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Esta dissertação de mestrado pretende abordar o empreendedorismo na Guiné-Bissau.
Procura-se, neste trabalho investigativo compreender de que forma a empresa escolhida para o
estudo de caso se consegue manter no cerne empresarial apesar de um ambiente externo
bastante difícil e, não obstante, perceber qual é a contribuição da empresa para o país, assim
como perceber de que forma a conjuntura do país condiciona um maior crescimento da empresa.
Este trabalho investigativo propõe uma reflexão acerca do conceito do empreendedorismo e os
seus efeitos sujeitando-se a um melhor entendimento sobre os requisitos necessários para se ter
sucesso especialmente num ambiente de desacordo.
O empreendedorismo para Global Monitor Entrepneurship “é um excelente condutor da saúde
e da riqueza da sociedade”. É, também, “um formidável motor de crescimento económico.
Promove a inovação essencial necessária para explorar novas oportunidades, promove a
produtividade e cria empregos”.
A metodologia utilizada é a qualitativa tendo obtido informações sobre o percurso da empresa
assim como os entraves que o país apresenta nos seus setores de atividade no formato de
entrevista direcionada a pessoas de interesse como Camlesh Ramachande, o diretor executivo
da empresa.
O resultado desta investigação nos possibilita a concluir que apesar da Guiné-Bissau ser um
país que não facilita o desempenho da atividade empresarial a CR TRADING não deixou que
tal realidade inibisse o seu crescimento, sucesso e a crescente relevância que o seu
empreendimento acarreta para o país.
This master's thesis consists of addressing entrepreneurship in Guinea-Bissau. In this investigative work, the aim is to understand how the company chosen for the case study manages to remain at the heart of the business despite a demotivating external environment and, nevertheless, to understand what the company's contribution to the country is, as well as understand how the country's situation conditions a greater growth of the company. The aim of this investigative work is to reflect on the concept of entrepreneurship and its effects, subjecting it to a better understanding of the necessary requirements to succeed, especially in an environment of disagreement. Entrepreneurship for Global Monitor Entrepreneurship “is an excellent driver of the health and wealth of society”. It is also “a formidable engine of economic growth. It promotes the essential innovation needed to exploit new opportunities, promotes productivity, and creates jobs”. The methodology used is qualitative, having obtained information about the company's path as well as the obstacles that the country presents in its sectors of activity in the format of an interview directed at people of interest such as Camlesh Ramachande, the executive director of the company. The result of this investigation allows us to conclude that despite Guinea-Bissau being a country that does not facilitate the performance of business activity, CR TRADING did not let this reality inhibit its growth, success, and the growing relevance that its enterprise entails for the country.
This master's thesis consists of addressing entrepreneurship in Guinea-Bissau. In this investigative work, the aim is to understand how the company chosen for the case study manages to remain at the heart of the business despite a demotivating external environment and, nevertheless, to understand what the company's contribution to the country is, as well as understand how the country's situation conditions a greater growth of the company. The aim of this investigative work is to reflect on the concept of entrepreneurship and its effects, subjecting it to a better understanding of the necessary requirements to succeed, especially in an environment of disagreement. Entrepreneurship for Global Monitor Entrepreneurship “is an excellent driver of the health and wealth of society”. It is also “a formidable engine of economic growth. It promotes the essential innovation needed to exploit new opportunities, promotes productivity, and creates jobs”. The methodology used is qualitative, having obtained information about the company's path as well as the obstacles that the country presents in its sectors of activity in the format of an interview directed at people of interest such as Camlesh Ramachande, the executive director of the company. The result of this investigation allows us to conclude that despite Guinea-Bissau being a country that does not facilitate the performance of business activity, CR TRADING did not let this reality inhibit its growth, success, and the growing relevance that its enterprise entails for the country.
Empreendedorismo Guiné-Bissau Sucesso Estratégia Empregos Economia Desenvolvimento e sociedade