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Pires, Pedro Miguel Miranda
A presente investigação, intitulada “Crime de Violência Doméstica: o papel da Guarda Nacional Republicana no acompanhamento de vítimas menores”, tem como principal objetivo analisar os procedimentos desenvolvidos pela Guarda Nacional Republicana, no decorrer de um processo de Violência Doméstica, envolvendo vítimas menores de idade, direta ou indiretamente afetadas pelo facto.
Abordam-se as competências atribuídas aos militares, identificam-se as principais dificuldades inerentes à aplicação de procedimentos, considera-se a formação proporcionada e exploram-se possíveis medidas a implementar para melhorar o serviço prestado. Para tal, adotou-se a estratégia de pesquisa de estudo de caso, focando a observação no Comando Territorial de Lisboa. Através de uma abordagem qualitativa, aplicaram-se inquéritos por entrevista a militares das Secções de Prevenção Criminal e Policiamento Comunitário e dos Núcleos de Investigação e Apoio a Vítimas Específicas, e, ainda, a representantes de entidades externas que cooperam com a Guarda Nacional Republicana em matéria de Violência Doméstica com envolvimento de vítimas menores de idade, com o desígnio de reunir sobre o assunto uma diversidade de experiências e perspetivas.
Os dados evidenciam que a Guarda Nacional Republicana tem vindo a assumir uma visão estratégica perante a evolução do fenómeno da Violência Doméstica, apostando num modelo de intervenção tripartido que assenta numa base preventiva. Por intermédio do trabalho desenvolvido pelos militares dos Núcleos de Investigação e Apoio a Vítimas Específicas, a par da constituição de equipas de prevenção 24 horas por dia, todos os dias do ano, a intervenção da primeira linha de atuação é complementada e a articulação interinstitucional é facilitada, o que promove a celeridade do processo, sempre com vista à salvaguarda da vítima e dos seus interesses.
A título de recomendações, destacam-se a importância do reforço da formação, do aumento do efetivo e da melhoria de condições e dos meios técnicos e operacionais como necessidades prioritárias a uma resposta mais completa e diligente, face à vulnerabilidade caraterística das vítimas.
This research, entitled “Crime of Domestic Violence: the role of Guarda Nacional Republicana in monitoring underaged victims”, aims to analyse the procedures developed by Guarda Nacional Republicana in the course of a Domestic Violence case involving underaged victims, directly or indirectly affected by the event. The competences assigned to the police officers are discussed, the main difficulties inherent in the applying procedures are identified, the training provided is considered and possible measures to be implemented to improve the service provided are explored. To this end, a case study research strategy was adopted, focusing observation within the Lisbon Territorial Command. Using a qualitative approach, interview surveys were carried out with military personnel from the Crime Prevention and Community Policing Sections and the Centre for Investigation and Support to Specific Victims, as well as external entities’ representatives that cooperate with Guarda Nacional Republicana in matters of Domestic Violence involving underaged victims, with the aim of gathering a diversity of experiences and perspectives on the subject. From the data obtained, we can conclude that Guarda Nacional Republicana has been taking a strategic view of the Domestic Violence’s evolution, focusing on a three-way intervention model based on prevention. Through the work that has been carried out by the military personnel of the Center for Investigation and Support to Specific Victims, along with the creation of 24 hour prevention teams, every day of the year, the first line intervention is complemented and inter-institutional coordination is made easier, which promotes the celerity of the process, always looking forward the victim’s protection, as well as their interests. As recommendations, the importance of strengthening training, increasing the number of staff and improving conditions and technical and operational resources stand out as priority needs for a more complete and diligent response, given the vulnerability of victims.
This research, entitled “Crime of Domestic Violence: the role of Guarda Nacional Republicana in monitoring underaged victims”, aims to analyse the procedures developed by Guarda Nacional Republicana in the course of a Domestic Violence case involving underaged victims, directly or indirectly affected by the event. The competences assigned to the police officers are discussed, the main difficulties inherent in the applying procedures are identified, the training provided is considered and possible measures to be implemented to improve the service provided are explored. To this end, a case study research strategy was adopted, focusing observation within the Lisbon Territorial Command. Using a qualitative approach, interview surveys were carried out with military personnel from the Crime Prevention and Community Policing Sections and the Centre for Investigation and Support to Specific Victims, as well as external entities’ representatives that cooperate with Guarda Nacional Republicana in matters of Domestic Violence involving underaged victims, with the aim of gathering a diversity of experiences and perspectives on the subject. From the data obtained, we can conclude that Guarda Nacional Republicana has been taking a strategic view of the Domestic Violence’s evolution, focusing on a three-way intervention model based on prevention. Through the work that has been carried out by the military personnel of the Center for Investigation and Support to Specific Victims, along with the creation of 24 hour prevention teams, every day of the year, the first line intervention is complemented and inter-institutional coordination is made easier, which promotes the celerity of the process, always looking forward the victim’s protection, as well as their interests. As recommendations, the importance of strengthening training, increasing the number of staff and improving conditions and technical and operational resources stand out as priority needs for a more complete and diligent response, given the vulnerability of victims.
Cooperação Institucional Guarda Nacional Republicana Investigação Criminal Violência Doméstica Vítimas Menores Institutional Cooperation Criminal Investigation Domestic Violence Underaged Victims