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A cooperative multicriteria group decision aiding tool: a guide tour of the desktop application

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The main features of the adaptation to a face-to-face cooperative group approach of an interactive decision support tool previously developed with the aim of supporting decisions concerning multicriteria location problems are described. In the application implemented there is no inter-criterion aggregation, so there is no need to reduce the various evaluation dimensions into the same scale. It allows for the individual intervention of several elements of the group, includes some logical tools as well as the possibility of introducing constraints. Furthermore, it propitiates an extensive use of interactive graphics. A guided tour of the desktop application emphasizing its potentialities and limitations is presented.


Trabalho apresentado na 17th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, 14-18 agosto de 2017, Estugarda, Alemanha


Cooperative group decision Multicriteria analysis Interactive decision support tool


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