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Perdigão Silva Mendes Andrade, Maria Cláudia

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  • School-Family and Family-School Enrichment: A Study with Portuguese Working Student Parents
    Publication . Andrade, C.; Fernandes, J.L.
    In recent years, higher education institutions have progressively undertaken efforts to attract more diversified populations to their programs, both in the first and second cycles. These new groups include students who work professionally and who are parents. The literature that aims to address the management of multiple roles of higher education students has mainly devoted its attention to the potential conflict of roles, with a scarcity of studies focused on the positive aspects that may result from this articulation. The present study aims to analyze the relationships between satisfaction with social support (in the academic/school, work, and family domain), satisfaction with role management and academic performance and school-family and family-school enrichment experiences. The study was carried out using a questionnaire, with 155 students working fathers/mothers allowed to identify predictors of school-family and family-school enrichment. The results provide a better understanding of the factors that contribute to a student role having a positive impact on other life roles, namely the professional role and the role of father/mother.
  • Perceções dos estudantes do ensino superior sobre o papel da responsabilidade social organizacional: Um estudo exploratório
    Publication . Fernandes, J.L.; Andrade, C.
    O presente estudo analisou, numa amostra de 70 estudantes da licenciatura em Comunicação Organizacional, as perceções sobre o papel da responsabilidade social organizacional e o modo como as organizações podem atuar, junto dos colaboradores, recorrendo às novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. A análise correlacional entre as dimensões das escalas escala de perceção do papel de responsabilidade social (RS) e da escala de expetativas de comunicação fora de horário de trabalho permitiu identificar uma correlação positiva e significativa entre a RS e sucesso e competitividade (obstáculo) e as expetativas de comunicação para além do horário de trabalho. Os resultados são discutidos no âmbito da formação académica promotora de reflexão e ação orientadas para a valorização da sustentabilidade organizacional e o bem-estar do colaborador.