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A relação entre proprietário e seus animais de companhia vai além da mera convivência. É
uma conexão profunda e muitas vezes vital para o bem-estar de ambas as partes. No entanto, a
presença de doenças orais nos animais de estimação pode comprometer significativamente a
qualidade de vida, afetando não apenas o animal, mas também a do seu proprietário.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo a avaliação da qualidade de vida dos proprietários e dos seus
animais de companhia afetados por uma doença oral e discutir a escala de conforto de ambas as
partes, através da análise dos resultados obtidos através da realização de inquéritos antes e depois
da realização de um procedimento terapêutico médico ou cirúrgico.
Os inquéritos permitem avaliar os diversos aspetos desse impacto, examinando as
implicações dos procedimentos no bem-estar emocional e social dos proprietários, visando melhorar
o conhecimento acerca do impacto da doença oral na qualidade de vida dos animais de companhia,
das suas causas e das suas consequências. Estes resultados vão ajudar a melhorar o conhecimento
sobre a doença oral tanto dos estomatologistas veterinários como dos proprietários de animais de
companhia e investigadores no âmbito da medicina veterinária.
Através da plataforma online Google Forms, foram selecionados 18 inquéritos de
proprietários de cães e 7 inquéritos de proprietários de gatos. Foi feita a análise estatística dos
resultados obtidos com o teste de Wilcoxon, comparando assim parâmetros de qualidade de vida de
ambas as partes, no período que antecedeu a realização de uma intervenção terapêutica médica ou
cirúrgica e no mês que sucedeu esse procedimento.
Devido a algumas limitações, como a amostragem pequena por necessidade de follow up e
uma janela temporal curta, os resultados obtidos demonstram não haver alterações significativas em
alguns dos parâmetros avaliados. Assim, nos animais, foi, no geral, demonstrado uma melhoria dos
critérios avaliados. Nos proprietários, os resultados não são tão evidentes, talvez por se irem
habituando às alterações, existindo dessa forma, uma falta de objetividade, sendo também uma das
limitações deste estudo.
Apesar dos resultados estatísticos obtidos, é clinicamente evidente que a doença oral tem
um impacto sobre a qualidade de vida de ambos, havendo uma melhoria da mesma quando os
animais são submetidos a um tratamento médico ou cirúrgico.
The relationship between owners and their pets extends beyond mere coexistence, it is a deep and often vital connection for well-being of both parties. However, the presence of oral disease in pets can significantly compromise quality of life, affecting not only the animal, but also its owner. This work aims at evaluating the quality of life of animals with oral disease, as well as their owners’s, and to discuss the comfort scale of both parties, through the analysis of results obtained in surveys, before and after carrying out a medical or surgical therapeutic procedure. This research allows us to evaluate several aspects of this impact, examining the implications of these therapeutic procedures and how they impact the emotional and social well being of owners, and deepening the knowledge on the impact of oral disease in the quality of life of affected dogs and cats, as well as its causes and consequences. These results will improve knowledge on oral disease of veterinary stomatologists, pet owners and researchers in the field of veterinary medicine. Using the Google Forms online platform, 18 surveys were applied to dog owners and 7 surveys to cat owners. A statistical analysis was performed on the obtained results, comparing the period before medical or surgical therapeutic intervention with the period after said intervention. Through the online platform Google Forms, 18 surveys from dog owners and 7 surveys from cat owners were selected. The results were statistically analyzed using the Wilcoxon test, comparing quality of life parameters for both groups during the period preceding a medical or surgical therapeutic intervention and the month following the procedure. Due to certain limitations, such as the small sample size required for follow-up and a short temporal window, the results obtained show no significant changes in some of the evaluated parameters. Generally, an improvement in the assessed criteria was observed in the animals. However, the results for the owners were less conclusive, possibly due to their gradual adaptation to the changes, leading to a lack of objectivity, which is also a limitation of this study. Despite the statistical results, it is clinically evident that oral disease impacts the quality of life of both animals and owners, with an improvement observed when the animals undergo medical or surgical treatment.
The relationship between owners and their pets extends beyond mere coexistence, it is a deep and often vital connection for well-being of both parties. However, the presence of oral disease in pets can significantly compromise quality of life, affecting not only the animal, but also its owner. This work aims at evaluating the quality of life of animals with oral disease, as well as their owners’s, and to discuss the comfort scale of both parties, through the analysis of results obtained in surveys, before and after carrying out a medical or surgical therapeutic procedure. This research allows us to evaluate several aspects of this impact, examining the implications of these therapeutic procedures and how they impact the emotional and social well being of owners, and deepening the knowledge on the impact of oral disease in the quality of life of affected dogs and cats, as well as its causes and consequences. These results will improve knowledge on oral disease of veterinary stomatologists, pet owners and researchers in the field of veterinary medicine. Using the Google Forms online platform, 18 surveys were applied to dog owners and 7 surveys to cat owners. A statistical analysis was performed on the obtained results, comparing the period before medical or surgical therapeutic intervention with the period after said intervention. Through the online platform Google Forms, 18 surveys from dog owners and 7 surveys from cat owners were selected. The results were statistically analyzed using the Wilcoxon test, comparing quality of life parameters for both groups during the period preceding a medical or surgical therapeutic intervention and the month following the procedure. Due to certain limitations, such as the small sample size required for follow-up and a short temporal window, the results obtained show no significant changes in some of the evaluated parameters. Generally, an improvement in the assessed criteria was observed in the animals. However, the results for the owners were less conclusive, possibly due to their gradual adaptation to the changes, leading to a lack of objectivity, which is also a limitation of this study. Despite the statistical results, it is clinically evident that oral disease impacts the quality of life of both animals and owners, with an improvement observed when the animals undergo medical or surgical treatment.
Cães Escala De Conforto Gatos Patologia Oral Proprietários Cats Comfort Scale Dogs Oral Pathology Owners