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Panonychus ulmi (Koch) é um ácaro causador de prejuízos em pomóideas, em
Portugal e por todo o mundo.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a avaliação de um biopesticida, “TecBom”,
com constituição base em oleínas vegetais saponificadas, produto de contacto com uso
permitido em agricultura biológica, na proteção contra este ácaro.
Foi selecionada uma parcela na freguesia de Alvorninha com 0,6 há, plantada com
macieiras da variedade “Gala” em porta-enxerto M9 T337 e com compasso de 4 x 0,7
metros, para a realização do ensaio. Quando atingido o nível económico de ataque, 50 a
75% de folhas ocupadas com formas móveis durante os meses de junho/julho e de 40 a
45% de folhas ocupadas a partir do mês de agosto, procedeu-se à realização dos
tratamentos na dose de 7 litros de produto por hectare com a utilização de um volume de
água de 1000 litros por hectare, de modo a que toda a vegetação ficasse uniformemente
bem molhada, fator importante para garantir a eficácia do produto.
Foram realizados três tratamentos na modalidade com tratamento, respetivamente
nos dias 15 de julho, 22 de julho e 8 de agosto, e seis observações com contagens de formas
móveis em cada modalidade de ensaio (tratamento e testemunha) nos dias 11, 16, 22 e 29
de julho e 7 e 9 de agosto. A amostra de cada contagem era composta por 100 folhas de
dez árvores selecionadas aleatoriamente para cada uma das duas modalidades, divididas
em quatro repetições de 25 folhas.
Foi observada a eficácia do produto ensaiado, visto ter havido uma redução de 108
± 9,23 formas móveis para apenas 6 ± 2,30 na modalidade tratamento, valor médio de
folhas ocupadas mais o desvio padrão de 4 repetições, ao mesmo tempo que na
modalidade testemunha se verificou um aumento face ao valor inicial de 84 ± 5,65 formas
móveis para 92± 23,77, seguido de uma diminuição até atingir as 53 ± 5,03 formas móveis
já no final do ensaio.
Palavras-chave: agricultura biológica, bio-pesticida, macieira, Panonychus ulmi, “TecBom”.
Panonychus ulmi (Koch) is a cause of damage to pome fruits in Portugal and around the world. The present work has as objective the experimentation of a biopesticide, “TecBom”, constitued by saponified vegetable oleins, with allowed use in organic farming, in protection against mite. A plot was selected in the parish of Alvorninha with 0.6 ha planted with “Gala” apple trees in M9 T337 rootstock and measuring 4 x 0.7 meters for the test. When the economic level of attack, 50 to 75% of leaves occupied with mobile forms during June / July and 40 to 45% of leaves occupied from August, treatments were performed at a dose of 7 liters of product per hectare with the use of a water volume of 1000 liters per hectare, so that all vegetation would be uniformly well wetted, which is an important factor in ensuring product efficiency. Three treatments were performed in the treatment modality, respectively on July 15 and 22, and August 8, and six observations with movable form counts in each trial modality (treatment and control) on July 11th, 16th, 22nd and 29th and August 7th and 9th. The sample of each count consisted of 100 leaves from ten trees randomly selected for each of the two modalities, divided into four repetitions with 25 leaves each. The efficacy of the tested product was observed, as there was a reduction of 108 ± 9.23 moving forms to only 6 ± 2.30 in the treatment modality, mean value of leaves occupied plus the standard deviation of 4 repetitions, while in the control mode there was an increase from the initial value of 84 ± 5.65 movable forms to 92 ± 23.77, followed by a decrease to 53 ± 5.03 movable forms at the end. Keywords: organic farming, biopesticide, apple tree, Panonychus ulmi, “TecBom”
Panonychus ulmi (Koch) is a cause of damage to pome fruits in Portugal and around the world. The present work has as objective the experimentation of a biopesticide, “TecBom”, constitued by saponified vegetable oleins, with allowed use in organic farming, in protection against mite. A plot was selected in the parish of Alvorninha with 0.6 ha planted with “Gala” apple trees in M9 T337 rootstock and measuring 4 x 0.7 meters for the test. When the economic level of attack, 50 to 75% of leaves occupied with mobile forms during June / July and 40 to 45% of leaves occupied from August, treatments were performed at a dose of 7 liters of product per hectare with the use of a water volume of 1000 liters per hectare, so that all vegetation would be uniformly well wetted, which is an important factor in ensuring product efficiency. Three treatments were performed in the treatment modality, respectively on July 15 and 22, and August 8, and six observations with movable form counts in each trial modality (treatment and control) on July 11th, 16th, 22nd and 29th and August 7th and 9th. The sample of each count consisted of 100 leaves from ten trees randomly selected for each of the two modalities, divided into four repetitions with 25 leaves each. The efficacy of the tested product was observed, as there was a reduction of 108 ± 9.23 moving forms to only 6 ± 2.30 in the treatment modality, mean value of leaves occupied plus the standard deviation of 4 repetitions, while in the control mode there was an increase from the initial value of 84 ± 5.65 movable forms to 92 ± 23.77, followed by a decrease to 53 ± 5.03 movable forms at the end. Keywords: organic farming, biopesticide, apple tree, Panonychus ulmi, “TecBom”
Agricultura biológica Bio-pesticida Macieira Panonychus ulmi “TecBom”