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O estágio curricular foi realizado na empresa de consultoria agrícola “Contexto Rural
Lda.”, com sede em Beja. Esta empresa presta serviço de consultoria agrícola em olivais
no Alentejo, fazendo um acompanhamento da cultura em todas as suas fases de
desenvolvimento, apoiando o agricultor na tomada de decisão através de visitas
regulares e recomendações. Presta serviço de consultoria a 3598 ha de olival distribuídos
por 28 explorações, localizadas entre Moura e Évora. Apesar de ter acompanhado os
técnicos da empresa nas visitas a numerosas explorações, apenas abordamos a situação
da Herdade da Quintinha e da Herdade Grande. A herdade da Quintinha situa-se a 3km
da Vidigueira e explora 175,16 ha com as variedades Arbequina, Arbosana e Frantoio,
nos compassos 4mx1.35m, 3.75mx1.35m e 7mx4.3m. A variedade Frantoio foi plantada
em 2015 e as restantes em 2017 e 2018 (dependendo das parcelas). Esta empresa é
cliente há vários anos e nela são aplicados os planos padronizados para o olival da região,
com as adaptações próprias de cada ano agrícola. A herdade Grande é uma herdade
cliente apenas desde o início de 2021 e situa-se igualmente a cerca de 3km da Vidigueira.
Dispõe de 43,87 ha de olival com as variedades Arbequina de 2014 com compasso de
4mx1.35 e Arbosana de 2018 com compasso de 7mx2.4m. Para esta empresa foi feito
um plano inicial de recuperação dos olivais, que estavam em mau estado, com
recomendações para execução urgente. Depois de realizadas as intervenções indicadas
foi aplicado o conjunto de planos padronizados. Como propostas de melhoria na
empresa Contexto Rural sugeriu-se disponibilizar serviços
individualizados/personalizados, sensibilização de clientes para a utilização de software
utilizado na empresa, oferecer serviços de consultoria em outras culturas e investimento
em aquisição de conhecimentos de agricultura de precisão aplicada em olivicultura.
The curricular internship was carried out at the agricultural consulting company “Contexto Rural Lda.”, headquartered in Beja. This company provides agricultural consultancy services in olive groves in Alentejo, monitoring the crop in all its stages of development, supporting the farmer in decision making through regular visits and recommendations. It provides consultancy services to 3598 ha of olive groves spread over 28 farms, located between Moura and Évora. Despite having accompanied the company's technicians on visits to numerous farms, we only discussed the situation of Herdade da Quintinha and Herdade Grande. The estate of Quintinha is located 3km from Vidigueira and explores 175.16 ha with the Arbequina, Arbosana and Frantoio varieties, in measures 4m x1.35m, 3.75mx1.35m and 7m x 4.3m. The Frantoio variety was planted in 2015 and the rest in 2017 and 2018 (depending on the plots). This company has been a customer for several years and it uses standardized plans for the region's olive groves, with the adaptations specific to each agricultural year. Herdade Grande has only been a client farm since the beginning of 2021 and is also located about 3km from Vidigueira. It has 43.87 ha of olive groves with the 2014 Arbequina varieties with a 4m x 1.35m length and 2018 Arbosana with a 7m x 2.4m length. For this company, an initial plan was made to recover the olive groves, which were in poor condition, with recommendations for urgent execution. After performing the interventions indicated, the set of standardized plans was applied. As proposals for improvement in the company Contexto Rural, it was suggested to provide individualized/personalized services, awareness of customers for the use of software used in the company, offer consulting services in other cultures and investment in the acquisition of knowledge of precision agriculture applied in olive growing
The curricular internship was carried out at the agricultural consulting company “Contexto Rural Lda.”, headquartered in Beja. This company provides agricultural consultancy services in olive groves in Alentejo, monitoring the crop in all its stages of development, supporting the farmer in decision making through regular visits and recommendations. It provides consultancy services to 3598 ha of olive groves spread over 28 farms, located between Moura and Évora. Despite having accompanied the company's technicians on visits to numerous farms, we only discussed the situation of Herdade da Quintinha and Herdade Grande. The estate of Quintinha is located 3km from Vidigueira and explores 175.16 ha with the Arbequina, Arbosana and Frantoio varieties, in measures 4m x1.35m, 3.75mx1.35m and 7m x 4.3m. The Frantoio variety was planted in 2015 and the rest in 2017 and 2018 (depending on the plots). This company has been a customer for several years and it uses standardized plans for the region's olive groves, with the adaptations specific to each agricultural year. Herdade Grande has only been a client farm since the beginning of 2021 and is also located about 3km from Vidigueira. It has 43.87 ha of olive groves with the 2014 Arbequina varieties with a 4m x 1.35m length and 2018 Arbosana with a 7m x 2.4m length. For this company, an initial plan was made to recover the olive groves, which were in poor condition, with recommendations for urgent execution. After performing the interventions indicated, the set of standardized plans was applied. As proposals for improvement in the company Contexto Rural, it was suggested to provide individualized/personalized services, awareness of customers for the use of software used in the company, offer consulting services in other cultures and investment in the acquisition of knowledge of precision agriculture applied in olive growing
olive tree Alentejo olive grove in hedge oliveira olival em sebe consultoria
Limpo, J.M.P.(2021).Acompanhamento das atividades da empresa de consultoria em olival - Contexto Rural. Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas. Elvas
Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas