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Com o grande aumento do cultivo do olival foram surgindo novas formas de condução
e de desenvolvimento do mesmo, nomeadamente o olival em sebe que veio revolucionar
o sector, dando a oportunidade de quase todas as etapas do itinerário técnico do olival
serem mecanizadas, desde a sua plantação até à colheita do fruto.
O presente relatório resulta do estágio realizado na ELAIA, empresa do grupo SOVENA
presente no sector da produção olivícola com grande impacto no nosso território. Para
que haja uma constante melhoria da produtividade dos seus olivais intensivos e em sebe,
a empresa criou um Departamento de Investigação e Desenvolvimento, que desenvolve
vários trabalhos de investigação que tivemos oportunidade de acompanhar ao longo do
Durante o estágio acompanhamos vários olivais localizados no Alto Alentejo e no Baixo
Alentejo e participamos nos trabalhos do projeto NUTRIOLEA e de avaliação do estado
nutricional das oliveiras por NDVI usando drones; nos trabalhos de avaliação de
diferentes estratégias de poda, com controlo da madeira cortada, das dimensões e da
porosidade da sebe após a intervenção; nos trabalhos de estimativa da produção a partir
do momento da floração, contando ramos com inflorescências e número de
inflorescências por ramo; nos trabalhos do projeto TecnOLIVO que pretende avaliar
diferentes estratégias de rega; e ainda num pequeno estudo do controlo da Lepra
(Neofabraea vagabunda, (Desm.) P.R. Johnst.) num olival de Campo Maior.
Foi possível verificar o rigor e excelente programação dos trabalhos de investigação do
Departamento de I&D, devidamente orientados para obter resultados para a melhoria
da condução e da produtividade dos olivais em sebe da ELAIA. Não há praticamente
nada a propor para melhorar a forma de realização dos trabalhos em que participamos,
dado o grau de profissionalismo e experiência da equipa do Departamento de I&D
With the great increase in the cultivation of the olive grove, new ways of conducting and developing it have emerged, namely the hedged olive grove that has revolutionized the sector, giving the opportunity for almost all stages of the olive grove's technical itinerary to be mechanized, since its inception. planting until the fruit is harvested. This report is the result of the internship carried out at ELAIA, a company of the SOVENA group present in the olive production sector, with a great impact on our territory. In order for there to be a constant improvement in the productivity of its intensive olive groves and in hedge the company created a Research and Development Department, which develops several research works that we had the opportunity to follow along the internship. During the internship, we accompanied several olive groves located in Alto Alentejo and Baixo Alentejo and participated in the work of the NUTRIOLEA project and of the nutritional status assessment of olive trees by NDVI using drones; in the work of evaluating different pruning strategies, with control of the cut wood, the dimensions and porosity of the hedge after the intervention; in the work of estimating production from the moment of flowering, counting branches with inflorescences and number of inflorescences per branch; in the work of the TecnOLIVO project that intends to evaluate different irrigation strategies; and also in a small study of Leprosy control (Neofabraea vagabunda, (Desm.) P.R. Johnst.) in an olive grove in Campo Maior. It was possible to verify the rigor and excellent schedule of the research work of the R&D Department, duly oriented to obtain results for the improvement of the conduction and productivity of the olive groves in the hedge of ELAIA. There is practically nothing to propose to improve the way of carrying out the work in which we participate, given the degree of professionalism and experience of the R&D Department team
With the great increase in the cultivation of the olive grove, new ways of conducting and developing it have emerged, namely the hedged olive grove that has revolutionized the sector, giving the opportunity for almost all stages of the olive grove's technical itinerary to be mechanized, since its inception. planting until the fruit is harvested. This report is the result of the internship carried out at ELAIA, a company of the SOVENA group present in the olive production sector, with a great impact on our territory. In order for there to be a constant improvement in the productivity of its intensive olive groves and in hedge the company created a Research and Development Department, which develops several research works that we had the opportunity to follow along the internship. During the internship, we accompanied several olive groves located in Alto Alentejo and Baixo Alentejo and participated in the work of the NUTRIOLEA project and of the nutritional status assessment of olive trees by NDVI using drones; in the work of evaluating different pruning strategies, with control of the cut wood, the dimensions and porosity of the hedge after the intervention; in the work of estimating production from the moment of flowering, counting branches with inflorescences and number of inflorescences per branch; in the work of the TecnOLIVO project that intends to evaluate different irrigation strategies; and also in a small study of Leprosy control (Neofabraea vagabunda, (Desm.) P.R. Johnst.) in an olive grove in Campo Maior. It was possible to verify the rigor and excellent schedule of the research work of the R&D Department, duly oriented to obtain results for the improvement of the conduction and productivity of the olive groves in the hedge of ELAIA. There is practically nothing to propose to improve the way of carrying out the work in which we participate, given the degree of professionalism and experience of the R&D Department team
Olive growing Superintensive olive grove Hedged olive grove Fertilization Olivicultura Olival superintensivo Fertilização Olival em sebe