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A Democracia Representativa (nascida dos ideais da Revolução Francesa) pressupõe a ideia do governo do povo, pelo povo e para o povo (BALÃO, 2001), sendo que esta realidade se traduz num governo de uma minoria eleita pela maioria dos cidadãos através do sufrágio universal.
A participação na democracia e no sufrágio universal terá de ser feita de acordo com as crenças, valores, prioridades e conhecimentos, enquadrados num sistema político democrático (isto é, com os direitos e os deveres que se atribuem aos cidadãos), para podermos falar de cultura política democrática.
As decisões políticas que dizem respeito aos negócios estrangeiros e às Relações Internacionais na UE, partem de governos eleitos democraticamente nos vários Estados membros. Assim, a cultura política democrática e a qualidade das democracias constituem factores determinantes para a vivência harmoniosa na UE.
Fenómenos como o Brexit e a proliferação, um pouco por toda comunidade europeia, de partidos de extrema-direita, extrema-esquerda e “antissistema” vieram provar e até mesmo explorar a falha da UE em acompanhar as diferentes culturas políticas [democráticas], em reconhecer a sua diversidade na organização supranacional e em dar uma resposta eficaz face aos interesses comuns e objetivos pré-estabelecidos entre os vários Estados-membros, como as questões de transferência de poderes do governo para a organização supranacional, as políticas sobre a imigração e sobre a administração económica europeia.
Ao longo deste trabalho procuramos desenvolver uma análise da Cultura Política Democrática (por um lado do RU, e por outro da UE), com o objectivo de procurar e identificar as causas que terão levado ao antieuropeísmo inglês que se traduziu no Brexit.
Representative Democracy (inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution) presupposes a form of government of the people, by the people and for the people (BALÃO, 2001), and this reality results in a government of a minority, elected by a majority of citizens through universal suffrage. Participation in democracy and universal suffrage will have to be done according to beliefs, values, priorities, and knowledge, framed within a democratic political system (that is, with rights and duties provided to citizens) so that we can talk of a democratic political culture. Political decisions concerning foreign affairs and international relations in the EU come from democratically elected governments in the various member states. Thus, democratic political culture and the quality of democracies are key factors for a harmonious society in the EU. Phenomena such as Brexit and the proliferation, all over the European community, of populist far-right, far-left and anti-system parties have proven and even exploited the EU's failure to follow different [democratic] political cultures; to recognize their diversity in the supranational organization and to respond effectively to the common interests and pre-established goals of the various member states, such as the transfer of government powers to the supranational organization, immigration policies and the European economic administration. Throughout this work, we have tried to develop an analysis of Democratic Political Culture (from the UK on the one hand and from the EU on the other), with the aim of investigating and identifying the causes of English anti-Europeanism, which led to Brexit.
Representative Democracy (inspired by the ideals of the French Revolution) presupposes a form of government of the people, by the people and for the people (BALÃO, 2001), and this reality results in a government of a minority, elected by a majority of citizens through universal suffrage. Participation in democracy and universal suffrage will have to be done according to beliefs, values, priorities, and knowledge, framed within a democratic political system (that is, with rights and duties provided to citizens) so that we can talk of a democratic political culture. Political decisions concerning foreign affairs and international relations in the EU come from democratically elected governments in the various member states. Thus, democratic political culture and the quality of democracies are key factors for a harmonious society in the EU. Phenomena such as Brexit and the proliferation, all over the European community, of populist far-right, far-left and anti-system parties have proven and even exploited the EU's failure to follow different [democratic] political cultures; to recognize their diversity in the supranational organization and to respond effectively to the common interests and pre-established goals of the various member states, such as the transfer of government powers to the supranational organization, immigration policies and the European economic administration. Throughout this work, we have tried to develop an analysis of Democratic Political Culture (from the UK on the one hand and from the EU on the other), with the aim of investigating and identifying the causes of English anti-Europeanism, which led to Brexit.
Aspirante a Oficial-Aluno Piloto-Aviador 138544-F João Simões.
Presidente: Major-General Paulo Mateus;
Orientador: Professora Doutora Sandra Balão;
Co-orientador: Tenente-Coronel Luís Rocha;
Vogal: Professora Doutora Helena Rego
Cultura política democrática Cultura política Sufrágio universal Sistema político democrático União europeia Brexit Relações internacionais Democratic political culture Political culture Universal suffrage Democratic political system European union Brexit International relations
Academia da Força Aérea