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O aumento de infeções do trato urogenital está diretamente relacionado com a
intensificação do setor suinícola nas últimas décadas. Atualmente, a patologia do trato
urogenital tem grande expressão nas explorações, sendo responsável pelo aumento das
taxas de aborto, morbilidade e de morte súbita das fêmeas, levando a grandes perdas
económicas para os produtores. Na região Oeste, há uma grande incidência de patologia
urogenital, por isso, este trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação da prevalência de
microrganismos no sistema reprodutor e urinário de suínos. Foram recolhidas 54
amostras, sendo 15, por raspagem, da região pré-cervical e 39, com auxílio de zaragatoa,
da região do vestíbulo vaginal. A metodologia para caraterização dos agentes assenta na
sementeira da amostra em meios específicos de cultura, identificação através de MALDI-
TOF e isolamento das estripes mais relevantes para realização de antibiograma. Ao
analisar as comunidades bacterianas percebeu-se que o isolado mais prevalente em
culturas puras foi Escherichia coli. Em ambas as amostras, as famílias com maior
predominância são Streptococcaceae, Staphylococcacea e Enterobacteriaceae
The increase in urogenital tract infections is directly linked to the intensification of the swine industry in recent decades. Currently, urogenital tract pathology is highly prevalent in pig farms and is responsible for rising rates of abortion, morbidity, and sudden death in sows, leading to significant economic losses for producers. In the Oeste region, there is a high incidence of urogenital pathology. Therefore, this study assesses the prevalence of microorganisms in the reproductive and urinary systems of pigs in this region. A total of 54 samples were collected, 15 by scraping from the pre-cervical region, and 39 using swabs from the vaginal vestibule region. The methodology for characterizing the agents involved the inoculation of the samples on specific culture media, identification through MALDI-TOF, and isolation of the most relevant strains for antibiotic susceptibility testing. Upon analyzing the bacterial communities, Escherichia coli was identified as the most prevalent isolate in pure cultures. In both sample types, the most prevalent families were Streptococcaceae, Staphylococcaceae, and Enterobacteriaceae.
The increase in urogenital tract infections is directly linked to the intensification of the swine industry in recent decades. Currently, urogenital tract pathology is highly prevalent in pig farms and is responsible for rising rates of abortion, morbidity, and sudden death in sows, leading to significant economic losses for producers. In the Oeste region, there is a high incidence of urogenital pathology. Therefore, this study assesses the prevalence of microorganisms in the reproductive and urinary systems of pigs in this region. A total of 54 samples were collected, 15 by scraping from the pre-cervical region, and 39 using swabs from the vaginal vestibule region. The methodology for characterizing the agents involved the inoculation of the samples on specific culture media, identification through MALDI-TOF, and isolation of the most relevant strains for antibiotic susceptibility testing. Upon analyzing the bacterial communities, Escherichia coli was identified as the most prevalent isolate in pure cultures. In both sample types, the most prevalent families were Streptococcaceae, Staphylococcaceae, and Enterobacteriaceae.
Suínos Microbiota urogenital Patologia urogenital Escherichia coli Swine Urogenital microbiota Urogenital pathology
Gonçalo, A.R.(2024). Avaliação da prevalência dos microrganismos Presentes no trato urogenital de suínos Reprodutores. Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas. Dissertação de Licenciatura. Repositório
Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas