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A investigação surge perante uma maior sensibilidade para as questões de
harmonização das construções com o meio ambiente, de forma a se otimizar
a utilização dos recursos naturais disponíveis (vegetação, sol, vento e água) e
se elaborar um projeto de um Centro de Pesquisa de Arquitetura Bioclimática
em Viana do Castelo.
Os objetivos da investigação são a determinação de estratégias e sistemas de
aquecimento e arrefecimento que contribuam para a definição de um
projeto de um Centro de Pesquisa em Arquitetura Bioclimática em Viana do
Castelo, assim como do respectivo programa e projeto.
A metodologia de investigação estabelecida é a do multicasos, que teve por
base técnicas de análise documental, de forma a recolher informação para
obter conhecimentos necessários. O trabalho é composto por cinco partes: as
duas primeiras têm por base a introdução e a base teórica; as duas seguintes
correspondem jà análise de casos de estudo e do lugar; e a última parte é
dedicada às conclusões gerais e específicas.
O projeto teve por base as linhas de orientação a partir da base teórica,
análise dos casos de estudo e análise do lugar. A estratégia teve em
consideração as diversas vertentes a considerar para o enquadramento do
projeto em termos geográfico, e características específicas, como orientação,
envolvente, programa, sistema construtivo, ganhos em termos de
aquecimento e arrefecimento, integração de energias renováveis entre
Após a investigação e o projeto, conclui-se que as estratégias bioclimáticas
recomendadas para o projeto são as adotadas pelos autores dos edifícios
estudados, mas seria importante explorar outras técnicas.
Abstract: The research is based on a greater awareness to the issues of harmonizing buildings with the environment, in order to optimize the use of available natural resources (vegetation, sun, wind and water) and to design a project of a Research Center of Bioclimatic Architecture in Viana do Castelo. The aims of the research are the definition of strategies and systems of heating and cooling that contribute to the design of a Bioclimatic Architecture Research Center in Viana do Castelo, as well as its program and project. The research methodology established is of multicases, which was based on documentary analysis techniques, in order to gather information to obtain necessary knowledge. The work consists of five parts: the first two are based on the introduction and theoretical basis; the following two correspond to the analysis of case studies and the place; and the last part is devoted to general and specific conclusions. The project was grounded on the guidelines based on the theoretical basis, analysis of case studies and analysis of the place. The strategy took into consideration the different aspects to be considered for the project's geographic location, and specific characteristics such as orientation, surroundings, program, construction system, gains in terms of heating and cooling, integration of renewable energy among others. Following the investigation and design, it is concluded that the bioclimatic strategies recommended for the project emerge from the authors of the buildings studied, but it would be important to explore other techniques.
Abstract: The research is based on a greater awareness to the issues of harmonizing buildings with the environment, in order to optimize the use of available natural resources (vegetation, sun, wind and water) and to design a project of a Research Center of Bioclimatic Architecture in Viana do Castelo. The aims of the research are the definition of strategies and systems of heating and cooling that contribute to the design of a Bioclimatic Architecture Research Center in Viana do Castelo, as well as its program and project. The research methodology established is of multicases, which was based on documentary analysis techniques, in order to gather information to obtain necessary knowledge. The work consists of five parts: the first two are based on the introduction and theoretical basis; the following two correspond to the analysis of case studies and the place; and the last part is devoted to general and specific conclusions. The project was grounded on the guidelines based on the theoretical basis, analysis of case studies and analysis of the place. The strategy took into consideration the different aspects to be considered for the project's geographic location, and specific characteristics such as orientation, surroundings, program, construction system, gains in terms of heating and cooling, integration of renewable energy among others. Following the investigation and design, it is concluded that the bioclimatic strategies recommended for the project emerge from the authors of the buildings studied, but it would be important to explore other techniques.
Centro de Pesquisa de Arquitetura Bioclimática Projecto de arquitectura Viana do Castelo