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O presente Trabalho Final de Mestrado (TFM) realizou-se no âmbito do Mestrado de Qualificação para a Docência em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e tem como temática: Os materiais manipuláveis na aprendizagem Matemática: um estudo com uma turma de 1º ano do 1º CEB.
Neste estudo pretende-se perceber as potencialidades dos materiais manipuláveis e de que forma estes influenciam o processo de ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática. A utilização destes materiais manipuláveis fomenta o envolvimento ativo dos alunos nas tarefas e oferece a possibilidade de tornar concretos alguns conceitos abstratos para o aluno, fazendo com que facilite e aproxime o aluno, desmistificando e relacionando o aluno com a Matemática. Permitindo assim que o mesmo produza e desenvolva diversos raciocínios matemáticos. Além disto, pretende-se ainda ressaltar a importância do trabalho em grupo e de que forma, este é importante para o desenvolvimento das tarefas com uso de materiais manipuláveis para uma aprendizagem ativa e significativa.
Para a concretização deste trabalho, realizou-se uma investigação-ação, inserida no paradigma interpretativo, na qual participaram alunos de uma turma do 1.º ano do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico e a professora/investigadora. Para a recolha de dados, foram utilizadas a observação, o diário de bordo, as conversas informais e os protocolos dos alunos.
No que respeita aos resultados, foi possível compreender a importância dos materiais manipuláveis e como através deles foram explorados diversos conceitos matemáticos de forma concreta e significativa. Observou-se ainda a motivação e envolvimento dos alunos, assim como o desenvolvimento da autonomia na manipulação dos materiais, do pensamento crítico dos alunos, da capacidade de argumentação e da partilha de ideias.
This Final Master's Report (TFM) was carried out within the scope of the master’s degree in Qualification for Teaching in Preschool Education and Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, and it has as its theme: Manipulative materials in learning Mathematics: A study with a 1st year class of the 1st CEB. This study aims to understand the potential of manipulative materials and how they influence the process of teaching and learning Mathematics. The use of these materials encourages the active involvement of students in tasks and offers the possibility of making some abstract concepts concrete for the student, making it easier and closer to the student, demystifying and relating the student to the area of Mathematics, allowing them to produce and develop various mathematical reasonings. In addition, it also aims to highlight the importance of group work and how this is important for the development of tasks using manipulative materials for active and meaningful learning. To carry out this work, action research was carried out, under the interpretative paradigm, in which students from a class of the 1st year of the 1st cycle and the teacher/researcher participated. Observation, the researcher’s diary, informal conversations and the students' protocols were used to collect data. With regard to the results, it was possible to understand the importance of manipulative materials and how through them several mathematical concepts were explored in a concrete and meaningful way. The motivation and involvement of the students were also observed, as well as the development of autonomy in manipulating the materials, of the students' critical thinking, of the ability to argue and share ideas.
This Final Master's Report (TFM) was carried out within the scope of the master’s degree in Qualification for Teaching in Preschool Education and Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, and it has as its theme: Manipulative materials in learning Mathematics: A study with a 1st year class of the 1st CEB. This study aims to understand the potential of manipulative materials and how they influence the process of teaching and learning Mathematics. The use of these materials encourages the active involvement of students in tasks and offers the possibility of making some abstract concepts concrete for the student, making it easier and closer to the student, demystifying and relating the student to the area of Mathematics, allowing them to produce and develop various mathematical reasonings. In addition, it also aims to highlight the importance of group work and how this is important for the development of tasks using manipulative materials for active and meaningful learning. To carry out this work, action research was carried out, under the interpretative paradigm, in which students from a class of the 1st year of the 1st cycle and the teacher/researcher participated. Observation, the researcher’s diary, informal conversations and the students' protocols were used to collect data. With regard to the results, it was possible to understand the importance of manipulative materials and how through them several mathematical concepts were explored in a concrete and meaningful way. The motivation and involvement of the students were also observed, as well as the development of autonomy in manipulating the materials, of the students' critical thinking, of the ability to argue and share ideas.
1.º ciclo do ensino básico, Matemática, Materiais Manipuláveis estruturados e não estruturados 1st cycle of basic education, Mathematics, Structured and unstructured manipulative materials