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Os brasileiros são respeitados no mundo inteiro como detentores de “Know-How” privilegiado sobre planeamento, implantação e operação de sistemas de transporte público coletivo por autocarros.
Nas áreas de consultoria, construção civil, gestão pública, indústria de autocarros e equipamentos e operação de transporte, conseguiram desenvolver através dos tempos conhecimento e competências para encontrar soluções de mobilidade urbana não só para o Brasil, mas para diversas cidades em redor do mundo.
A cidade de Curitiba é pioneira na implantação de uma rede de transportes públicos em canaletas exclusivas com atributos especiais, como embarque em nível, cobrança e controle fora dos veículos, linhas expressas e paradoras; e sistemas de informações aos utentes, o que permitiu o nascimento de uma nova mobilidade de transporte utilizando o autocarro, que se alastrou por diversas cidades do mundo.
Hoje mais de 80 cidades em todos os continentes já operam o sistema Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), e centenas de projetos encontram-se em fase de implantação. O sistema Transmilénio de Bogotá, na Colômbia, cuja conceção contemplou a participação de diversos consultores brasileiros, é operado por veículos produzidos no Brasil. Isso trouxe uma nova dimensão para os sistemas BRT, ao promover a transformação urbana a partir do transporte sustentável.
Neste cenário animador que projeta o Brasil como berço do BRT, surgem algumas perguntas:
• Porque é que os sistemas BRT se encontram limitados a tão poucas cidades e não se estenderam ao resto do país (Brasil), visto que foram utilizadas em outras cidades igualmente como bons exemplos?
• O que funciona mal e por quê?
• Porque é que Curitiba é um caso particular no Brasil?
As respostas poderão passar pelas diversas realidades brasileiras que precisam de ter mais atenção dos políticos e governantes: a falta de uma política nacional para o transporte urbano, a política oficial de incentivo e prioridade para o automóvel, a falta de investimentos públicos no setor e a iniquidade social na utilização dos espaços e equipamentos urbanos poderão ser alguns dos motivos.
Brazilians are respected worldwide as having "Know-How" privileged on planning, implementation and operation of systems of public transportation by bus. In consulting, construction, public administration, industry and bus equipment and transport operations have developed over time knowledge and skills to find solutions for urban mobility not only for Brazil, but for many cities around the world. The city of Curitiba is a pioneer in the deployment of a network of public transport in channels with unique special attributes, like level boarding, charging control and out of vehicles, and express lines paradoras, and information systems to users, enabling the birth a new mobility transport using the bus, which spread to several cities in the world. Today more than 80 cities on all continents already operate the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), and hundreds of projects are under implementation. The system Transmilênio in Bogotá, Colombia, whose design included the participation of several Brazilian consultants, is operated by vehicles produced in Brazil. This brought a new dimension to BRT systems, to promote the transformation from urban transport sustainable. In this scenario animator projecting Brazil as the birthplace of BRT, some questions arise: • Why is that BRT systems are limited to as few cities and did not extend to the rest of the country (Brazil), as were used in other cities also as good examples? • What works badly and why? • Why is a particular case of Curitiba in Brazil? Replies may pass through several Brazilian realities that need to have more attention from politicians and rulers: the lack of a national policy for urban transport, the official policy of incentives and priority for the automotive, lack of public investment in the sector and inequity in the use of social spaces and urban facilities can be some of the reasons.
Brazilians are respected worldwide as having "Know-How" privileged on planning, implementation and operation of systems of public transportation by bus. In consulting, construction, public administration, industry and bus equipment and transport operations have developed over time knowledge and skills to find solutions for urban mobility not only for Brazil, but for many cities around the world. The city of Curitiba is a pioneer in the deployment of a network of public transport in channels with unique special attributes, like level boarding, charging control and out of vehicles, and express lines paradoras, and information systems to users, enabling the birth a new mobility transport using the bus, which spread to several cities in the world. Today more than 80 cities on all continents already operate the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), and hundreds of projects are under implementation. The system Transmilênio in Bogotá, Colombia, whose design included the participation of several Brazilian consultants, is operated by vehicles produced in Brazil. This brought a new dimension to BRT systems, to promote the transformation from urban transport sustainable. In this scenario animator projecting Brazil as the birthplace of BRT, some questions arise: • Why is that BRT systems are limited to as few cities and did not extend to the rest of the country (Brazil), as were used in other cities also as good examples? • What works badly and why? • Why is a particular case of Curitiba in Brazil? Replies may pass through several Brazilian realities that need to have more attention from politicians and rulers: the lack of a national policy for urban transport, the official policy of incentives and priority for the automotive, lack of public investment in the sector and inequity in the use of social spaces and urban facilities can be some of the reasons.
Curitiba Transportes públicos Urbanismo Geografia Urbana Cidade-Modelo Planeamento Mobilidade Urbana Sustentabilidade Public Transport Urban Planning Urban Geography Model Town Planning Urban Mobility Sustainability