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A crescente preponderância do mundo online, das mudanças de paradigma e de estigmas vivenciados pela sociedade, leva a que estejamos perante uma alteração na forma como os consumidores partilham experiências e tomam decisões relativas à compra quer seja de um produto ou de um serviço.
A utilização de smartphones, e o consequente aumento da presença nas redes sociais, cria uma atenção especial ao fator moda e tendência, que são vistas como modelos a seguir, em todo e qualquer setor, aplicado claramente à hotelaria e ao tema desenvolvido nesta dissertação. Esta forma de viver e observar momentos, obriga a que os consumidores façam a sua própria leitura através das imagens e comentários que visualizam diariamente. É essencialmente neste ponto que nos focamos – na gestão dos reviews online – em particular do lado da unidade hoteleira.
Se por um lado se deu o boom de youtubers, bloggers ou digital influencers, podemos consagrar que a importância do que é escrito nas plataformas digitais, não advém apenas destes utilizadores, mas de todo e qualquer um cidadão comum que pretende partilhar o que vivenciou em determinado sítio, com frustrações, incumprimento ou superação de expetativas. Daí a importância da gestão da reputação online, e a aposta nos processos de cocriação, que pretendem levar à melhoria do desempenho do serviço e ao término de falhas identificadas. É a partir daqui que se podem utilizar as sugestões dos hóspedes para criar um produto de sucesso.
The increasing preponderance of the online world, the shifts of paradigm and stigmas lived by society, leads to a change in the way of consumers share their experiences and make decisions related with the purchase of a product or a service. The use of smartphones, and the consequent increase of presence in social networks, create a special attention to the style and trend factors which are seen as models to follow in all sectors, clearly applied to the hospitality and to the theme developed in this thesis. This way of living and observing moments, obliges consumers to make their own reading through pictures and comments they say daily. We focus essentially on this point – in the online reviews management – in particular from the side of the hotel. There was the boom of youtubers, bloggers or digital influencers, we can verify that the importance of what is written on digital platforms does not come only from these users, but from all the citizens who want to share what they have experienced somewhere, with their frustrations, failure or expectations exceeding. Hence the importance of online reputation management, and the focus of the co-creation processes that serve to improve the performance of the service and to finish with the identified failures. It is from here we can use the guest´s suggestions to create a successful product.
The increasing preponderance of the online world, the shifts of paradigm and stigmas lived by society, leads to a change in the way of consumers share their experiences and make decisions related with the purchase of a product or a service. The use of smartphones, and the consequent increase of presence in social networks, create a special attention to the style and trend factors which are seen as models to follow in all sectors, clearly applied to the hospitality and to the theme developed in this thesis. This way of living and observing moments, obliges consumers to make their own reading through pictures and comments they say daily. We focus essentially on this point – in the online reviews management – in particular from the side of the hotel. There was the boom of youtubers, bloggers or digital influencers, we can verify that the importance of what is written on digital platforms does not come only from these users, but from all the citizens who want to share what they have experienced somewhere, with their frustrations, failure or expectations exceeding. Hence the importance of online reputation management, and the focus of the co-creation processes that serve to improve the performance of the service and to finish with the identified failures. It is from here we can use the guest´s suggestions to create a successful product.
Comentários Gestão Redes sociais Partilha Reputação online Hotelaria Reviews Management Social networks Sharing Online reputation Hospitality
Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril