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Tema: As estratégias não-farmacológicas constituem um recurso que deve ser primordial
no alívio da dor da criança. Apesar do desenvolvimento no conhecimento científico
acerca da temática e da sua eficácia, a implementação na prática é ainda insuficiente.
Existe uma necessidade urgente de melhorar as práticas clínicas, no que respeita à gestão
e controlo da dor em pediatria. Os Enfermeiros Especialistas em Saúde Infantil e
Pediátrica são os profissionais que pela proximidade com a criança e família na sua
prática diária e competências acrescidas, têm maior responsabilidade profissional e ética
de assegurar a adequada gestão da dor da criança.
Objetivo: Desenvolver capacidade crítica e reflexiva sobre todo o percurso formativo e
aquisição de competências de Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica nos
diversos contextos clínicos; realizar uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura e desenvolver
uma proposta de intervenção que dê resposta às necessidades identificadas.
Metodologia: Estudo do tipo descritivo e revisão integrativa da literatura, com recurso às
bases de dados disponíveis no motor de busca EBSCO, através do browser da Ordem dos
Enfermeiros, com a expressão de pesquisa: (Infant, newborn OR Infant) AND (Pediatrics
OR Pediatric nursing OR Pediatric nurse practitioners) AND (Pain management OR
Acute pain) AND (Hospitalization OR Child, hospitalized).
Resultados: Da pesquisa efetuada obtivemos uma amostra final de 9 artigos qualitativos,
publicados entre 2012-2022, tendo em conta os critérios de inclusão e exclusão
previamente definidos. Concluíram-se quais as estratégias não-farmacológicas eficazes
no controlo da dor aguda em crianças hospitalizadas dos 0 aos 2 anos, as barreiras e
facilitadores à sua utilização e intervenções que permitem melhorar as práticas de
controlo da dor.
Conclusões: É necessário sensibilizar os Enfermeiros Especialistas em Saúde Infantil e
Pediátrica para a utilização das estratégias não-farmacológicas, devendo estes, atentar na
formação dos seus pares e família da criança. É importante investir em práticas mais
sustentáveis, criar protocolos de atuação que permitam uniformizar os procedimentos e
atualizar as intervenções nos Sistemas de Informação em Saúde.
Introduction: Non-pharmacological strategies are a paramount resource in relieving children's pain. Despite the development of scientific knowledge on the subject and its effectiveness, practice implementation is still insufficient. There is an urgent need to improve clinical practices in regard to pediatric pain management and control. Specialist Nurses in Child and Paediatric Health are professionals who, due to their proximity to the child and family in their daily practice and due to their increased skills, have greater professional and ethical responsibility to ensure the adequate management of the child's pain. Objective: Develop critical and reflective capacity over the entire training path and acquire skills as a Specialist Nurse in Child and Pediatric Health, in the various clinical contexts; Conduct an Integrative Literature Review and develop an intervention proposal that responds to the identified needs. Methods: Descriptive study and integrative literature review, using the databases available in the EBSCO search engine, through the browser of the Ordem dos Enfermeiros and with the search expression: (Infant, newborn OR Infant) AND (Pediatrics OR Pediatric nursing OR Pediatric nurse practitioners) AND (Pain management OR Acute pain) AND (Hospitalization OR Child, hospitalized). Results: From the research carried out and taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we obtained a final sample of 9 qualitative articles, published between 2012- 2022. It was concluded which non-pharmacological strategies are effective in the control of acute pain in hospitalized children from 0 to 2 years old, the barriers and facilitators to their use and interventions that allow improving pain control practices. Conclusions: Specialist Nurses in Child and Paediatric Health must be made aware of the use of non-pharmacological strategies, focus on the training of their peers and the child's family, contributing to an integrated care partnership. It is necessary to invest in more sustainable practices, create action protocols that allow the standardization of procedures and update the Health Information Systems with regard to interventions in non-pharmacological strategies.
Introduction: Non-pharmacological strategies are a paramount resource in relieving children's pain. Despite the development of scientific knowledge on the subject and its effectiveness, practice implementation is still insufficient. There is an urgent need to improve clinical practices in regard to pediatric pain management and control. Specialist Nurses in Child and Paediatric Health are professionals who, due to their proximity to the child and family in their daily practice and due to their increased skills, have greater professional and ethical responsibility to ensure the adequate management of the child's pain. Objective: Develop critical and reflective capacity over the entire training path and acquire skills as a Specialist Nurse in Child and Pediatric Health, in the various clinical contexts; Conduct an Integrative Literature Review and develop an intervention proposal that responds to the identified needs. Methods: Descriptive study and integrative literature review, using the databases available in the EBSCO search engine, through the browser of the Ordem dos Enfermeiros and with the search expression: (Infant, newborn OR Infant) AND (Pediatrics OR Pediatric nursing OR Pediatric nurse practitioners) AND (Pain management OR Acute pain) AND (Hospitalization OR Child, hospitalized). Results: From the research carried out and taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we obtained a final sample of 9 qualitative articles, published between 2012- 2022. It was concluded which non-pharmacological strategies are effective in the control of acute pain in hospitalized children from 0 to 2 years old, the barriers and facilitators to their use and interventions that allow improving pain control practices. Conclusions: Specialist Nurses in Child and Paediatric Health must be made aware of the use of non-pharmacological strategies, focus on the training of their peers and the child's family, contributing to an integrated care partnership. It is necessary to invest in more sustainable practices, create action protocols that allow the standardization of procedures and update the Health Information Systems with regard to interventions in non-pharmacological strategies.
Curso de Mestrado ministrado em parceria com Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. José de Cluny
Enfermeiro Especialista em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica Controlo da Dor Dor Aguda Crianças Hospitalizadas Recém-Nascido Lactente