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A Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) prevê que em 2050, 32% da população mundial
será composta por idosos, por conseguinte, a promoção do envelhecimento saudável constitui
uma prioridade em matéria de Saúde Pública.
O presente relatório tem como finalidade registar de forma clara e objectiva as actividades
realizadas, observadas e proporcionadas pela practica clínica referente ao estágio realizado na
comunidade no âmbito do 1º curso de mestrado em Enfermagem com especialização em saúde
comunitária da Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre. Pretendo ainda através deste relatório,
reflectir sobre o contributo do mesmo para o meu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional como
futura enfermeira especialista em saúde comunitária.
A metodologia seguida neste relatório assim como no estágio realizado foi a metodologia do
planeamento em Saúde.
O estágio realizado teve como objectivo promover o Envelhecimento Saudável dos idosos
pertencentes a três extensões de saúde da Unidade Local de Saúde (ULS) de Castelo Branco e
adquirir competências específicas do enfermeiro especialista em Enfermagem comunitária e de
Saúde Pública definidas pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros.
Após a elaboração do diagnóstico de saúde efectuado a 255 idosos, através do instrumento
de colheita de dados: questionário composto por caracterização sócio-demográfica, escalas de
avaliação da Qualidade de Vida (QV): WHOQOL-OLD e WHOQOL- BREF da OMS e Índice
de Barthel, conclui-se que, de um modo geral, os idosos percepcionam a sua saúde e QV de
forma satisfatória. Foram referidos como factores determinantes para melhorar a sua QV: a
“saúde”, “ter paz” e “ter dinheiro”. Foram detectados como principais necessidades e problemas
dos idosos a falta de actividade física, consumo de álcool e tabaco, segurança do idoso e
sentimentos negativos ou isolamento do idoso.
Foram realizadas actividades de forma a fomentar mudanças de comportamento efectivas
relativamente á aquisição de hábitos de vida saudáveis, tendo como referencial teórico Nola
Pender e o seu modelo de promoção da saúde.
É necessário que estas intervenções tenham continuidade para que haja mudanças de
comportamento efectivas relativamente a adopção de hábitos de vida saudáveis pelos idosos.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts that by 2050, 32% of the population will consist of elderly, therefore, the promotion of healthy aging is a priority in Public Health. This report is intended to record clearly and objectively the activities carried out, examined and provided by practica clinic regarding the training held in the community under the 1st Master's degree in Nursing with specialization in community health, School of Health Portalegre. Still intend through this report, reflect on contibuto the same for my personal and professional development as a future nurse specialist in community health. The methodology followed in this report as well as performed on stage was the planning methodology in Health. The stage was held to promote Healthy Aging of the elderly belonging to three extensions of Health Local Health Unit (LHU) of Castelo Branco and acquire specific skills of specialist nurses in Community Nursing and Public Health established by Order of Nurses. After the development of health diagnosis made to 255 elderly, through the instrument of data collection: questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic scales for assessing quality of life (QOL): WHOQOL-BREF and WHOQOL-OLD WHO and Index Barthel, it is concluded that in general, the elderly perceive their health and QOL satisfactorily. Been reported as key factors to improve their quality of life: the "health", "have peace" and "have money". Were detected as major needs and problems of the elderly to lack of physical activity, alcohol and tobacco, safety and feelings of the elderly or isolation of the elderly. Activities have been undertaken in order to promote behavioral change will be effective for the acquisition of healthy lifestyles, with the theoretical model and Nola Pender health promotion. It is necessary that these interventions are continued so that there are behavioral changes effective for the adoption of healthy lifestyles for the elderly.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) predicts that by 2050, 32% of the population will consist of elderly, therefore, the promotion of healthy aging is a priority in Public Health. This report is intended to record clearly and objectively the activities carried out, examined and provided by practica clinic regarding the training held in the community under the 1st Master's degree in Nursing with specialization in community health, School of Health Portalegre. Still intend through this report, reflect on contibuto the same for my personal and professional development as a future nurse specialist in community health. The methodology followed in this report as well as performed on stage was the planning methodology in Health. The stage was held to promote Healthy Aging of the elderly belonging to three extensions of Health Local Health Unit (LHU) of Castelo Branco and acquire specific skills of specialist nurses in Community Nursing and Public Health established by Order of Nurses. After the development of health diagnosis made to 255 elderly, through the instrument of data collection: questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic scales for assessing quality of life (QOL): WHOQOL-BREF and WHOQOL-OLD WHO and Index Barthel, it is concluded that in general, the elderly perceive their health and QOL satisfactorily. Been reported as key factors to improve their quality of life: the "health", "have peace" and "have money". Were detected as major needs and problems of the elderly to lack of physical activity, alcohol and tobacco, safety and feelings of the elderly or isolation of the elderly. Activities have been undertaken in order to promote behavioral change will be effective for the acquisition of healthy lifestyles, with the theoretical model and Nola Pender health promotion. It is necessary that these interventions are continued so that there are behavioral changes effective for the adoption of healthy lifestyles for the elderly.
Envelhecimento saudável Qualidade vida Enfermagem comunitária Promoção da saúde Hábitos de vida saudáveis