic importance, which needs to be properly monitored. Being the decisive factor of public security in the choice of destination, it is fundamental that we maintain the current position of the 3rd safest country in the world. Thus, the great challenge is to know how far to go to the level of resource management, to rationalize to the maximum the existing, namely in the concentration or not of police squads and the respective closure of some. We carried out a study on the closure of the 17th police squad of the Metropolitan Command of Porto (COMETPOR), using a quantitative research method using a comparative procedure method, to evaluate the impact of its closure on crime rates. The results obtained allow us to conclude that this fact, in and of itself, did not change the overall crime verified there and that it is in line with the one occurring in the respective Division and County. Since there are no objective safety reasons to prevent closure and there are several advantages in the traditional management chapter, it is opportune and necessary to move forward with a moderate concentration model.
Segurança Gestão Encerramento Concentração