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Os desafios colocados pela globalização e pela tecnologia vieram dar uma expressão
transnacional das ameaças à Segurança Interna como terrorismo e o crime (tanto na dimensão
cinética como na cibernética). Assim, um dos domínios da actividade policial em maior
mutação no presente é a cooperação policial internacional (CPI). A literatura aponta como
fatores de sucesso determinantes da CPI a partilha de informação e a rede de organizações
policiais que se estende além do território do Estado. Perante a importância, volume, e alcance
geográfico da informação que pode ser obtida por via da exploração dos canais de cooperação
internacional, este trabalho assume como objetivo tentar perceber se a organização policial
deve dispor de estruturas orgânicas especializadas em pesquisa de informações orientada para
os mecanismos de CPI (como atividade paralela e complementar a outras formas de pesquisa
de informações). Na senda deste objetivo foi desenvolvido uma revisão sistemática da
literatura aplicando a técnica PRISMA-A (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analysis) que nos apontou para uma efetiva necessidade de especialização.
The challenges posed by globalization and technology have given a transnational expression to threats to internal security such as terrorism and crime (in both the kinetic and cyber dimensions). Thus, one of the most changing areas of police activity is international police cooperation (IPC). The literature points to information sharing and the network of police organizations that extends beyond the territory of the state as the determining success factors of CPI. Given the importance, volume, and geographic reach of the information that can be obtained through the exploitation of international cooperation channels. This paper's objective is to try to understand whether police organizations should have organic structures specialized in information search oriented to CPI mechanisms (as an activity and parallel and complementary to other forms of information search). In pursuit of this goal, a systematic literature review was developed by applying the PRISMA-A technique (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) , which pointed to an effective need for specialization
The challenges posed by globalization and technology have given a transnational expression to threats to internal security such as terrorism and crime (in both the kinetic and cyber dimensions). Thus, one of the most changing areas of police activity is international police cooperation (IPC). The literature points to information sharing and the network of police organizations that extends beyond the territory of the state as the determining success factors of CPI. Given the importance, volume, and geographic reach of the information that can be obtained through the exploitation of international cooperation channels. This paper's objective is to try to understand whether police organizations should have organic structures specialized in information search oriented to CPI mechanisms (as an activity and parallel and complementary to other forms of information search). In pursuit of this goal, a systematic literature review was developed by applying the PRISMA-A technique (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) , which pointed to an effective need for specialization
Cooperação Policial Internacional; Informações; Complexidade;
Especialização; International Police Cooperation; Intelligence; Complexity; Specialization