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Este estudo centra-se na organização da formação docente centrada na escola e pretende contribuir para uma reflexão e debate alargado sobre esta temática, que se reveste de particular pertinência no panorama atual da educação em Portugal. Cada vez mais é objeto de forte interesse na área da administração educacional, a formação docente centrada na escola. Com efeito, as razões que dão a este tema particular interesse e pertinência prendem-se com a necessidade de implementar o previsto no actual diploma de administração e gestão das escolas no que respeita à definição do plano de formação docente e que prevê que este seja concebido a partir do levantamento de necessidades de formação docente da Escola ou Agrupamento de Escolas (artigo 33º, alíneas d), i) e j) do Decreto-Lei nº 75/2008, de 22 de Abril). Com o intuito de contextualizar esta problemática foi traçada uma perspectiva histórica da formação docente em Portugal, bem como uma análise sobre as organizações escolares e a autonomia das escolas. De seguida e com o objectivo de enquadrar metodologicamente o estudo empírico é descrita a metodologia deste estudo. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo de caso, numa escola de 2º e 3ºciclos do Ensino Básico de um agrupamento de escolas do concelho de Sintra, onde se procedeu à recolha de dados, junto dos docentes e da direção do agrupamento, tendo-se optado pelo questionário e entrevistas como instrumentos de recolha de dados. Os resultados que sobressaem demostram a existência de dificuldades na adoção de metodologias adequadas para a identificação das necessidades de formação dos professores, bem como um desfasamento entre a resposta dada pela instituição e as reais necessidades e prioridades dos docentes.
The present study focuses on the organization of Teacher Training at school, and aims to be a contribution to a wide debate and reflexion on this theme, so relevant in nowadays educational situation in Portugal. The theme of Teacher training at schools is getting more and more relevant in the area of educational administration. In fact, the reasons for its importance are related to the need of putting into practise the content of the present administration and school’s management diploma, concerning the definition of the Teacher Training’s plan, which states that this planning should be conceived from the teacher training school’s (or school grouping) needs (article 33º, lines d), i), j), decree-law nº75/2008, 22nd April). With the aim of contextualizing this question, a historical perspective of Teacher Training in Portugal was drawn, as well as an analysis of school organizations and their autonomy. Further, and with the purpose of placing methodologically this study, its methodology is explained. Thus, a study case was done, in a secondary school of a school’s grouping in Sintra, with students from the 5th grade to the 9th grade. In this way, data were gathered both from teachers and from the school’s management. As a means of gathering the data we have chosen the interviews and the questionnaire. The results obtained show that there are some difficulties in adopting methodologies to identify precisely the needs of Teacher Training. We have also found a gap between the answers of the school board and the real needs and priorities of teachers.
The present study focuses on the organization of Teacher Training at school, and aims to be a contribution to a wide debate and reflexion on this theme, so relevant in nowadays educational situation in Portugal. The theme of Teacher training at schools is getting more and more relevant in the area of educational administration. In fact, the reasons for its importance are related to the need of putting into practise the content of the present administration and school’s management diploma, concerning the definition of the Teacher Training’s plan, which states that this planning should be conceived from the teacher training school’s (or school grouping) needs (article 33º, lines d), i), j), decree-law nº75/2008, 22nd April). With the aim of contextualizing this question, a historical perspective of Teacher Training in Portugal was drawn, as well as an analysis of school organizations and their autonomy. Further, and with the purpose of placing methodologically this study, its methodology is explained. Thus, a study case was done, in a secondary school of a school’s grouping in Sintra, with students from the 5th grade to the 9th grade. In this way, data were gathered both from teachers and from the school’s management. As a means of gathering the data we have chosen the interviews and the questionnaire. The results obtained show that there are some difficulties in adopting methodologies to identify precisely the needs of Teacher Training. We have also found a gap between the answers of the school board and the real needs and priorities of teachers.