Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2019-08"
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- Rota do Românico no concelho de Lousada: arquitetura pontística sobre o rio SousaPublication . Vieira, SaraÉ inegável que para o estudo das travessias, tal como do revestimento dos caminhos e estradas, seja suficiente apenas a materialidade das mesmas. Dados históricos como a função utilitária das travessias para as comunidades ao longo dos tempos, enquadrados num âmbito mais amplo de humanização e de circulação, auxiliam na definição cronológica da arquitetura pontística, sublinhando, desta forma, respostas de valor científico.
- Orthostatic hypotension and cardiovascular events: closing the link?Publication . Pereira, Telmo
- Kilns of ConimbrigaPublication . Tsakalidou, AikateriniThe report revises the current knowledge about the instalation of industrial kilns inside the town, in the Late Roman period.
- X-ray vision: the mental genealogy of the anatomy of the interior of the human bodyPublication . Dias, Maria do Rosário; Evangelista, José Grillo; Naben, Letícia; Ritto, Isabel; Ferreira, AnaBackground: The concepts of the Young Person and of an Elderly Person go through an evolutionary diversification during the Human lifecycle and are permeable to diverse biopsychosocial factors involved in the definition of the lifecycle stages. Therefore, assessing this subjectivity in different stages of development and population fringes may be a determinant key factor to assist the implementation of successful disease prevention and health promotion strategies. Aim: The aim of the present study was to discern how Fine Arts’ college students of the Anatomy class mentally represent the inner morphology of the human body of the Young Person and of an Elderly Person. Method: For such, 126 students were asked to draw the interior of the body of a Young Person and of an Elderly Person. In all, 252 drawings were collected and analysed, based on a coding data grid designed for this purpose. Hence, a comparative analysis of these two different vital lifecycle phases was achieved. Results: The results suggest anatomical differences in the pictorial representation of the Young Person and of the Elderly Person, namely in the accentuation of the curvatures of the vertebral column, retrusion of the lower jaw and muscle flaccidity. Conclusions: Although the body schema was the same for all individuals, the body image was singularly depicted and linked to each individual’s history, representing a synthesis of his idiosyncratic perceptions, experiences and particularities.
- Fine-tuning multilevel modeling of risk factors associated with nonsurgical periodontal treatment outcomePublication . Machado, Vanessa; Botelho, João; Mascarenhas, Paulo; Cavacas, Maria Alzira; Alves, Ricardo; Mendes, José JoãoThis retrospective study evaluated the influence of known risk factors on nonsurgical periodontal treatment (NSPT) response using a pocket depth fine-tuning multilevel linear model (MLM). Overall, 37 patients (24 males and 13 females) with moderate-to-severe chronic periodontitis underwent NSPT. Follow-up visits at 3, 6, and 12 months included measurements of several clinical periodontal parameters. Data were sourced from a previously reported database. In a total of 1416 initially affected sites (baseline PD ≥ 4 mm) on 536 teeth, probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) reductions after NSPT were evaluated against known risk factors at 3 hierarchical levels (patient, tooth, and site). For each post-treatment follow-up, the variance component models fitted to evaluate the 3-level variance of PD and CAL decrease revealed that all levels contributed significantly to the overall variance (p < 0.001). Patients who underwent NSPT and were continually monitored had curative results. All 3 hierarchical levels included risk factors influencing the degree of PD and CAL reduction. Specifically, the type of tooth, surfaces involved, and tooth mobility site-level risk factors had the strongest impact on these reductions and were highly relevant for the success of NSPT.
- Clonal expansion across the seas as seen through CPLP-TB database: A joint effort in cataloguing Mycobacterium tuberculosis genetic diversity in Portuguese-speaking countriesPublication . Perdigão, João; Silva, Carla; Diniz, Jaciara; Pereira, Catarina; Machado, Diana; Ramos, Jorge; Silva, Hugo; Abilleira, Fernanda; Brum, Clarice; Reis, Ana J.; Macedo, Maíra; Scaini, João L.; Silva, Ana B.; Esteves, Leonardo; Macedo, Rita; Maltez, Fernando; Clemente, Sofia; Coelho, Elizabeth; Portugal, Isabel PortugalTuberculosis (TB) remains a major health problem within the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CPLP). Despite the marked variation in TB incidence across its member-states and continued human migratory flux between countries, a considerable gap in the knowledge on the Mycobacterium tuberculosis population structure and strain circulation between the countries still exists. To address this, we have assembled and analysed the largest CPLP M. tuberculosis molecular and drug susceptibility dataset, comprised by a total of 1447 clinical isolates, including 423 multidrug-resistant isolates, from five CPLP countries. The data herein presented reinforces Latin American and Mediterranean (LAM) strains as the hallmark of M. tuberculosis populational structure in the CPLP coupled with country-specific differential prevalence of minor clades. Moreover, using high-resolution typing by 24-loci MIRU-VNTR, six cross-border genetic clusters were detected, thus supporting recent clonal expansion across the Lusophone space. To make this data available to the scientific community and public health authorities we developed CPLP-TB (available at, an online database coupled with web-based tools for exploratory data analysis. As a public health tool, it is expected to contribute to improved knowledge on the M. tuberculosis population structure and strain circulation within the CPLP, thus supporting the risk assessment of strain-specific trends.
- A matemática e o brincar na educação de infânciaPublication . Canastra, Rafaela Borges; Delgado, CatarinaO presente relatório foi elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, tendo como base os estágios curriculares realizados nos contextos de Creche e de Jardim de Infância. Tem subjacente um estudo cujo objetivo é compreender de que forma o(a) educador(a) poderá tirar partido da atividade de brincar para potenciar a aprendizagem da matemática em Educação de Infância. Mais concretamente, este estudo é orientado pelas seguintes questões de investigação: (i) Como se caracteriza a atividade matemática desenvolvida pelas crianças durante o ato de brincar? (ii) Como pode o(a) educador(a) otimizar a atividade matemática através do brincar? A fundamentação teórica foca-se em aspetos relacionados com o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem da matemática na creche e no jardim de infância e com a atividade de brincar nestes contextos. Discute, também, a relação entre estas duas temáticas e o papel do(a) educador(a) para potenciar a atividade matemática através da atividade do brincar. Este estudo insere-se num paradigma interpretativo, segue uma abordagem qualitativa e desenvolve-se numa perspetiva de investigação-ação. Os dados foram obtidos através da observação participante, complementada por notas de campo e registos fotográficos e de vídeo, e através de recolha documental. Os resultados do estudo revelam que o ato de brincar potencia a atividade matemática das crianças, nomeadamente no que se refere à mobilização/desenvolvimento de conceitos e procedimentos matemáticos. Em particular, revela que através da atividade de brincar as crianças verbalizam e realizam ações que revelam competências ao nível das componentes Números e Operações e da Geometria e Medida e de processos tais como a classificação e a resolução de problemas. Este estudo dá-nos também conta do importante papel do(a) educador(a) durante o ato de brincar no que diz respeito à promoção das aprendizagens das crianças, nomeadamente no que se refere aos materiais que disponibiliza e ao tipo de questões que coloca às crianças. Em particular, salienta-se a importância de as questões suscitarem a explicação do modo como as crianças pensam e a justificação das suas afirmações.
- Polytechnic Institutes in Portugal: research on the impact of twelve institutes on the local economyPublication . Oliveira, Pedro; Moreira, Sandrina BerthaultHigher Education Institutions are recognized as important actors in regional development. The Portuguese higher education system comprises both Universities and Polytechnic Institutes, which face an increasing pressure to demonstrate that their presence has an impact on the surrounding communities contributing to their economic development. This paper presents the estimation of the economic impact of twelve Polytechnic Institutes, located in quite diverse regions, based on a shared model so that comparisons have a collective framework of analysis. The main results obtained show that the economic impact ranged from 1.8% to 10.6% of the local GDP and that these Institutes are major local employers.
- The importance of principal components in studying mineral prices using vector autoregressive models: evidence from the Brazilian economyPublication . Ramser, Claudia Aline de Souza; Souza, Adriano Mendonça; Souza, F. M.; da Veiga, Claudimar Pereira; da Silva, Wesley Vieirahis study examines the impact of the main Brazilian mineral commodity prices negotiated in trade balance using vector autoregressive models (VAR) in the Brazilian economy in a short-term period. VAR models were applied to the full original data and then to the data dimensionality reduced by principal components denoted by PC-VAR (principal component - vector autoregressive). In the study cases, Cholesky decomposition impulse response and variance decomposition were performed and compared in terms of short run co-movements to identify the most effective model. The applied PC-VAR methodology led to a significant reduction of variables, and similar co-movements were obtained in the short-term period when an impulse response was applied and compared to an unrestricted vector autoregressive. The proposed method also identified the most important variables that affect the other variables in the Brazilian economy and have the same co-movements.
- Future gamma-ray missions’ polarimetric prospectsPublication . Cortez, A. F. V.; da Silva, R. M. Curado; Rodriguez, G.; Cumani, P.; Morselli, A.; Hernanz, M.; Tatischeff, V.; Moita, M.; Maia, J. M.; Von Ballmoos, P.; Zoglauer, A.