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O abuso sexual contra crianças é um grave problema que ocorre em todo o mundo
e que tem vindo a crescer, particularmente em Cabo Verde. É importante entender que o
abuso sexual não se limita apenas ao contato físico, mas pode incluir qualquer tipo de
comportamento sexual inapropriado que ocorra entre um adulto e uma criança. As crianças
que sofrem abuso sexual muitas vezes sentem-se envergonhadas, assustadas e confusas, pelo
que é importante que recebam o apoio e o tratamento adequados. A denúncia deste tipo de
crime às autoridades competentes, como a polícia ou os serviços sociais, deve ser realizada
para que a vítima possa receber ajuda e o agressor possa ser responsabilizado pelos seus atos.
Tendo em conta a sua incumbência de defender a legalidade democrática e os
direitos, liberdades e garantias das crianças, a Polícia Nacional de Cabo Verde (PNCV) não
pode permanecer alheia a este problema social. Por isso, torna-se necessário que a atuação
da Polícia se adeque aos condicionalismos das novas realidades sociais, que estão em
constante mudança. Deste modo, a estratégia preconizada pela Polícia deve basear-se na
prevenção dos problemas e na adoção de um modelo de policiamento que se adapte às
necessidades das crianças.
A presente dissertação teve como objetivo geral identificar os procedimentos
adotados pela PNCV no âmbito da violência sexual contra menores, assim como a legislação
subjacente. Para tal foi utilizada uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, baseada na
realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas, com vista a conhecer a realidade operacional, a
componente colaborativa e formativa policial no âmbito da violência sexual contra menores.
Sexual abuse against children is a serious problem that occurs all over the world and that has been growing, particularly in Cabo Verde. It is important to understand that sexual abuse is not just limited to physical contact but can include any type of inappropriate sexual behavior that occurs between an adult and a child. Children who experience sexual abuse often feel ashamed, scared and confused, so it is important that they receive appropriate support and treatment. Reporting this type of crime to the competent authorities, such as the police or social services, must be carried out so that the victim can receive help and the perpetrator can be held accountable for his actions. Given its task of defending democratic legality and the rights, freedoms and guarantees of children, the NPCV cannot remain oblivious to this social problem. Therefore, it is necessary for the Police to adapt to the constraints of new social realities, which are constantly changing. In this way, the strategy advocated by the Police must be based on preventing problems and adopting a policing model that adapts to the needs of children. The present dissertation proposes to identify the procedures adopted by the National Police of Cabo Verde (NPCV) in the context of sexual violence against minors, as well as underlying legislation. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was used, based on semi structured interviews, in order to know the operational reality, the police collaborative and training component in the context of sexual violence against minors.
Sexual abuse against children is a serious problem that occurs all over the world and that has been growing, particularly in Cabo Verde. It is important to understand that sexual abuse is not just limited to physical contact but can include any type of inappropriate sexual behavior that occurs between an adult and a child. Children who experience sexual abuse often feel ashamed, scared and confused, so it is important that they receive appropriate support and treatment. Reporting this type of crime to the competent authorities, such as the police or social services, must be carried out so that the victim can receive help and the perpetrator can be held accountable for his actions. Given its task of defending democratic legality and the rights, freedoms and guarantees of children, the NPCV cannot remain oblivious to this social problem. Therefore, it is necessary for the Police to adapt to the constraints of new social realities, which are constantly changing. In this way, the strategy advocated by the Police must be based on preventing problems and adopting a policing model that adapts to the needs of children. The present dissertation proposes to identify the procedures adopted by the National Police of Cabo Verde (NPCV) in the context of sexual violence against minors, as well as underlying legislation. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was used, based on semi structured interviews, in order to know the operational reality, the police collaborative and training component in the context of sexual violence against minors.
crianças estratégias formação policial segurança violência sexual children strategy police training security sexual violence