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Com este trabalho pretendemos verificar se, no âmbito do PLANO LIRA CENTRO,
estará adequada a forma de actuação da Escola Prática de Infantaria face à introdução da Lei n.º 27/2006, de 3 de Julho.
Através das entrevistas realizadas a alguns comandantes de pelotão empenhados,
em missões de cooperação com a Protecção Civil no ano de 2007, obtivemos respostas às
questões que nos propusemos estudar, embora umas fossem mais concludentes do que outras.
As nossas questões incidiram sobre a formação, a logística e a relação de comando
de forma a verificar se estas estão adequadas às missões de cooperação do Exército com a Autoridade Nacional de Protecção Civil.
Ao longo do trabalho conseguimos verificar algumas falhas na actuação dos
militares. Após termos realizado a análise das entrevistas propostas, cruzando os resultados com a revisão de literatura, concluímos que os militares desempenham missões que não estão previstas no Plano LIRA Centro, nomeadamente o combate.
Concluímos que a formação ministrada aos militares não é a suficiente, cremos, portanto, que deve ser efectuada uma revisão ao conteúdo da mesma pelo CID. Esta revisão deve incidir nas normas de segurança individuais, na reacção ao fogo e na devida utilização dos equipamentos e materiais.
A logística a que nos reportamos no trabalho refere-se a viaturas, alimentação, ferramentas de trabalho e equipamento individual. Concluímos que as viaturas para a missão de vigilância e rescaldo estão adequadas. A alimentação, como está previsto no plano é suficiente para a actuação no período de 24horas. No entanto, face à missão, as ferramentas de trabalho e o equipamento individual carecem de um estudo no âmbito da aplicação da segurança.
A relação de comando, a nosso ver, está bem definida. Após a análise das
entrevistas, o único problema detectado por nós, refere-se à falta de pormenorização do documento (Plano LIRA) fornecido aos comandantes de pelotão com especificação das missões atribuídas. No futuro propomos que seja fornecido um documento especificando a missão e a respectiva forma de actuação. Deve ser também elaborado um documento escrito para o caso de alteração da missão – isto quando os militares estiverem já empenhados no terreno.
Abstract On the ambit of/Under the influence of the Lira Centre Plan, this work is designed to verify if the course of action engaged by the Infantry School is adequate regarding the Law No. 27/2006 of July 3. In order to develop this theme, we have obtained answers on the subject of training, logistics and the relationship of command, through the interviews made to some platoon commanders, which were engaged in missions of collaboration with the Civil Protection in the year of 2007. Some were more conclusive than others, however, we verified that this three issues were adequate to the missions of collaboration between the Army and the National Authority of Civil Protection. After making a thorough research, we have encountered some flaws regarding military actions. Following the analysis of the interviews and crossing the results with the existing literature, we concluded that soldiers perform missions which were not foreseen on the Lira Centre Plan, which includes, for example, combat situations. We have also concluded, that an assessment of the training contents ought to be made through Command Instruction and Doctrine (CID), because the training that soldiers do receive, is not enough. This review has to be made falling upon individual security measures, reaction to fire and on the accurate use of equipments and materials. The logistic matters referred before are vehicles, food, work tools and individual equipments. The vehicles used on monitoring missions are as much as necessary. Concerning the food element, the prediction made onthe plan for a period of 24 hours is sufficient. On the other hand, given the mission, the work tools and the individual equipment, they are in need of a specific study in the domain of security. In our point of view, the relation of command is well defined. After analysing the interviews, we detected a particular problem. The document (Lira Plan) does not possess all the details for the platoon commanders to know everything about the assigned missions. In the future, we propose that a document containing all the specific data of the mission and that states the more adequate course of action, should be given to them for a more feasible preparation. It is also vital, that the changes that do occur during a mission should be described on a written document – this is crucial when troops are already engaged in the field.
Abstract On the ambit of/Under the influence of the Lira Centre Plan, this work is designed to verify if the course of action engaged by the Infantry School is adequate regarding the Law No. 27/2006 of July 3. In order to develop this theme, we have obtained answers on the subject of training, logistics and the relationship of command, through the interviews made to some platoon commanders, which were engaged in missions of collaboration with the Civil Protection in the year of 2007. Some were more conclusive than others, however, we verified that this three issues were adequate to the missions of collaboration between the Army and the National Authority of Civil Protection. After making a thorough research, we have encountered some flaws regarding military actions. Following the analysis of the interviews and crossing the results with the existing literature, we concluded that soldiers perform missions which were not foreseen on the Lira Centre Plan, which includes, for example, combat situations. We have also concluded, that an assessment of the training contents ought to be made through Command Instruction and Doctrine (CID), because the training that soldiers do receive, is not enough. This review has to be made falling upon individual security measures, reaction to fire and on the accurate use of equipments and materials. The logistic matters referred before are vehicles, food, work tools and individual equipments. The vehicles used on monitoring missions are as much as necessary. Concerning the food element, the prediction made onthe plan for a period of 24 hours is sufficient. On the other hand, given the mission, the work tools and the individual equipment, they are in need of a specific study in the domain of security. In our point of view, the relation of command is well defined. After analysing the interviews, we detected a particular problem. The document (Lira Plan) does not possess all the details for the platoon commanders to know everything about the assigned missions. In the future, we propose that a document containing all the specific data of the mission and that states the more adequate course of action, should be given to them for a more feasible preparation. It is also vital, that the changes that do occur during a mission should be described on a written document – this is crucial when troops are already engaged in the field.
Protecção Civil Plano Lira CID 2007 Formação Logística Comando e controlo
Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino