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Segundo os indicadores demográficos, o envelhecimento da força de trabalho é um assunto cada vez mais pertinente e factual, assistindo-se a um contraste cada vez mais efetivo dos grupos etários mais velhos a aumentarem e os mais jovens a diminuírem de proporção em relação ao total da população em idade ativa.
Prolongar a vida ativa profissional, além de constrangimentos nos trabalhadores mais idosos face ao declínio natural da capacidade de trabalho, constitui um desafio em matéria de segurança e saúde, dada a necessidade de assegurar medidas para proteção do envelhecimento que atendam os recursos do trabalhador e as exigências do trabalho.
O objetivo geral deste estudo visa identificar no âmbito segurança e saúde no trabalho, medidas e práticas inclusivas de diversidade etária, que colaborem na proteção do envelhecimento no trabalho, sustentado nos resultados obtidos de índice de capacidade para o trabalho com os profissionais da oficina de mecânica-auto.
Esta investigação é baseada no método quantitativo e utilizou o instrumento Work Ability Index (WAI), desenvolvido pelo Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, traduzido de Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT), que reflete a aplicação de um questionário individual de autoavaliação sobre as exigências físicas e mentais do trabalho, do estado de saúde e dos recursos do trabalhador.
O resultado médio global de ICT obtido com 24 trabalhadores, demonstrou uma capacidade de trabalho moderada, refletindo a necessidade de uma intervenção que contemple medidas e práticas que promovam a melhoria da capacidade para o trabalho.
Pretende-se que o tema proposto para o estudo, contribua para a promoção do bem-estar dos profissionais no local de trabalho e traduza, nos meios decisores, uma maior sensibilização acerca da problemática do envelhecimento da força de trabalho na generalidade das atividades desenvolvidas na organização.
According to demographic indicators, the aging of the workforce is an increasingly pertinent and factual issue, with an increasingly effective contrast between older age groups increasing and younger age groups decreasing in proportion to the total of the working-age population. Prolonging the working life, in addition to constraints on older workers in the face of the natural decline in work capacity, is a challenge in terms of safety and health, given the need to ensure measures to protect against aging that meet the resources of the worker and the demands of the job. The general objective of this study is to identify, in the field of safety and health at work, measures and practices that are inclusive of age diversity, which collaborate in the protection of aging at work, based on the results obtained from the index of ability to work with the professionals of the auto mechanic workshop. This investigation is based on the quantitative method and used the Work Ability Index (WAI) instrument, developed by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, translated from the Work Ability Index (ICT), which reflects the application of an individual self-assessment questionnaire on the physical and mental demands of work, health status and worker resources. The global mean result of WAI obtained with 24 workers demonstrated a moderate work capacity, reflecting the need for an intervention that includes measures and practices that promote the improvement of work ability. It is intended that the theme proposed for the study contributes to the promotion of the well-being of professionals in the workplace and translates, in decision-making circles, greater awareness about the issue of the aging of the workforce in most activities carried out in the workplace organization.
According to demographic indicators, the aging of the workforce is an increasingly pertinent and factual issue, with an increasingly effective contrast between older age groups increasing and younger age groups decreasing in proportion to the total of the working-age population. Prolonging the working life, in addition to constraints on older workers in the face of the natural decline in work capacity, is a challenge in terms of safety and health, given the need to ensure measures to protect against aging that meet the resources of the worker and the demands of the job. The general objective of this study is to identify, in the field of safety and health at work, measures and practices that are inclusive of age diversity, which collaborate in the protection of aging at work, based on the results obtained from the index of ability to work with the professionals of the auto mechanic workshop. This investigation is based on the quantitative method and used the Work Ability Index (WAI) instrument, developed by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, translated from the Work Ability Index (ICT), which reflects the application of an individual self-assessment questionnaire on the physical and mental demands of work, health status and worker resources. The global mean result of WAI obtained with 24 workers demonstrated a moderate work capacity, reflecting the need for an intervention that includes measures and practices that promote the improvement of work ability. It is intended that the theme proposed for the study contributes to the promotion of the well-being of professionals in the workplace and translates, in decision-making circles, greater awareness about the issue of the aging of the workforce in most activities carried out in the workplace organization.
Envelhecimento no trabalho, gestão da segurança e saúde no trabalho, atividade de mecânica-auto, índice de capacidade para o trabalho Aging at work, occupational health and safety management, auto-mechanic activity, work ability index