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Considerando a importância da participação activa das força de segurança (PSP e GNR) no combate à violência doméstica contra a mulher, este trabalho visa entender as percepções que os elementos policiais têm das questões ligadas ao género e a forma como as suas representações influenciam-nos na sua actuação com as vítimas.
Algumas questões básicas que este trabalho busca responder são: como é que os elementos que lidam directamente com as mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica percebem as questões de género?; quais são as suas práticas perante esta situação?; e, de que maneira as dificuldades institucionais influenciam a resposta desses profissionais ao problema?
Em termos metodológicos, trata-se de um trabalho reflexivo. Baseou-se na consulta bibliográfica onde adoptamos como referencial teórico a categoria género - que postula a construção histórica das relações sociais entre sexos - e a representação social que analisa a construção do sujeito enquanto sujeito social. Fez-se, também na análise da legislação portuguesa de forma a perceber como as questões de géneros são aí abordas. Procedeu-se, ainda, à análise de conteúdo de entrevistas realizadas a alguns elementos das EPAV e dos NIAVE, inseridos no programa Apoio à vítima - Violência Doméstica.
Considering the importance of the active participation of the security forces (PSP and GNR) in the combat against domestic violence against woman, this work aims to understand the police elements perceptions about questions of gender and the way their representations influence them in their action with the victims. Some basic questions this work search to answer are: how the elements who deal directly with women victims of domestic violence, perceive the questions of gender?; which are their practices before this situation?; and, how the institutional difficulties influence the answer of these professionals to the problem? In methodological terms, this is a reflective work. It was based on the bibliographical consultations adopting as theorical reference the category gender - that claims the historical construction of the social relations between the sexes - and the social representation that analyzes the construction of the subject as a social subject. We studied the portuguese legislation in order to understand how questions of gender are treated facing the laws. We also analyzed the content of the data we obtained by interviewing some elements of the EPAV and the NIAVE, inserted in the Victim Support Program - Domestic Violence.
Considering the importance of the active participation of the security forces (PSP and GNR) in the combat against domestic violence against woman, this work aims to understand the police elements perceptions about questions of gender and the way their representations influence them in their action with the victims. Some basic questions this work search to answer are: how the elements who deal directly with women victims of domestic violence, perceive the questions of gender?; which are their practices before this situation?; and, how the institutional difficulties influence the answer of these professionals to the problem? In methodological terms, this is a reflective work. It was based on the bibliographical consultations adopting as theorical reference the category gender - that claims the historical construction of the social relations between the sexes - and the social representation that analyzes the construction of the subject as a social subject. We studied the portuguese legislation in order to understand how questions of gender are treated facing the laws. We also analyzed the content of the data we obtained by interviewing some elements of the EPAV and the NIAVE, inserted in the Victim Support Program - Domestic Violence.
violência doméstica contra mulheres polícia género mulheres