Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022-07-06"
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- The paradox between sustainability and fashion:Implementation of sustainable education in the fashion industryPublication . Machado, Maria Helena Pernes Silvano Cisneiros; Nogueira, MafaldaThe fashion industry is the fourth most damaging industry in the world and the detriment to the environment is going as fast as the industry is growing, making it critical to explore sustainable practices to cut the problem at the root, the consumers. Hence, this dissertation aims to understand the possibility of implementing sustainable education in the fashion industry for the Gen Z of the Portuguese market. This research uses a qualitative approach done with thirteen interviews which were interpreted with a content analysis to identify and analyze the perceptions of Gen Z consumers on fashion brands and sustainable practices in the industry. This work was designed from the concept of consumer education to provide insights of Gen Z consumers on how it can be adapted for sustainability purposes to help fashion businesses become greener. To do such implementation this study also set out to identify the type of consumer present in the sample for an optimate outcome. Results showed a lack of knowledge from Gen Z about sustainability as well as an absence of curiosity if not for personal gain, there was also a global judgment of deceitfulness by brands on the matter of green practices. Lastly, Type 1: Consumer Information, Protection and Advocacy and Type 3: Critical Approach for Self-interest were identified within the sample of Gen Z Portuguese consumers, given that the latter was less prominent. Overall, the introduction of sustainable education seems promising for this generation’s improvement as well as a mutual dialogue between fashion brands and consumers to reach a better and more sustainable future.
- Online customer engagement on instagram: An analysis of subscription video-on-demand services’ postsPublication . Simões, Bárbara Gomes; Salomão, MiriamSocial media has become one of the most influential and important virtual platforms, both for users and businesses. Thus, there has been a growing necessity for insight into what works for each industry. That leads to this study’s main goal, which is to investigate the influence of social media posting of subscription video-on-demand services (Netflix Portugal, Disney Plus Portugal and HBO Portugal) on Portuguese customer engagement. Therefore, a literature review was conducted about customer engagement, social media post characteristics, eWOM comment valence and the relationship between SVoD services and social media. As a netnography, posts from Netflix Portugal, Disney Plus Portugal and HBO Portugal were collected, over the period of one month, for a total of 142 posts. Also, 3402 comments were analysed using VADER lexicon and sentiment analysis tool. The statistical analyses allowed to conclude that an image and emotional appeal increases the number of likes, the use of a carousel increases the number of likes and comments, while interactivity decreases the number of likes and comments. It is also possible to do a reliable prediction for the number of likes based on the use of a carousel, the interactivity and the post appeal, as well as for the number of comments based on the use of a carousel and interactivity. There was no statistically significant relation between the post characteristics and eWOM comment valence. Managers of SVoD brands can be guided by this research with regard to deciding which characteristics they should use when posting.
- Buildings and places in consumers’ perceptions of authenticity of corporate heritage brands: The Vista Alegre case studyPublication . Oliveira, Ana Teresa Teixeira de; Santos, FernandoWhile being a recent topic in the corporate marketing literature, corporate heritage brands are an acknowledged topic of research. A corporate heritage brand is a brand that embraces its own past in a relevant way, and that takes advantage of that past, in the present and to build a successful future. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of buildings and places in consumers’ perceptions of authenticity in corporate heritage brands. This study was, therefore, designed within qualitative-inductive research, consisting of a single case study. The research process consisted of the analysis of 25 semi-structured interviews. This study’s contributions include geographical proximity of the spaces of corporate heritage brands to the residents, as a reason for consumers to visit the space while the region is part of the brand’s identity. Besides, by including stores from other brands in their space, corporate heritage brands can increase consumers’ chance to visit the space, while developing a cohesive image for consumers. Factors such as the aging of the buildings in the space of corporate heritage brands, as well as the representation of the company’s effort to provide good living conditions for the workers, influence consumers’ assessment of authenticity of the space.
- Representation matters: LGBTQI+ representation in brands’ advertisingPublication . Lopes, Rita Antunes Rebelo Coimbra; Nogueira, MafaldaNowadays, diversity is a major component of competitive advantage for brands, and so they incorporate social messages such as LGBTQIA+ equality into their advertising, as a means of differentiation. Moreover, the LGBTQIA+ market is currently estimated to be worth $18 trillion globally. Hence, the main goal of this dissertation is to explore how LGBTQIA+ consumers respond to brands’ LGBTQIA+ representation in advertising. In order to do so, as this is a qualitative study, 25 semi-structured interviews were conducted, making use of a diverse sample of LGBTQIA+ consumers. Data was analyzed using Bardin’s Content Analysis technique. Results show that there is still a lack of diverse and inclusive LGBTQIA+ representation in advertising and that actually appeals to this group of consumers. Additionally, brands must make a whole-hearted long-term effort to the LGBTQIA+ community, not only in their advertising but also as one of their core values. Finally, various recommendations are given to companies for them to become truly LGBTQIA+ friendly.
- Autoestima e satisfação de vida dos utilizadores da rede social instagramPublication . Campaniço, Mariana; Serra, LídiaAs redes sociais têm evidenciado um crescimento exponencial na última década entre os jovens, com especial atenção para a rede social Instagram. Com esta crescente utilização torna-se crucial conhecer os efeitos da mesma na saúde mental dos seus utilizadores, nomeadamente ao nível do humor deprimido, comparação social, autoestima e satisfação de vida (Frison et al, 2017; Oliveira, 2014; Yeşilyurt et al., 2020). Esta investigação tem como principal objetivo analisar de que forma as características sociodemográficas, de utilização da rede social Instagram e a autoestima explicam a satisfação de vida dos utilizadores. O estudo foi constituído por 300 sujeitos de ambos os sexos, com idades entre os 18 e os 40 anos. Foi utilizado um questionário sociodemográfico, a escala de autoestima de Rosernbeg (versão portuguesa de Pechorro et al., 2011) e a escala de satisfação de vida (versão portuguesa de Simões 1991). Os resultados revelaram que existem diferenças significativas na autoestima em relação à idade dos sujeitos e número de seguidores no Instagram. Em relação à satisfação de vida, as horas de utilização da rede social e o número de seguidores mostraram diferenças significativas nesta variável. A autoestima revelou uma corrrelação significativa com a satisfação de vida, assim como um poder preditivo da mesma. Concluindo, as características de utilização da rede social Instagram influenciam a autoestima e satisfação de vida dos seus utilizadores e, a autoestima é um importante preditor de satisfação de vida, o que podem ser variáveis importantes a considerar em programas de sensibilização dos utilizadores em prol da sua saúde mental.
- Promoting Education for Sustainable Development: A Collaborative Project Between a Higher Education Institution and the Surrounding School CommunityPublication . Mateus, D. M. R.; Costa, Maria Cristina; Gomes, Marcela M. M. S.; Pinho, Henrique J. O.This chapter describes good practices developed by a higher education institution from Portugal in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In addition to discussing the role of higher education in society, it also focuses on an intervention project on the local school community aimed at raising awareness and disseminating good attitudes related to Sustainable Development (SD). The intervention project results from a partnership between a higher education institution, a teachers training centre and schools. In this context, several hands-on experiments were developed by higher education teachers, researchers and students, and implemented in a teachers’ professional development programme. Based on questionnaires (N = 63) and participant observation, an empirical study was conducted. Besides increasing their knowledge about SDG, teachers recognized the role of schools in raising awareness to promote SD practices, and valued the role of higher education in supporting them in these initiatives. It is concluded on the importance of developing collaborative partnerships with schools and other stakeholders to raise awareness, disseminate and increase SD practices in the community. The experience developed in the field may interest researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in promoting Sustainable Development initiatives.
- Solidão e sintomas depressivos no idoso institucionalizadoPublication . Jesus, Ludmila Souza Oliveira de; Pinho, Lara Guedes deO presente trabalho de Investigação teve como foco principal confirmar a relação forte e positiva entre Solidão e Depressão no Idoso Institucionalizado. No que tange a pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica, portanto, de caráter misto, desenvolvida no presente, procurou-se estabelecer conexões entre as duas temáticas principais (Solidão e Depressão), em um grupo fundamental: o sujeito idoso, abordando os conceitos e assuntos relacionados aos tópicos, através dos informes disponíveis por desenvolvedores de estudos no universo da Depressão e Solidão no Indivíduo Idoso. No que corresponde à coleta dos dados obtidos, para correlacionar com as duas variáveis estudadas, se fez através da aplicação de questionários, quais foram: Escala da Solidão – UCLA, Escala da Depressão Geriátrica –EDGE, questionário sóciodemográfico e a pergunta única que facilitou a iniciação da comunicação verbal, com os idosos participantes. Fundamentalmente, o presente estudo tem caráter quantitativo, descritivo, correlacional e transversal, desenvolvida em uma população amostral de 22 idosos, acima de 60 anos. As informações sociodemográficas se fizeram importante para conhecer a amostra que seria estudada. Encontrou-se um resultado, praticamente unânime, quanto à percepção de bem-estar do idoso institucionalizado e a comunicação verbal adotada pelo profissional de enfermagem. A partir da análise dos dados, a triangulação das informações coletadas, no que se refere à Sintomatologia Depressiva e Solidão nos idosos Institucionalizados e os benefícios advindos da manutenção de uma comunicação verbal sadia e rica com a Enfermagem e o utente, consegue responder às indagações surgidas ao longo da construção do trabalho, respondendo à problemática inicial e chegando aos objetivos anteriormente traçados, a demonstrar as hipóteses possíveis. Concluiu-se que a implementação deste tipo de comunicação é eficaz para minimizar o sentimento de Solidão e Sintomas Depressivos, sobretudo para a promoção e manutenção das relações sociais nos idosos.
- Rare Earth Market, Electric Vehicles and Future Mobility Index: A Time-Frequency Analysis with Portfolio ImplicationsPublication . Inzamam, Ul Haq; Paulo, Ferreira; Apichit, Maneengam; Worakamol, WisetsriThis study investigates the co-movements between the Solactive Electric Vehicle and Future Mobility Index (EVFMI) and multiple rare earth elements (REEs). We applied a TVP-VAR model and bivariate wavelet coherence approach to capture co-movements both in the time and frequency domain considering short-, medium- and long-term investment horizons. Using daily returns from 1 June 2012 to 4 June 2021, the results of the TVP-VAR model show that individual REEs and the EVFMI have strong return connectedness and are heterogenous over time. The bivariate wavelet coherence approach reveals that Dysprosium, Neodymium, Praseodymium and Terbium returns have positive co-movement (in-phase) with the EVFMI in the medium-term and long-term. In contrast, Cerium, Europium, Lanthanum and Yttrium returns have negative co-movements (out-phase) with the EVFMI in the medium-term and long-term. We find strong positive co-movements between the MVIS Global Rare Earth/Strategic Metals Index (MVREMX) and EVFMI at multiple wavelet scales. Following the lead/lag relationship, Cerium, Europium and Lanthanum, Yttrium returns are leading the EVFMI, and Neodymium, Dysprosium, Praseodymium, Terbium and MVREMX returns are lagging to the EVFMI. This study, therefore, suggests heterogenous hedging and diversification properties of REEs over time and investment horizons. Specifically, Cerium, Europium, Lanthanum and Yttrium act as strong hedges in long-term investment horizons and Neodymium, Dysprosium, Praseodymium and Terbium are weak hedges or diversifiers in short-term investment horizons. These results may be of particular interest to investors and relevant to policymakers considering multiple investment horizons.
- Profiling Criminal - validade e riscos associadosPublication . Sedas, Guilherme Leal de Barros; Fontes, JoséA presente dissertação surge no âmbito do curso de mestrado em Ciências Policiais, área de especialização em Criminologia e Investigação Criminal do Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna. O profiling criminal, associado à disciplina da Psicologia Forense, é uma técnica auxiliar na investigação criminal bastante utilizada no desbloqueamento de crimes considerados mais graves como homicídios, abusos sexuais a crianças e adolescentes, sequestros e situações associadas a incêndios. Sendo uma estratégia adotada por um grande número de países estrangeiros, é nosso objetivo analisar e estudar (ainda que de forma exploratória) a validade e a utilidade da mesma bem como as suas limitações, não só num contexto geral como na aplicação à realidade portuguesa. Será abordado, também, o enquadramento histórico do profiling, a sua aplicação em diversos casos na esfera criminal, matérias como o crime linkage, a vitimologia e os riscos que poderão estar associados à utilização desta técnica.