Research Project
Strategic Project - UI 4041 - 2011-2012
ON CINEMA | 2013. Livro de Actas / Conference proceedings
Publication . AAVV
The Arnaldo Araújo Research Centre (CEAA) in collaboration with the Department of Theatre and Film and the Film and Audiovisual Degree of Oporto Artistic School (ESAP) organizes an international conference dedicated to the cinema and audiovisual linked with the 10th International Exhibition of Film Schools (MIFEC).
This conference will seek to explore the effects of rapidly changing technologies and platforms on the study of different issues in film and television. How postgraduate researchers in a context of change face the relationship between cinema and narrative. How new technologies do affects the way that film schools develop new pedagogies and methods in teaching film and audiovisual. And how do changes in the present affect relationship between film and other arts.
Main themes:
1. Film and Narrative: Morphology, taxonomy, analytical, pragmatic, poetic, and narrative models on film and audiovisual.
2. The Cinema in dialogue with the arts: relationships between cinema and visual arts, theater, literature, photography, design and architecture.
3. Film in the schools: Film and pedagogy, theory and history of cinema, new methodologies in teaching, film schools and technology challenges, film production in the university context.
Architecture et photographie d’architecture au XIXe siècle au Portugal
Publication . TREVISAN, Alexandra; MAIA, Maria Helena
The studies of history of photography are relatively recent in Portugal. So, the analysis of the linkage with the history of architecture, although attractive, will necessarily have to be taken with the necessary caution to a first approximation.
In fact, if we think in 19th century architects photographers, we are almost reduced to the work of Possidónio da Silva (1806-1896). This Portuguese architect was formed in Paris, where he worked with Percier and Fontaine and became acquainted with the ideas of Caumont, experience that came to be reflected in the action that he developed when Possidónio returned to Portugal.
Possidónio da Silva was the founder of the Portuguese Civil Architects Association (1863) later Royal Association of Portuguese Civil Architects and Archaeologists. He has devoted much of his life to archeology and to the study and protection of national heritage. In this work, he did use the photograph both as a way to documental registration and as a way of dissemination in the publications that he was associated.
Indeed, it is as a mean of documentation that the photograph is being used in the second half of the 19th century.
In 1880, the Government has appointed a team to make some travels by Portugal in order to, among other things, identify and assess the heritage value of buildings that he intended to sell. In this team, we already can identify a photographer, Carlos Relvas, along with an architect, Alfredo de Andrade (Boito's friend) and a journalist, Rangel Lima.
The architectural photography, published or used as such in photo-editorial activity through collotype (Carlos Relvas Cunha Morais and Emilio Biel), photoengraving and zincography (Marques de Abreu) seems to be primarily a vehicle for spreading much of the historical heritage, and contemporary architectural production.
However, it was only in the 20th century, that the interest of architects in photography was extended beyond the mere record or disclosure and which enters in the field of artistic photography or of the specialized photographers, whose spolium can be identified with the contemporary architectural production (Domingos Alvão, Mário Novais, Teófilo Rego).
This paper, will try to identify the key moments of the evolution, in Portugal, of architectural photography and the relationship between architects and photographers on the 19th century
Reflexão para um itinerário cultural de arquitectura (made in)dústria – Riba d’Ave e Oliveira de São Mateus
Publication . COUTO, Joana; CORREIA, Paulo; MATOS, Rogério Bruno
A seguinte reflexão pretende, em primeiro lugar, contextualizar do ponto de vista histórico e geográfico um dos mais importantes focos de desenvolvimento industrial do Concelho de Vila Nova de Famalicão. Após esse enquadramento irá demonstrar o carácter inovador e peculiar que envolveu a processo de Industrialização da freguesia de Riba de Ave, que se transformou num caso único no País. Perante o conjunto de valores sociais, culturais e arquitectónicos que revestem este caso de estudo, entendemos apresentar uma reflexão para um itinerário que desperte o interesse turístico, promova e dinamize a cultura e a economia local e regional.
Uma empresa feita cidade
Publication . SALES, Fátima
Settlers and Peasants. The New Rural Settlements of 20th Century Portuguese Internal Colonization
Publication . MAIA, Maria Helena; MATIAS, Isabel
Portugal of the first half of the 20th century is still a rural country and that wanted rural. Is this real and ideological rurality that this article intends to address, studding the new settlements resulting from internal colonization official actions.
In 1926 the first Portuguese agricultural settlement is established. Ten years later, was created the Junta de Colonização Interna [Internal Colonization Department], responsible for the construction of various rural colonies. The idea was to combine agricultural improvement with social integration of poor families.
We aims to identify the new settlements created by the JCI and understand its relationship with the Portuguese contemporary architectural culture, specifically, the debate around the cottage, dominant since 19th century. It is also important to examine the urban forms so constructed, for what they represent as field of experience of urban design solutions, for the importance it played in building the Portuguese landscape and the way they translate the signals of a desired 'Portugueseness'
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
6817 - DCRRNI ID
Funding Award Number