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No Portugal rural, as principais causas, das mudanças verificadas nas últimas décadas, têm
origens distintas. Diversos autores argumentam ser a emigração a causa principal das
transformações demográficas e socioeconómicas ocorridas na maior parte das áreas rurais, a
partir de década de 60. Uma grande variedade de linguagens arquitectónicas trazidas pelos
emigrantes passou, inevitavelmente, a integrar a paisagem. Ainda que não seja a primeira vez,
na História de Portugal, que estes fenómenos de transformação dos padrões arquitectónicos se
manifestem, torna-se fundamental o estudo dos seus impactos. No meio rural é difícil distinguir,
numa primeira observação, quais são as habitações de emigrantes e quais as habitações de
não emigrantes que receberam a sua influência, devido às semelhanças existentes entre elas.
Em resposta aos objectivos, propõe-se a identificação da mutabilidade da arquitectura popular
a partir das linguagens introduzidas pelos migrantes e consequentemente, a definição das
alterações morfológicas ocorridas nas casas rurais (1960-2000), no concelho de Vila Nova de
Metodologicamente, trata-se de uma investigação de estudo comparativo de 150 inquéritos,
tipo descritiva e documental, baseada em métodos de análise qualitativa e quantitativa
(conforme referido no Cap.1). A investigação desenvolve-se em cinco partes, destacando-se os
capítulos referentes à fundamentação teórica (Cap.2) e à análise dos resultados das fichas de
inquérito (Cap.3), permitindo uma coerente sistematização de resultados (Cap.4), facultando
assim os dados necessários para a obtenção de respostas e desenvolvimento de conclusões
finais (Cap.5).
Esta investigação pretende constituir um importante contributo para o melhor conhecimento
das alterações constantes no património popular rural minhoto, a partir de 1960, assim como
das linguagens arquitectónicas introduzidas na pós-migração. O conhecimento das
intervenções realizadas nas construções rurais permitiu distinguir a especificidade resultante de
distinta morfologia arquitectónica em Vila Nova de Cerveira.
Abstract: In rural Portugal, the main causes for the change observed in recent decades have distinct origins. Several authors argue that the main cause for socioeconomic and demographic changes occurring mostly in rural areas following the sixties, is due to emigration. A wide range of architectural styles brought by the immigrants came, inevitably, to integrate the landscape. Although, it is not the first time in Portugal’s history that these phenomena of architectural patterns transformation are discerned, it becomes fundamental the study of their impacts. In rural areas, it is difficult to distinguish at first, which are the households from immigrants and from people that did not emigrate, due to the similarities existing between them. In response to the objectives, it is proposed to identify the mutability of popular architecture from the vocabulary introduced by immigrants and consequently, the definition of the morphological changes occurring in rural households (1960-2000) in Vila Nova de Cerveira. Methodologically, this research is a comparative study of 150 enquires, of descriptive and documental type, based on methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis (as described in Chapter 1). The investigation is carried out in five parts. Chapter 2 creates the ground to a theoretical framework and chapter 3 to the analysis of the inquiry results. Chapter 4 triangulates the data from where it emerges a consistent systematization of results, thus providing data to obtain findings and the development of conclusions (chapter 5). This research aims to provide an valuable contribution to knowledge and a better understanding of changes affecting Minho rural architecture since 1960, as well as the architectural styles introduced in the post-migration period. Knowledge of interventions in rural construction resulted on the identification of the specificity of different households morphology in Vila Nova de Cerveira.
Abstract: In rural Portugal, the main causes for the change observed in recent decades have distinct origins. Several authors argue that the main cause for socioeconomic and demographic changes occurring mostly in rural areas following the sixties, is due to emigration. A wide range of architectural styles brought by the immigrants came, inevitably, to integrate the landscape. Although, it is not the first time in Portugal’s history that these phenomena of architectural patterns transformation are discerned, it becomes fundamental the study of their impacts. In rural areas, it is difficult to distinguish at first, which are the households from immigrants and from people that did not emigrate, due to the similarities existing between them. In response to the objectives, it is proposed to identify the mutability of popular architecture from the vocabulary introduced by immigrants and consequently, the definition of the morphological changes occurring in rural households (1960-2000) in Vila Nova de Cerveira. Methodologically, this research is a comparative study of 150 enquires, of descriptive and documental type, based on methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis (as described in Chapter 1). The investigation is carried out in five parts. Chapter 2 creates the ground to a theoretical framework and chapter 3 to the analysis of the inquiry results. Chapter 4 triangulates the data from where it emerges a consistent systematization of results, thus providing data to obtain findings and the development of conclusions (chapter 5). This research aims to provide an valuable contribution to knowledge and a better understanding of changes affecting Minho rural architecture since 1960, as well as the architectural styles introduced in the post-migration period. Knowledge of interventions in rural construction resulted on the identification of the specificity of different households morphology in Vila Nova de Cerveira.
Arquitectura popular Vila Nova de Cerveira Migrante