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O presente relatório consiste na descrição do estágio final do curso de
Enfermagem Veterinária, no Badoca Safari Park em Vila Nova de Santo André. O estágio
teve como principal área a medicina de animais selvagens, onde foi possível a aluna
explorar o papel do Enfermeiro Veterinário neste contexto que ainda se encontra em
evolução, desempenhando maioritariamente funções de tratadora, mas também funções
em contexto clínico como administração de fármacos, monitorização cirúrgica,
contenções, necrópsias e pós-operatórios. Foi também possível ganhar conhecimentos
relativamente à gestão de um parque zoológico, nomeadamente do controlo
populacional de espécies de primatas em cativeiro recorrendo à utilização de métodos
contracetivos tendo sido este o tema escolhido para o trabalho. Durante o estágio a
aluna teve oportunidade de trabalhar com todas as espécies de animais tendo
acompanhado um total de 53 casos clínicos dos quais 15 foram referentes à área da
reprodução, e desses quinze, 8 consistiram na aplicação de métodos contracetivos em
primatas. A contraceção é utilizada em primatas com o intuito de gerir o efetivo
populacional de cada espécie bem como prevenir casos de consanguinidade e manter a
diversidade genética das populações. Desta forma, a existência de entidades superiores
como a EAZA são de extrema importância pois permitem orientar as instituições com
a criação de programas de reprodução de espécies em cativeiro. No relatório são
apresentados quatro casos clínicos referentes à aplicação de métodos contracetivos em
primatas em cativeiro que a aluna teve oportunidade de presenciar, relatando diferentes
métodos aplicados (reversíveis e irreversíveis) em espécies de primatas diferentes. Na
análise crítica são discutidos os métodos contracetivos utilizados pela entidade de
acolhimento bem como a sua eficácia nas espécies de primatas em que foram aplicados
tendo por base estudos realizados em primatas em cativeiro. O papel do enfermeiro
veterinário em clínica de espécies selvagens é ainda muito pouco valorizado, sendo uma
área ainda em evolução e que requer uma melhor formação académica para o exercício
das suas funções neste meio
This report is a description of the final internship of the Veterinary Nursing course, at the Badoca Safari Park in Vila Nova de Santo André. The internship had as its main area the wild animal medicine, where it was possible for the student to explore the role of the Veterinary Nurse in this context that is still evolving, performing mainly functions of keeper, but also functions in clinical contexts such as drug administration, surgical monitoring, restraints, necropsies and post-operative. It was also possible to gain knowledge regarding the management of a zoological park, namely the population control of primate species in captivity using contraceptive methods. During the internship the student had the opportunity to work with all species of animals and accompanied a total of 53 clinical cases of which 15 were related to the area of reproduction, and of these fifteen, 8 consisted of the application of contraceptive methods in primates. Contraception is used in primates with the aim of managing the population of each species as well as preventing inbreeding and maintaining the genetic diversity of populations. Thus, the existence of superior entities such as EAZA is extremely important because they allow institutions to guide the creation of breeding programs for captive species. In the report four clinical cases are presented regarding the application of contraceptive methods in primates in captivity that the student had the opportunity to witness, reporting different methods applied (reversible and irreversible) in different primate species. In the critical analysis, the contraceptive methods used by the host entity are discussed as well as their effectiveness in the primate species in which they were applied based on studies conducted in primates in captivity. The role of the veterinary nurse in wildlife clinics is still underestimated and it is an area that is still evolving and requires better academic training to perform their duties in this environment.
This report is a description of the final internship of the Veterinary Nursing course, at the Badoca Safari Park in Vila Nova de Santo André. The internship had as its main area the wild animal medicine, where it was possible for the student to explore the role of the Veterinary Nurse in this context that is still evolving, performing mainly functions of keeper, but also functions in clinical contexts such as drug administration, surgical monitoring, restraints, necropsies and post-operative. It was also possible to gain knowledge regarding the management of a zoological park, namely the population control of primate species in captivity using contraceptive methods. During the internship the student had the opportunity to work with all species of animals and accompanied a total of 53 clinical cases of which 15 were related to the area of reproduction, and of these fifteen, 8 consisted of the application of contraceptive methods in primates. Contraception is used in primates with the aim of managing the population of each species as well as preventing inbreeding and maintaining the genetic diversity of populations. Thus, the existence of superior entities such as EAZA is extremely important because they allow institutions to guide the creation of breeding programs for captive species. In the report four clinical cases are presented regarding the application of contraceptive methods in primates in captivity that the student had the opportunity to witness, reporting different methods applied (reversible and irreversible) in different primate species. In the critical analysis, the contraceptive methods used by the host entity are discussed as well as their effectiveness in the primate species in which they were applied based on studies conducted in primates in captivity. The role of the veterinary nurse in wildlife clinics is still underestimated and it is an area that is still evolving and requires better academic training to perform their duties in this environment.
Primatas Cativeiro Métodos Contracetivos veterinários Zoológicos Primates Captivity Veterinary Contraception Methods Zoos
Marques, B,A.B.(2022). Aplicação de Métodos Contracetivos em Primatas em Cativeiro. Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas. Elvas
Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas