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Cada vez mais, as organizações procuram as melhores práticas para conseguirem atingir
patamares de eficiência e vantagem competitiva. Todavia, para tal necessitam de ter sistemas
que identifiquem e avaliem as exposições ao risco, estabelecendo controlos efetivos e que
proponham recomendações para a melhoria do processo de governação, isto é, carecem de um
serviço de auditoria interna. Importa ainda garantir que, no seio da organização exista uma
atualização de conhecimentos, ou seja afirmar a formação como um instrumento de gestão de
recursos humanos. Na atual conjuntura, é necessário garantir agilidade e célere capacidade de
resposta das organizações, que passa por políticas, estratégias, procedimentos e processos
ajustados e eficazes, pelo que, o benchmarking tornou-se uma das principais ferramentas para
a gestão pela qualidade total. Sendo este um método que envolve partilha de informação, pode
induzir as organizações a implementarem processos de cooperação, ou seja, transferir recursos
de um país para outro com a finalidade de promover o desenvolvimento.
Neste sentido, a presente dissertação visa demonstrar a relevância da auditoria interna na
gestão da formação, em organizações do setor portuário e envolvidas em processos de
Assim, apresentamos um estudo descritivo com uma abordagem qualitativa e recorremos ao
estudo de caso como estratégia de investigação, aplicando para tal, a entrevista dirigida, a
observação direta e a consulta de documentos.
Com este estudo, conclui-se que a auditoria interna significa maior eficiência dos processos
internos e auxilia na identificação dos riscos do negócio e a corporate governance, e que a
formação em processo de cooperação conduz a oportunidades de melhoria, através de
processos de benchmarking, pelo que juntas haverá mais vantagens competitivas para as
Nowadays more and more organizations are looking for the best pratices, in order to achieve levels of efficiency and competitive advantage. However, to achieve it they need to have systems to identify and evaluate the risk exposures, as well as to establish effective controls to suggest recommendations to improve the process, that means there is a lack of internal auditory. It is also necessary to assure that inside of an organization there is an update of knowledge, in other words, it is urgent to declare the formation as an instrument to manage the human resources of an organization. In the present conjuncture, it is necessary to give organizations a quick and able answer, which goes through policies, strategies, procedures and effective adjusted processes so that, benchmarking can become a major tool for total management quality. Since this is a method that involves sharing information, it can lead organizations to implement processes of cooperation, this means, to transfer funds from one country to another in order to promote development. By this way, the aim of this work is to prove the importance of the internal auditory in the training management for port sector and organizations involved in process of cooperation. With this study, it is concluded that internal auditory means greater efficiency of internal processes and helps in the identification of business risks and corporate governance. The training in the cooperation process leads to opportunities of improvement through benchmarking processes, so that together there will be more competitive advantages for organizations.
Nowadays more and more organizations are looking for the best pratices, in order to achieve levels of efficiency and competitive advantage. However, to achieve it they need to have systems to identify and evaluate the risk exposures, as well as to establish effective controls to suggest recommendations to improve the process, that means there is a lack of internal auditory. It is also necessary to assure that inside of an organization there is an update of knowledge, in other words, it is urgent to declare the formation as an instrument to manage the human resources of an organization. In the present conjuncture, it is necessary to give organizations a quick and able answer, which goes through policies, strategies, procedures and effective adjusted processes so that, benchmarking can become a major tool for total management quality. Since this is a method that involves sharing information, it can lead organizations to implement processes of cooperation, this means, to transfer funds from one country to another in order to promote development. By this way, the aim of this work is to prove the importance of the internal auditory in the training management for port sector and organizations involved in process of cooperation. With this study, it is concluded that internal auditory means greater efficiency of internal processes and helps in the identification of business risks and corporate governance. The training in the cooperation process leads to opportunities of improvement through benchmarking processes, so that together there will be more competitive advantages for organizations.
Benchmarking Cooperação Formação Auditoria Interna