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A entrada no 1.º Ciclo é marcada pela ansiedade e entusiasmo dos alunos em aprenderem
a ler e a escrever. A par da leitura, a escrita é uma das aprendizagens mais importante que
fazemos, pois é transversal e será determinante em vários aspetos da vida. Pelo grau de
complexidade que apresenta, a aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento da escrita são um
processo difícil e moroso, o que traz, por vezes, alguns constrangimentos aos alunos no
domínio da ortografia.
O presente estudo insere-se na temática da ortografia, recorrendo a diferentes estratégias
para o treino e desenvolvimento da mesma. Este projeto foi aplicado numa turma do 3.º
ano de escolaridade do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico.
Para a realização deste projeto, adotou-se um modelo de investigação-ação, num grupo
com 23 participantes de uma escola de ensino particular do distrito de Lisboa.
O projeto teve como objetivos desenvolver a ortografia, promover a reflexão dos alunos
sobre os erros ortográficos, clarificar as dúvidas que têm em relação à escrita das palavras
e ainda compreender o papel de diversas estratégias no desenvolvimento da ortografia.
Para a recolha de dados, foram utilizadas como ferramentas a observação, a análise
documental e os registos dos alunos.
Relativamente aos resultados, foi possível perceber que os alunos tiveram melhores
resultados em atividades que apelavam primeiramente a uma reflexão conjunta de como
as palavras se escreviam e quais as suas maiores dificuldades. Para além disso,
conseguimos observar através da comparação de uma atividade feita inicialmente de
diagnóstico com uma final que a diversificação das atividades e atuar nas dificuldades dos alunos vai ajudar na diminuição dos erros
The entry into the 1st Cycle is marked by the students' anxiety and enthusiasm to learn how to read and write. Alongside reading, writing is one of the most important skills we acquire, as it is transversal and will be crucial in various aspects of life. Due to its complexity, the learning and development of writing is a difficult and time-consuming process, which sometimes brings challenges to students in the domain of spelling. This study is focused on the topic of spelling, employing different strategies for its training and development. This project was implemented in a 3rd-grade class of the 1st cycle of basic education. To carry out this project, an action-research model was adopted, involving a group of 23 participants from a private school in the Lisbon district. The project's objectives were to develop spelling skills, encourage students to reflect on their spelling errors, clarify their doubts regarding word spelling, and understand the role of various strategies in the development of spelling. For data collection, observation, document analysis, and student records were used as tools. Regarding the results, it was possible to observe that students performed better in activities that first called for a joint reflection on how words are spelled and their main difficulties. Additionally, by comparing an initial diagnostic activity with a final one, we observed that diversifying the activities and addressing the students' difficulties helps reduce errors
The entry into the 1st Cycle is marked by the students' anxiety and enthusiasm to learn how to read and write. Alongside reading, writing is one of the most important skills we acquire, as it is transversal and will be crucial in various aspects of life. Due to its complexity, the learning and development of writing is a difficult and time-consuming process, which sometimes brings challenges to students in the domain of spelling. This study is focused on the topic of spelling, employing different strategies for its training and development. This project was implemented in a 3rd-grade class of the 1st cycle of basic education. To carry out this project, an action-research model was adopted, involving a group of 23 participants from a private school in the Lisbon district. The project's objectives were to develop spelling skills, encourage students to reflect on their spelling errors, clarify their doubts regarding word spelling, and understand the role of various strategies in the development of spelling. For data collection, observation, document analysis, and student records were used as tools. Regarding the results, it was possible to observe that students performed better in activities that first called for a joint reflection on how words are spelled and their main difficulties. Additionally, by comparing an initial diagnostic activity with a final one, we observed that diversifying the activities and addressing the students' difficulties helps reduce errors
Ortografia, escrita, 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, estratégias de desenvolvimento, competência gráfica, competência ortográfica Spelling, writing, 1st Cycle of Basic Education, development strategies, graphic competence, spelling competence