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O presente trabalho descreve o estágio curricular realizado na Unidade Clínica
da Coudelaria de Alter Real, que teve como objetivo consolidar conhecimentos tanto
na área de medicina e cirurgia como reprodução equina. Durante o período de estágio
desde o dia 2 de Março até 30 de Junho de 2020 (interrupção desde o dia 16 de Março
até 12 de Maio, devido ao Covid-19) realizaram-se 7 consultas de dentisteria, 21 exames
de claudicação, 27 tratamentos com laser, 36 inseminações artificiais, 89 diagnósticos de
gestação e 55 recolhas de sémen.
A prestação de cuidados odontológicos é considerada essencial para a saúde dos
equinos, influenciando tanto a condição corporal como a performance desportiva do
animal, e deles faz parte a execução de exames periódicos de manutenção da cavidade
oral, de modo a corrigir possíveis alterações que resultaram da domesticação e
estabulação dos cavalos (Allen, 2003). Para melhor perceber essas alterações dentárias
é necessário ter em conta a anatomia dos dentes, assim como os constituintes dos
mesmos. O domínio da odontologia é importante sobretudo quando se pretende
estimar a idade de um cavalo recorrendo a sua dentição, e compreender a mecânica de
mastigação, que sofreu inúmeras alterações ao longo dos séculos consoante a variação
do tipo de alimento ingerido, tendo como principal consequência o possível
aparecimento de patologias dentárias (Silva, 2009). As alterações dentárias mais
frequentes são os padrões de desgaste anormais nos pré-molares e molares,
complicações devido a presença dos dentes de lobo, fraturas dentárias, presença de
úlceras, rampas, ganchos, pontas de esmalte, entre outras (Allen, 2003).
Conclui-se que para a prevenção, identificação e posterior resolução de todas
estas alterações odontológicas é essencial o uso dos principais métodos de inspeção da
cavidade oral, assim como os instrumentos e metodologias terapêuticas utilizados na
resolução dos problemas dentários e detetar os sinais mais comuns apresentados pelo
The present work describes the curricular internship carried out at the Unidade Clínica da Coudelaria de Alter Real, and its objective was to consolidate knowledge both in the area of medicine and surgery and equine reproduction. During the internship period, from the 2d of March, to June 30, 2020 (interruption from March 16 to May 12, due to Covid-19), 7 dentistry consultations, 21 lameness tests, 27 laser treatments, 36 artificial inseminations, 89 pregnancy diagnoses and 55 semen collections were carried out. The provision of dental care is considered essential for the health of horses, influencing both the body condition and the sporting performance of the animal, and includes performing periodic examinations to maintain the oral cavity, in order to correct possible changes that resulted from the domestication and housing of horses (Allen, 2003). To better understand these dental changes it is necessary to take into account the anatomy of the teeth, as well as their constituents. The field of dentistry is important, especially when it is intended to estimate the age of a horse using its teeth, and to understand the mechanics of chewing, which has undergone numerous changes over the centuries, depending on the variation of the type of food ingested, with the main consequence of possible appearance of dental pathologies (Silva, 2009). The most frequent dental changes are abnormal wear patterns in premolars and molars, complications due to the presence of wolf teeth, dental fractures, the presence of ulcers, ramps, hooks, enamel tips, among others (Allen, 2003). In conclusion, for the prevention, identification and subsequent resolution of all these dental changes, it is essential to use the main methods of inspection of the oral cavity, as well as the therapeutic instruments and methodologies used to solve dental problems and to detect the most common signs presented by the horse
The present work describes the curricular internship carried out at the Unidade Clínica da Coudelaria de Alter Real, and its objective was to consolidate knowledge both in the area of medicine and surgery and equine reproduction. During the internship period, from the 2d of March, to June 30, 2020 (interruption from March 16 to May 12, due to Covid-19), 7 dentistry consultations, 21 lameness tests, 27 laser treatments, 36 artificial inseminations, 89 pregnancy diagnoses and 55 semen collections were carried out. The provision of dental care is considered essential for the health of horses, influencing both the body condition and the sporting performance of the animal, and includes performing periodic examinations to maintain the oral cavity, in order to correct possible changes that resulted from the domestication and housing of horses (Allen, 2003). To better understand these dental changes it is necessary to take into account the anatomy of the teeth, as well as their constituents. The field of dentistry is important, especially when it is intended to estimate the age of a horse using its teeth, and to understand the mechanics of chewing, which has undergone numerous changes over the centuries, depending on the variation of the type of food ingested, with the main consequence of possible appearance of dental pathologies (Silva, 2009). The most frequent dental changes are abnormal wear patterns in premolars and molars, complications due to the presence of wolf teeth, dental fractures, the presence of ulcers, ramps, hooks, enamel tips, among others (Allen, 2003). In conclusion, for the prevention, identification and subsequent resolution of all these dental changes, it is essential to use the main methods of inspection of the oral cavity, as well as the therapeutic instruments and methodologies used to solve dental problems and to detect the most common signs presented by the horse
Dentistry Prevention Sports performance Dental pathologies Odontologia Performance desportiva Equina Patologias dentárias