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A sobrevivência de Recém-Nascidos extremamente prematuros e gravemente doentes exige a sua hospitalização na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais, o que conduz a implicações na vivência das transições para a parentalidade e do hospital para casa. Neste sentido, reconhecer as necessidades dos pais e dar-lhes resposta constituem intervenções chave para a facilitação da transição para a parentalidade e, consequentemente, da transição para casa, com reflexo positivo nos resultados em saúde da criança e família. Sendo que, a estruturação de programas de apoio a este processo pode ajudar a padronizar este cuidado, diminuindo a variabilidade e as omissões frequentemente existentes.
O presente relatório tem como objetivos evidenciar as aprendizagens conseguidas nos diferentes contextos de estágio, através da exposição crítica e sustentada das atividades desenvolvidas e do seu contributo para o desenvolvimento de competências comuns e específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediatria, perspetivando uma prática de enfermagem de excelência. A par do desenvolvimento de competências, investiu-se no estudo do fenómeno da transição do RN e sua família, da Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais para a casa, com o objetivo de identificar terapêuticas de enfermagem facilitadoras da mesma e elaborar um projeto de melhoria contínua da qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem, que fundamente e uniformize o acesso a cuidados de excelência, com reflexo nos resultados de saúde da criança e família e na redução dos reinternamentos e recurso a serviços de urgência.
Ao longo deste percurso académico e profissional, bem como na escrita do presente relatório, evidencia-se um cuidado de enfermagem sustentado na Teoria das Transições de Afaf Meleis, permeada pela filosofia de cuidados pediátricos, nomeadamente os Cuidados Centrados na Família, Cuidados Não Traumáticos e promotores do desenvolvimento. A metodologia mobilizada na consecução deste percurso foi a metodologia de projeto, com uma tónica predominantemente reflexiva e sustentada na investigação.
The survival of extremely premature and seriously ill newborns requires their hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which has implications for the experience of the transitions to parenthood and from hospital to home. In this sense, recognizing the needs of parents and responding to them are key interventions to facilitate the transition to parenthood and, consequently, the transition to home, with a positive impact on the health outcomes of the child and family. The structuring of support programs for this process can help to standardize this care, reducing the variability and omissions that often exist. The present report aims to highlight the learning achieved in the different internship contexts, through the critical and sustained presentation of the activities developed and their contribution to the development of common and specific skills of the Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatric Nursing, aiming an excellent nursing practice. Along with the development of skills, we invested in the study of the phenomenon of transition of newborns and their families from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to home, with the aim of identifying nursing therapies that facilitate this and developing a project for continuous improvement of the quality of nursing care, which supports and standardizes access to excellent care, with an impact on the health outcomes of the child and family and on the reduction of readmissions and use of emergency services. Throughout this academic and professional journey, as well as in the writing of this report, we have seen evidence of nursing care based on Afaf Meleis' Transition Theory, permeated by the philosophy of pediatric care, namely Family-Centered Care, Non-Traumatic Care and Care that promotes development. The methodology used to achieve this journey was the project methodology, with a predominantly reflective and research-based focus.
The survival of extremely premature and seriously ill newborns requires their hospitalization in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which has implications for the experience of the transitions to parenthood and from hospital to home. In this sense, recognizing the needs of parents and responding to them are key interventions to facilitate the transition to parenthood and, consequently, the transition to home, with a positive impact on the health outcomes of the child and family. The structuring of support programs for this process can help to standardize this care, reducing the variability and omissions that often exist. The present report aims to highlight the learning achieved in the different internship contexts, through the critical and sustained presentation of the activities developed and their contribution to the development of common and specific skills of the Specialist Nurse in Child Health and Pediatric Nursing, aiming an excellent nursing practice. Along with the development of skills, we invested in the study of the phenomenon of transition of newborns and their families from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to home, with the aim of identifying nursing therapies that facilitate this and developing a project for continuous improvement of the quality of nursing care, which supports and standardizes access to excellent care, with an impact on the health outcomes of the child and family and on the reduction of readmissions and use of emergency services. Throughout this academic and professional journey, as well as in the writing of this report, we have seen evidence of nursing care based on Afaf Meleis' Transition Theory, permeated by the philosophy of pediatric care, namely Family-Centered Care, Non-Traumatic Care and Care that promotes development. The methodology used to achieve this journey was the project methodology, with a predominantly reflective and research-based focus.
Enfermagem pediátrica Parentalidade Neonatologia Recém-nascido