A measurement of the production cross section ratio σ(χb2(1P))/σ(χb1(1P)) is presented. The χb1(1P) and χb2(1P) bottomonium states, promptly produced in pp collisions at s=8 TeV , are detected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC through their radiative decays χb1,2(1P)→ϒ(1S)+γ . The emitted photons are measured through their conversion to e+e− pairs, whose reconstruction allows the two states to be resolved. The ϒ(1S) is measured through its decay to two muons. An event sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.7 fb−1 is used to measure the cross section ratio in a phase-space region defined by the photon pseudorapidity, |ηγ|<1.0 ; the ϒ(1S) rapidity, |yϒ|<1.5 ; and the ϒ(1S) transverse momentum, 7<pTϒ<40 GeV . The cross section ratio shows no significant dependence on the ϒ(1S) transverse momentum, with a measured average value of 0.85±0.07(stat+syst)±0.08(BF) , where the first uncertainty is the combination of the experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties and the second is from the uncertainty in the ratio of the χb branching fractions.