Pretendeu-se com este trabalho, promover o estudo da otimização energética para conforto ambiente com
tecnologias passivas e ativas num eco resort situado na Arabia Saudita.
Não existindo infraestruturas de distribuição de energia elétrica, é necessário otimizar o consumo de
energia. A modelação do edifício foi feita com o software Design Builder, criando um modelo que reproduza
as mesmas condições que se pretendem ser analisadas, que cumpre com a metodologia de cálculo da
norma ASHRAE 140. Ao longo deste trabalho foram modeladas 4 soluções construtivas, 13 técnicas de
arrefecimento passivo isoladas e 3 de forma combinada e 5 sistemas de climatização.
Abordaram-se os códigos locais Saudi Building Code (SBC) e os seus cadernos acessórios, SBC 501
(Energy Conservation Requirements) e o SBC 601 (Mechanical Requirements). Por último fez-se uma
abordagem comparativa destes requisitos com as recomendações da ASHRAE 90.1, ASHRAE 55-2010 e
na ASHRAE 62.1
The aim of this work was to promote the study of energy optimization for environmental comfort with passive and active technologies in an eco resort located in Saudi Arabia. Since there is no electricity distribution infrastructure, it is necessary to optimize energy consumption. The modeling of the building was done with the Design Builder software, creating a model that reproduces the same conditions that are intended to be maintained, which follow the calculation methodology of the ASHRAE 140 standard. Throughout this work 4 constructive solutions were modelled, 16 passive cooling techniques on isolated and combined form, and 5 air conditioning systems. The local codes Saudi Building Code (SBC) and its cartoon notebooks, SBC 501 (Energy Conservation Requirements) and SBC 601 (Mechanical Requirements) were addressed. Subsequently, a comparison was made between these requirements and the recommendations of ASHRAE 90.1, ASHRAE 55-2010 and ASHRAE 62.1
The aim of this work was to promote the study of energy optimization for environmental comfort with passive and active technologies in an eco resort located in Saudi Arabia. Since there is no electricity distribution infrastructure, it is necessary to optimize energy consumption. The modeling of the building was done with the Design Builder software, creating a model that reproduces the same conditions that are intended to be maintained, which follow the calculation methodology of the ASHRAE 140 standard. Throughout this work 4 constructive solutions were modelled, 16 passive cooling techniques on isolated and combined form, and 5 air conditioning systems. The local codes Saudi Building Code (SBC) and its cartoon notebooks, SBC 501 (Energy Conservation Requirements) and SBC 601 (Mechanical Requirements) were addressed. Subsequently, a comparison was made between these requirements and the recommendations of ASHRAE 90.1, ASHRAE 55-2010 and ASHRAE 62.1
Arrefecimento passivo Consumo de energia Arrefecimento evaporativo Conforto térmico Inércia térmica Ar novo AVAC Passive cooling Energy consumption Evaporative cooling Thermal comfort Thermal inertia Outdoor air HVAC