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INTRODUÇÃO: As diretrizes relativas ao consumo de hidratos de carbono têm sido extensivamente discutidas. Apesar deste macronutriente ser reconhecidamente determinante no rendimento desportivo, escassas revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises foram conduzidas para avaliar a ingestão de hidratos de carbono em futebolistas masculinos.
OBJETIVOS: O objetivo desta revisão sistemática, com meta-análise, foi avaliar a ingestão de hidratos de carbono em diferentes períodos da época competitiva. Adicionalmente, foi examinado o consumo de hidratos de carbono por grupo posicional.
METODOLOGIA: As bases de dados utilizadas foram PubMed, SPORTDiscus e Web of Science Core Collection. Os estudos incluídos consideraram os seguintes critérios de elegibilidade: jogadores de futebol masculino, idade superior a 18 anos e consumo de hidratos de carbono expresso em
RESULTADOS: Inicialmente, foram identificados 1992 artigos. Destes, 11 foram considerados elegíveis para a revisão sistemática e 10 foram incluídos na meta-análise. Os resultados demonstraram que os futebolistas masculinos, consomem em média, 4,3 e 5,0 nos períodos competitivos e preparatórios (pré-época), respetivamente. Não foi encontrado qualquer estudo que reportasse o consumo de hidratos de carbono durante a off-season. Apenas três estudos examinaram a variação do consumo de hidratos de carbono por grupo posicional. Embora as amostras sejam limitadas, os guarda-redes parecem ingerir uma menor quantidade de hidratos de carbono comparativamente a atletas de outras posições em campo.
CONCLUSÕES: Considerando as limitações associadas às metodologias utilizadas para aferir o consumo de hidratos de carbono em atletas, a presente revisão sistemática realça a necessidade de desenvolver estratégias nutricionais para o cumprimento das diretrizes deste macronutriente.
INTRODUCTION: Guidelines for carbohydrate (CHO) intake have been systematically updated. Although CHO are determinant to soccer performance, few systematic reviews or meta-analyses described the CHO ingestion among male soccer players. OBJECTIVES: This systematic-review, with meta-analyses, examined the CHO intake in male soccer players according to the competitive schedule (preparatory season, season and off-season). Additionally, the variability of CHO intake considering playing position was described. METHODOLOGY: Three databases were consulted: PubMed, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science Core Collection. Studies were included according to the following eligibility criteria: (i) male soccer players, (ii) age ≥ 18.0 years, (iii) CHO intake expressed in RESULTS: Initially, 1992 manuscripts were identified. Of those, 11 manuscripts were considered eligible for the systematic review and 10 manuscripts were included in the meta-analyses. The results of the current meta-analysis showed that male soccer players consumed, on average, 4.3 and 5.0 of CHO during the season and in the preparatory period, respectively. Surprisingly, no studies reported CHO intake during off-season. Only three studies examined CHO ingestion by playing position. Although samples were limited, goalkeepers seemed to ingest less CHO than outfielders. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the limitations associated with CHO intake reporting, nutritional strategies to confirm that athletes meet the intake of this macronutrient are needed.
INTRODUCTION: Guidelines for carbohydrate (CHO) intake have been systematically updated. Although CHO are determinant to soccer performance, few systematic reviews or meta-analyses described the CHO ingestion among male soccer players. OBJECTIVES: This systematic-review, with meta-analyses, examined the CHO intake in male soccer players according to the competitive schedule (preparatory season, season and off-season). Additionally, the variability of CHO intake considering playing position was described. METHODOLOGY: Three databases were consulted: PubMed, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science Core Collection. Studies were included according to the following eligibility criteria: (i) male soccer players, (ii) age ≥ 18.0 years, (iii) CHO intake expressed in RESULTS: Initially, 1992 manuscripts were identified. Of those, 11 manuscripts were considered eligible for the systematic review and 10 manuscripts were included in the meta-analyses. The results of the current meta-analysis showed that male soccer players consumed, on average, 4.3 and 5.0 of CHO during the season and in the preparatory period, respectively. Surprisingly, no studies reported CHO intake during off-season. Only three studies examined CHO ingestion by playing position. Although samples were limited, goalkeepers seemed to ingest less CHO than outfielders. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the limitations associated with CHO intake reporting, nutritional strategies to confirm that athletes meet the intake of this macronutrient are needed.
Competição Energia Glicogénio Macronutrientes Periodização In-season Energy Glycogen Macronutrients Periodization