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  • Determinants for tourism and poverty alleviation
    Publication . Lima, Susana; Eusébio, Celeste; Partidário, Maria do Rosário
    In the last decade, commitment to tourism as a development strategy for the developing world has gained a renewed interest by governments and development organizations in the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals. This was established as a major priority by donors, governments, NGOs, national and international tourism bodies, bilateral and multilateral institutions, like the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The purpose of this paper is to identify the main determinants that should be integrated in the international cooperation for development programs that use tourism as a tool for poverty alleviation. By way of a case study it is analyzed the role played by the UNWTO.Volunteers Program in this context examining if it integrates the determinants previously identified in the literature review. To accomplish the research objectives, data collection included: documental analysis, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews with UNWTO participants. While no evidences exist yet due to the recent implementation of the UNWTO.Volunteers, the findings suggest that if these programs manage to have a positive influence on all, or at least in some of the dimensions, then it is possible that it responds to some of the main determinants for poverty alleviation in order to reinforce the local communities capacity-building.
  • El Turismo como una estrategia para el mundo en desarrollo: el Programa UNWTO. Volunteers
    Publication . Lima, Susana; García Gómez, Cecilia S.; Gómez López, Domingo; Eusébio, Celeste
    El compromiso del turismo como una estrategia para el mundo en desarrollo vine adquiriendo mayor interés de los gobiernos y de las organizaciones internacionales para el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio. En este artículo, se busca contribuir al marco teórico relacionado con las diversas perspectivas sobre los programas de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo, que consideran al turismo como una estrategia que contribuye al logro de esos objetivos, como es el caso del Programa UNWTO.Volunteers. Las características principales de este programa serán descritas y se discutirán los impactos que pueden producir en los destinos involucrados. Esta discusión se basa en un estudio de caso del Programa UNWTO.Volunteers, desarrollado en el estado mexicano de Chiapas en 2008.