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El caso de estudio seleccionado para la elaboraciĆ³n de esta DisertaciĆ³n es Salvaterra
de MiƱo, un municipio espaƱol situado en la zona suroeste de la provincia de
Pontevedra. La investigaciĆ³n se centra en la transformaciĆ³n de los usos del suelo que
ha sufrido el lugar desde la aprobaciĆ³n de la primera ley urbanĆstica. El aspecto mĆ”s
destacado del municipio es su situaciĆ³n fronteriza, que lo ha convertido en un punto
estratƩgico para las relaciones con Portugal, llegando a influenciar en el desarrollo
municipal. No obstante, la principal motivaciĆ³n surge a partir de los grandes cambios
sufridos en los usos del suelo en los Ćŗltimos sesenta aƱos, fruto de diversos factores
de carĆ”cter social, econĆ³mico y geogrĆ”fico que permitieron un crecimiento disperso.
El objeto de esta DisertaciĆ³n es realizar una investigaciĆ³n del papel de los usos del
suelo en Salvaterra de MiƱo, a partir del siglo XX, identificando el proceso mediante
la lectura diacrĆ³nica de los diferentes periodos de estudio. Los objetivos se centraron
en verificar los principales factores que encuadraron el contexto econĆ³mico, social,
geogrƔfico y cartogrƔfico de cada momento, para poder reconocer los elementos
que estructuraron la transformaciĆ³n de los usos del suelo. Una vez llegados a este
punto, el Ćŗltimo objetivo se centrĆ³ en establecer, de forma prospectiva, indicadores,
a modo de sĆntesis, incidiendo en los posibles caminos que podrĆan tomar los usos
del suelo en base a los fenĆ³menos previamente identificados.
La metodologĆa de este trabajo se basĆ³ fundamentalmente en dos fases: una
caracterizaciĆ³n general, que permite encuadrar cada Ć©poca con los elementos mĆ”s
representativos de la misma; y una segunda fase de anƔlisis y rediseƱo cartogrƔfico,
en la que con ayuda de los datos anteriores permite realizar una lectura fĆsica e
interpretativa de los acontecimientos. Para este cometido fue necesario utilizar el
anĆ”lisis documental para recoger informaciĆ³n de publicaciones literarias, datos
socioeconĆ³micos y estadĆsticos, asĆ como el uso de fotografĆas o la observaciĆ³n
directa. En el anĆ”lisis de los usos del suelo se ha realizado la superposiciĆ³n de
elementos cartogrĆ”ficos con el fin de plasmar una lectura crĆtica de las
transformaciones sufridas.
La presente DisertaciĆ³n se puede dividir en cuatro partes, la primera que realiza una
introducciĆ³n teĆ³rica de los diferentes tipos de anĆ”lisis que se pueden llevar a cabo
en una ciudad, matizando en el que mejor se ajusta al caso de Salvaterra de MiƱo.
La segunda parte es una descripciĆ³n del lugar, la tercera parte es el anĆ”lisis
cartogrĆ”fico, y por Ćŗltimo la cuarta parte es la sistematizaciĆ³n de toda la informaciĆ³n
recogida a lo largo del trabajo, donde finalmente se proponen los indicadores.
Se han podido observar grandes transformaciones en los usos del suelo de
Salvaterra, provocadas fundamentalmente por los cambios de la sociedad en las
Ćŗltimas dĆ©cadas. Asimismo, se ha identificado la gran importancia que tiene la
legislaciĆ³n urbanĆstica de cada periodo en el crecimiento de la estructura de los
asentamientos, perjudicando a las vĆas de comunicaciĆ³n y a su envolvente.
Abstract: The study case selected for the development of this dissertation is āSalvaterra de MiƱoā, a Spanish municipality located in the southwest of the province of Pontevedra (Spain). The research is focused on the transformation of the land uses suffered by the place since the approbation of the first planning law. The highlight of the town is its border situation, which has become it in a strategic point for relations with Portugal, by reaching influence in the municipal development. However, the main motivation arises from the great changes experienced in land uses in the last sixty years, the result of several factors of social, economic and geographical character that allowed a dispersed growth. The object of this dissertation is to perform an investigation of the role of land uses in āSalvaterra de MiƱoā, from the twentieth century, by identifying the process through the diachronic lecture of the different study periods. The aims were focused on verifying the main factors that framed the economic, social, geographic and cartographic context of each moment, to be able to recognize the elements that structured the transformation of land uses. At this point, the last objective was to establish, as a synthesis, by influencing on the possible ways that land uses could take due to the previously identified phenomena. The methodology of this study was mainly based on two phases: a general characterization, which allows framing each time with the most representative elements of the same; and a second phase of analysis and cartographic redesign, in which with the support of the data above, it allows performing a physical and interpretative reading of the events. For this purpose it was necessary to use the documental analysis to collecting information of literary publications, socioeconomic and statistical data, as well as the use of photographs or direct observation. In the analysis of land uses has been performing the overlapping of cartographic elements in order to capture a critical lecture of the undergone transformations. This dissertation may be divided into four parts. The first one does a theoretical introduction of the different types of analysis that may be carried out in a city, by qualifying in which best fits the case of āSalvaterra de MiƱoā. The second part is a description of the place. The third is composed by the cartographic analysis. Finally, the fourth part is the systematization of all the collected information throughout the work, where at last the indicators are proposed. They have been observed major changes in land uses of āSalvaterraā, which were caused mainly by changes in the society in last decades. Further, it has been identified the great importance of planning legislation of each period, in the growth of the structure of settlements, by damaging the roads and its surround.
Abstract: The study case selected for the development of this dissertation is āSalvaterra de MiƱoā, a Spanish municipality located in the southwest of the province of Pontevedra (Spain). The research is focused on the transformation of the land uses suffered by the place since the approbation of the first planning law. The highlight of the town is its border situation, which has become it in a strategic point for relations with Portugal, by reaching influence in the municipal development. However, the main motivation arises from the great changes experienced in land uses in the last sixty years, the result of several factors of social, economic and geographical character that allowed a dispersed growth. The object of this dissertation is to perform an investigation of the role of land uses in āSalvaterra de MiƱoā, from the twentieth century, by identifying the process through the diachronic lecture of the different study periods. The aims were focused on verifying the main factors that framed the economic, social, geographic and cartographic context of each moment, to be able to recognize the elements that structured the transformation of land uses. At this point, the last objective was to establish, as a synthesis, by influencing on the possible ways that land uses could take due to the previously identified phenomena. The methodology of this study was mainly based on two phases: a general characterization, which allows framing each time with the most representative elements of the same; and a second phase of analysis and cartographic redesign, in which with the support of the data above, it allows performing a physical and interpretative reading of the events. For this purpose it was necessary to use the documental analysis to collecting information of literary publications, socioeconomic and statistical data, as well as the use of photographs or direct observation. In the analysis of land uses has been performing the overlapping of cartographic elements in order to capture a critical lecture of the undergone transformations. This dissertation may be divided into four parts. The first one does a theoretical introduction of the different types of analysis that may be carried out in a city, by qualifying in which best fits the case of āSalvaterra de MiƱoā. The second part is a description of the place. The third is composed by the cartographic analysis. Finally, the fourth part is the systematization of all the collected information throughout the work, where at last the indicators are proposed. They have been observed major changes in land uses of āSalvaterraā, which were caused mainly by changes in the society in last decades. Further, it has been identified the great importance of planning legislation of each period, in the growth of the structure of settlements, by damaging the roads and its surround.
Salvaterra de Minho Actividade industrial Urbanismo Uso do solo