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Nas últimas décadas vimos assistindo a uma enorme transformação na cultura do olival.
Passamos de um olival tradicional de sequeiro, com uma densidade de plantação reduzida (até
200 árvores/ha) e fortemente dependente de mão-de-obra para todas as operações culturais,
para um olival de regadio, mais produtivo, com uma muito maior densidade de plantação (300 a
400 árvores/ha no sistema intensivo e 1600 a 2200 árvores/ha no olival em sebe), fertilizado e
em que a totalidade das operações culturais são mecanizadas. Devido à falta de mão obra para
a colheita, verifica-se que nos últimos anos as plantações são quase exclusivamente de olivais em
sebe, pelo que nos pareceu ser uma temática pertinente a estudar e para aprofundar
conhecimentos. O estágio foi realizado na empresa De Prado Plantaciones, que corresponde a
um departamento da empresa De Prado e que se dedica à plantação de novos olivais conduzidos
em sebe, quer para a própria empresa quer para clientes externos. Durante o estágio foi possível
acompanhar a quase totalidade das operações necessárias para a instalação de um olival em sebe
numa parcela de 43 ha, para um cliente externo à empresa, no Perímetro de Rega do Caia, em
Elvas. Vimos as máquinas utilizadas bem como todas técnicas necessárias para uma boa execução
das operações. Tivemos acesso aos custos das diferentes fases de instalação do olival, pelo que
conseguimos apurar um custo total de 10 074.79 €/ha, em que a plantação propriamente dita
(materiais e mão de obra) e o sistema de rega (construções, materiais e mão de obra)
representam a maioria dos custos, mais concretamente 44% e 32% do custo total,
respetivamente. Tivemos ainda a oportunidade de acompanhar e participar noutros trabalhos
realizados noutras propriedades, o que permitiu ver o profissionalismo dos técnicos da empresa
e a excelente organização das operações nas diversas empreitadas. Pelo que podemos assistir,
dado que a plantação de olivais em sebe vai continuar nos próximos anos, a De Prado
Plantaciones tem um futuro promissor. É também uma área com grandes oportunidades de
emprego para jovens técnicos com formação superior, pelo que nos parece que a aposta que
fizemos em escolher este estágio poderá ser compensadora na nossa carreira profissional
In the last few decades we have seen a huge transformation in the olive grove crop. We went from a traditional rainfed olive grove, with a reduced planting density (100 to 200 trees/ha) and heavily dependent on labor for all cultural operations, to an irrigated olive grove, more productive, with a much greater planting density (300 to 400 trees/ha in the intensive system and 1600 to 2200 trees/ha in the hedged olive grove), fertilized and with all cultural operations being mechanized. Due to the lack of agricultural workers for the harvest, in recent years, the new olive groves plantations are almost exclusively made in hedges. Because of this reality, it seemed relevant to us to study and deepen our knowledge about this type of olive orchard. The internship was carried out at De Prado Plantaciones company, which corresponds to a department of the De Prado company and has as its core business the plantation of olive groves conducted in hedges, both for the company itself and for external customers. During the internship, it was possible to monitor almost all the operations necessary for the installation of a new olive grove in hedges for a client outside the company, in a 43 ha area located in the Caia Irrigation Perimeter, in the Elvas municipality. We saw the machines used as well as all the techniques necessary for a good execution of all the operations. We had access to the accountability for the new olive grove and we were able to calculate a total cost of €10 074.79/ha, in which the planting itself (materials and labor) and the irrigation system (buildings, materials and labor) represent the majority of costs, 44% and 32% of the total cost, respectively. We also had the opportunity to accompany and participate in other works carried out in other properties, which allowed us to see the professionalism of the company's technicians and the excellent organization of operations in the various contracts. From what we can see, given that the planting of olive groves in hedges will continue in the coming years, the De Prado Plantaciones has a promising future. It is also an area with great job opportunities for young technicians with higher education, so it seems to us that the bet we made in choosing this internship could be rewarding in our professional career.
In the last few decades we have seen a huge transformation in the olive grove crop. We went from a traditional rainfed olive grove, with a reduced planting density (100 to 200 trees/ha) and heavily dependent on labor for all cultural operations, to an irrigated olive grove, more productive, with a much greater planting density (300 to 400 trees/ha in the intensive system and 1600 to 2200 trees/ha in the hedged olive grove), fertilized and with all cultural operations being mechanized. Due to the lack of agricultural workers for the harvest, in recent years, the new olive groves plantations are almost exclusively made in hedges. Because of this reality, it seemed relevant to us to study and deepen our knowledge about this type of olive orchard. The internship was carried out at De Prado Plantaciones company, which corresponds to a department of the De Prado company and has as its core business the plantation of olive groves conducted in hedges, both for the company itself and for external customers. During the internship, it was possible to monitor almost all the operations necessary for the installation of a new olive grove in hedges for a client outside the company, in a 43 ha area located in the Caia Irrigation Perimeter, in the Elvas municipality. We saw the machines used as well as all the techniques necessary for a good execution of all the operations. We had access to the accountability for the new olive grove and we were able to calculate a total cost of €10 074.79/ha, in which the planting itself (materials and labor) and the irrigation system (buildings, materials and labor) represent the majority of costs, 44% and 32% of the total cost, respectively. We also had the opportunity to accompany and participate in other works carried out in other properties, which allowed us to see the professionalism of the company's technicians and the excellent organization of operations in the various contracts. From what we can see, given that the planting of olive groves in hedges will continue in the coming years, the De Prado Plantaciones has a promising future. It is also an area with great job opportunities for young technicians with higher education, so it seems to us that the bet we made in choosing this internship could be rewarding in our professional career.
olivicultura olea europaea custos de plantação azeitona de mesa Olive crop planting costs olive tree planting operations
Nunes, F.J.S. (20200). Acompanhamento da plantação de olivais em sebe no Alentejo. Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas. Elvas
Escola Superior Agrária de Elvas