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Adaptation to TV delays based on the user behavior towards a cheating-free second screen entertainment

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Recent advances in technology created new opportunities to enhance TV personalization, providing viewers with individualized ways to watch TV and to interact with its content. Second screen applications are promising vehicles to enhance the viewers’ experiences, but researchers need to take into account the effect that the TV delay has on viewers, in particular when watching broadcasted live events. In this paper, we propose a software-based solution to deal with TV delays. It is mainly directed for a gaming context in which the user has the means to control the synchronisation between the second screen application and the TV content. Taking this scenario into account, we implemented a cheating-detection mechanism to cope with the potential exploitation of the system by its users.


Comunicação apresentada no ICEC, Isip International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 30 setembro a 2 de outubro 2015, Trondheim, Noruega


Second screen TV delays Broadcast live events Adaptation ubiquitous personalization user profile game cheating


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