Madeira, Rui NevesMestre, VanessaFerreirinha, Tânia2017-11-072017-11-072017Madeira, R.N., Mestre, V. & Ferreirinha, T. (2017). Phonological disorders in children? Design and user experience evaluation of a mobile serious game approach. In Wm. Agresti, J. O. Aje, S. Baek, I. Bojanova, F. Bouthillier, F. J. Cantú Ortiz … R. V. McCarthy (Eds.), Procedia – Computer Science(pp. 416–421). 10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.3591877-0509 paper presents the concept and the user evaluation study of the first Super-Fon’s prototype, which is a mobile health app with a serious game approach for Android Tablets. It was developed with the main goal of working as a complement to the therapeutic intervention in phonological disorders in children between 3 and 8 years old. The app comprises a range of activities, grouped into levels, presenting a therapeutic intervention that follows the Metaphon methodology. The serious game dimension was added to better engage children in its use. The paper presents a user study conducted with two groups of children, without and with the phonological disorders. The first one worked as a control group to better help finding out if the prototype is well designed and provides a positive user experience to be well received by the children, engaging them, despite their condition. The results of the study were very positive and promising.engMobile healthspeech-language therapymetaphon methodologyHCIgamificationserious gamesphonological disordersPhonological disorders in children? Design and user experience evaluation of a mobile serious game approachjournal article10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.359