Nogueira, MafaldaLopes, Rita Antunes Rebelo Coimbra2022-09-052022-09-052022-07-06, diversity is a major component of competitive advantage for brands, and so they incorporate social messages such as LGBTQIA+ equality into their advertising, as a means of differentiation. Moreover, the LGBTQIA+ market is currently estimated to be worth $18 trillion globally. Hence, the main goal of this dissertation is to explore how LGBTQIA+ consumers respond to brands’ LGBTQIA+ representation in advertising. In order to do so, as this is a qualitative study, 25 semi-structured interviews were conducted, making use of a diverse sample of LGBTQIA+ consumers. Data was analyzed using Bardin’s Content Analysis technique. Results show that there is still a lack of diverse and inclusive LGBTQIA+ representation in advertising and that actually appeals to this group of consumers. Additionally, brands must make a whole-hearted long-term effort to the LGBTQIA+ community, not only in their advertising but also as one of their core values. Finally, various recommendations are given to companies for them to become truly LGBTQIA+ friendly.engAdvertisingLGBTQIA+ RepresentationConsumer BehaviorConsumer PerceptionsBrand ActivismRepresentation matters: LGBTQI+ representation in brands’ advertisingmaster thesis203056876