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A antissepsia cirúrgica é a etapa realizada antes das intervenções cirúrgicas que
permite a eliminação dos microrganismos presentes no local da incisão cirúrgica. Esta
técnica permite ao cirurgião a realização dos procedimentos de maneira asséptica, ou
seja, sem a presença de microrganismos no local capazes de provocar a infeção do sítio
cirúrgico. Para perceber qual o método de antissepsia que alcançava melhores
resultados, o estudo pretendeu entender a eficácia de diferentes protocolos de
antissepsia, usando antissépticos como clorohexidina, álcool e iodopovidona. Para a
obtenção de resultados foram retiradas amostras da pele em 3 etapas do procedimento
cirúrgico que posteriormente foram cultivadas e analisadas. Concluiu-se que a antissepsia
cirúrgica realizada com a associação de clorohexidina e álcool permitiu uma redução
eficaz da carga bacteriana da pele. Para além da análise dos protocolos de antissepsia, foi
realizado um questionário aos centros de atendimento médico-veterinário para
perceber as condições que estes apresentam a nível cirúrgico, desde a antissepsia a
outras diferentes técnicas capazes de reduzir a SSI. Foi concluído que, atualmente, ainda
não são seguidas todas as indicações expectáveis capazes de garantir uma segurança ideal
em ambiente cirúrgico.
Surgical antisepsis is the stage performed before surgical interventions that allows the removal of microorganisms present at the site of the surgical incision. This technique allows the surgeon to perform the procedures aseptically, that is, without the presence of microorganisms at the site capable of causing surgical site infection. To understand which antisepsis method achieved the best results, the study aimed to understand the effictiveness of different antisepsis protocols, using antiseptics such as chlorohexidine, alcohol and povidone-iodine. To obtain results, skin samples were taken at 3 stages of the surgical procedure and then cultured and analyzed. It was concluded that the surgical antisepsis performed with the association of chlorohexidine and alcohol allowed the effective reduction of the bacterial load that was previously present on the skin. In addition to the analysis of antisepsis protocols, a questionnaire was shared with the medical-veterinarian care centers to understand the conditions that they present at the surgical level, from antisepsis to other different techniques capable of reducing SSI. It was concluded that, at present, not all expected indications capable of ensuring optimal safety in the surgical environment are followed.
Surgical antisepsis is the stage performed before surgical interventions that allows the removal of microorganisms present at the site of the surgical incision. This technique allows the surgeon to perform the procedures aseptically, that is, without the presence of microorganisms at the site capable of causing surgical site infection. To understand which antisepsis method achieved the best results, the study aimed to understand the effictiveness of different antisepsis protocols, using antiseptics such as chlorohexidine, alcohol and povidone-iodine. To obtain results, skin samples were taken at 3 stages of the surgical procedure and then cultured and analyzed. It was concluded that the surgical antisepsis performed with the association of chlorohexidine and alcohol allowed the effective reduction of the bacterial load that was previously present on the skin. In addition to the analysis of antisepsis protocols, a questionnaire was shared with the medical-veterinarian care centers to understand the conditions that they present at the surgical level, from antisepsis to other different techniques capable of reducing SSI. It was concluded that, at present, not all expected indications capable of ensuring optimal safety in the surgical environment are followed.
antissepsia cirúrgica infeção do sítio cirúrgico clorohexidina antissépticos surgical antisepsis surgical site infection
Rodrigues, S.P.(2023).Antissepsia Cirúrgica- Comparação de diferentes protocolos na preparação do campo cirúrgico em animais de companhia. Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas. 2023
Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas