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O objectivo principal deste estudo é determinar em que medida são percepcionadas as Tropas Pára-quedistas no seio do Exército Português, em que se aplica um inquérito a elementos da Brigada de Reacção Rápida e da BrigadaMecanizada, com o objectivo de ter opiniões distintas, pretendendo-se apresentar e discutir os resultados estatísticos.
Para o objectivo principal concorrem outros três objectivos como o de verificar se as Tropas Pára-quedistas estão preparadas para a evolução prevista, justificando de igual modo a sua existência no seio do Exército, analisara imagem das Tropas Pára-quedistas e a relação destas com as restantes forças e averiguar se o processo de integração e adaptação das Tropas Pára-quedistas no Exército foio adequado.
A análise e a discussão dos resultados verificam se a existência das Tropas Páraquedistas é justificada, se estas têm uma boa imagem e relação com as restantes Forças do Exército Português e se estão adaptadas convenientemente ao Exército, como resultado da
sua origem na Força Aérea Portuguesa.
Recomendam-se por fim alguns estudos que podem surgir com a leitura deste trabalho.
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to determine how the Paratroopers are understood by the rest of the Portuguese army. Therefore a survey was made in the other Rapid Reaction Brigade Units and the Mechanized Brigade, with the purpose of getting different opinions, so that those results could be statistically treated and discussed. Three more objectives are studied: to verify if Paratrooper units are ready for predicted development, and justifying their existence in the Portuguese army; to analyze the perception of Paratroopers by other units and the relations between them; to find if the process of bringing in and adapting the Paratroopers to the Army was the most suitable . The analysis and discussion of results show that the Paratroopers’ existence is justified, that the Paratroopers have a good image and relation with the other units and that they are well adapted to the army after their origin in the Portuguese Air Force. Finally, some further studies are indicated that may be suggested by the reading of this work.
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to determine how the Paratroopers are understood by the rest of the Portuguese army. Therefore a survey was made in the other Rapid Reaction Brigade Units and the Mechanized Brigade, with the purpose of getting different opinions, so that those results could be statistically treated and discussed. Three more objectives are studied: to verify if Paratrooper units are ready for predicted development, and justifying their existence in the Portuguese army; to analyze the perception of Paratroopers by other units and the relations between them; to find if the process of bringing in and adapting the Paratroopers to the Army was the most suitable . The analysis and discussion of results show that the Paratroopers’ existence is justified, that the Paratroopers have a good image and relation with the other units and that they are well adapted to the army after their origin in the Portuguese Air Force. Finally, some further studies are indicated that may be suggested by the reading of this work.
Exército Brigada de Reacção Rápida Forças Especiais Tropas Pára-quedistas
Academia Militar. Direção de Ensino